1 | 针对存在的问题,专家们呼吁,中国制鞋业需要进一步提高质量档次、加快产品的更新换代、努力创立自己的名牌、注重拓展外销市场。 | In response to these problems, experts are calling for China’s footwear industry to further improve the quality, speed up product upgrading, work harder on establishing its own brand names and lay more emphasis on expanding overseas markets | |
2 | 只有在怀疑价格的可接受性时方要求进行此种审查。 | The running of a system or a program against a predetermined series of data to arrive at a predictable result for the purpose of establishing the acceptability of the system or program | |
3 | 制定关税税率的基本原则如下:对国内生产不能满足供应的关系国计民生的必需品,给予免税或低税。 | The basic principles for establishing duty rates were as follows: Duty-free or low duty rates were applied to imported goods which were needed for the national economy and the people’s livelihood but which were not produced sufficiently domestically | |
4 | 制定军事发展最高限额的基本要素表 | basic chart for determining factors for establishing maximum limits for military development | |
5 | 中国基督教界早有人提出摆脱外国教士控 | Some Chinese Christians early on expressed their wish to cast off such control and began establishing their own independent christian organizations | |
6 | 中国加入世贸组织对启动新一轮多边贸易谈判、建立国际经济新秩序将起到积极和建设性作用。 | China’s entry into the WTO will play an active and constructive role in starting a new round of multilateral trade talks and in establishing a new international economic order | |
7 | 中国正在进一步推进国有企业改革,建立现代企业制度。 | China was furthering its reform of state-owned enterprises and establishing a modern enterprise system | |
8 | 中国作为观察员国与拉美一体化协会建立一种经常性的联系,将有助于加深相互了解与促进双方的合作。 | Establishing frequent contact between China as an observer country and the Latin American Unification Association will be beneficial for deepening mutual understanding and promoting bilateral co-operation | |
9 | 重商主义封建主义衰退后流行于欧洲的政治经济理论和体系,以积累金块的国家政策为基础,拓展殖民地和商船队,并发展工矿业从而取得有利的贸易平衡 | The theory and system of political economy prevailing in Europe after the decline of feudalism,based on national policies of accumulating bullion,establishing colonies and a merchant marine,and developing industry and mining to attain a favorable balance of trade. | |
10 | 自1979年以来,中国以建立和完善社会主义市场经济为目标,逐步改革其经济体制。 | Since 1979, China had been progressively reforming its economic system, with the objective of establishing and improving the socialist market economy |