属类:文学表达-外国名著-George Gordon Byron
属类:文学表达-外国名著-Pride and Prejudice
1 | (二)以城市房地产或者乡(镇)、村企业的厂房等建筑物抵押的,为县级以上地方人民政府规定的部门; | (2)the departments designated by local people’s governments at or above the county level, if urban real estates or factories and other buildings of township (town)or village enterprises are mortgaged; | |
2 | (欧洲封建时代的)三个等级(在英国为僧侣、贵族和平民). | The three Estates of the Realm,ie(in Britain)the bishops,the lords and the common people | |
3 | “弗朗西丝女士,”他接着说,“是已故拉福顿伯爵直系亲属中唯一的幸存者,你可能记得,遗产都给了儿辈” | “Lady Frances, ”he continued,“is the sole survivor of the direct family of the late Earl of Rufton, The estates went, as you may remember, in the male line. ” | |
4 | 《房委会租住屋、居屋苑及分层工厂大厦停车位半年报告》 | Half-yearly Report on Parking Spaces in Housing Authority Rental Estates , Home Ownership Scheme and Flatted Factory | |
5 | 《公共屋商场标志指南》 | Signage Manual for Shopping Centre of Public Housing Estates | |
6 | 《香港工业公司条例》〔第209章〕 | Hong Kong Industrial Estates Corporation Ordinance [Cap. 209] | |
7 | CAN总线在智能化小区管理系统中的应用 | Application of CAN Bus to the Intelligentized Management System for Local Housing Estates | |
8 | 拜伦继承了爵位,继承了称为“纽斯台德寺院”的大宅邸和已经抵押出去的或已趋于衰败的产业。 | Byron inherited the title, a vast house called Newstead Abbey, and estates already mortgaged or in decay. | |
9 | 处处涌现出的新住宅区. | New housing estates spawning everywhere | |
10 | 从关联理论的角度看广州地区楼盘的译名 | A Relevance-Theoretic Approach to Translation of the Names of Guangzhou Real Estates | |
11 | 当年轻、富有的单身汉彬格莱先生租下附近一处庄园--尼日斐花园时,有五个成年待嫁女儿的班纳特一家顿时为之激动起来。 | When Mr. Bingley, a rich young bachelor, rents Netherfield Park, one of the neighboring estates , excitement stirs in the Bennet family, which includes five marriageable daughters. | |
12 | 敌人们掠夺私人财产。 | The enemies depredated on private estates . | |
13 | 法国大革命前君主制下的三个"等级"代议制议会。三个等级是︰教士、贵族(享有特权的少数)和代表人民大多数的第三等级。 | "In pre-Revolutionary France, the representative assembly of the three "estates " or orders of the realm: the clergy and the nobility (both privileged minorities)as well as the Third Estate, which represented the majority of the people. " | |
14 | 房地产虚拟化及其对经济的影响 | The Virtualization of Real Estates and Its Impacts on Economy | |
15 | 房地产虚拟资产特性研究 | On the Virtual Characteristics of Real Estates | |
16 | 夫妻共有财产 | Estates by the entirety;community property | |
17 | 革命后剥夺了贵族们的地产. | The nobles were dispossessed(of their estates )after the revolution. | |
18 | 革命後剥夺了贵族 | The nobles were dispossessed (of their estates )after the revolution | |
19 | 公共屋标准设施及货车停车设施的检讨 | Review of the Standard and Goods Vehicle Parking Provision in Public Housing Estates | |
20 | 关于业主委员会自我管理物业的探讨 | A Discussion of the Real Estates ’ Self-management by Owner’s Committee | |
21 | 贵贱结亲的有皇族或贵族血统的人与地位较低的人之间缔结的合法婚姻的,此婚姻以较低地位的人及任何一个后代都不能分享皇族或贵族一方的头衔和封地为条件 | Of or being a legal marriage between a person of royal or noble birth and a partner of lower rank,in which it is agreed that no titles or estates of the royal or noble partner are to be shared by the partner of inferior rank nor by any of the offspring of the marriage. | |
22 | 过去,由于美国人开办了橡胶园,在这个小镇里设个领事馆还是必要的。可是,橡胶树业已为油棕榈所代替,大多数美国人也都离开了此地,现在领事馆要由我来收场了。 | The consulate in that little town had been necessary to the American rubber estates , but the rubber trees were being replaced by oil palms, and most of the Americans had left. It was my job to phase out the consulate | |
23 | 海南岛风暴潮灾害承灾体初步分析 | Analyze Estates Loss That Cause by Storm Surge Disaster of Hainan Island | |
24 | 基于主成分分析法的房地产投资环境分析 | A Study of Real Estates Investment Environment Based on Principal Componential Analysis | |
25 | 集团在香港首创"花园城市"式住宅概念,最著名的有海怡半岛与黄埔花园,更将香港的成功经验引进中国内地。 | "The Group pioneered the concept of ""garden city"" large-scale private housing estates in pleasant settings in Hong Kong which, thanks to their success, are extended to China. These include South Horizons and Whampoa Garden." | |
26 | 结果大部分土地产权解体。 | Most of the landed estates were broken up as a result | |
27 | 她丈夫用可疑的手段获得的房地产 | The estates that her husband had questionably acquired | |
28 | 警方昨日表示,一名在五月至本月期间袭击了六名孕妇的青年已落网。 | A teenager has been arrested in connection with attacks on six pregnant women at public housing estates in Wong Tai Sin between May and this month, police said yesterday. | |
29 | 邻里公园对邻近不动产影响之研究:以新竹市为例 | A Study of the Effect of Neighborhood Park on the Adjacent Real Estates : Case of Hsinchu | |
30 | 莫若依我定见,趁今日富贵,将祖茔附近多置田庄房舍地亩,以备祭祀 | I’d like to suggest that while we’re still rich and noble we should invest in some farms and estates near our ancestral tombs to provide for sacrifices. |