属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-最强拍档 Friends united
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-英国社会病 水蜡树和贫困
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-亚洲的兴衰 Boom and bust in Asia
1 | 这一大笔地产的所有权逐渐地四分五裂了。 | Ownership of the large estates is increasingly fragmented. | |
2 | 甄选适当人士与其订立批约;申请批租属下屋村楼宇之方法 | The selection of persons to whom leases may be grantee;the manner in which applications for leases of premises in its estates may be made | |
3 | 政府把大片的私人地产分割开. | The Government has broken up the large private estates . | |
4 | 中东阿拉伯国家划定工业区及工业地区协商小组 | Consultative Group on Industrial Estates and Industrial Areas in Arab Countries of the Middle East-Beirut | |
5 | 最后一次三级会议召开于法国大革命开始时(1789),与会代表借机创立国民议会。 | The last meeting of the Estates General was at the start of the French Revolution in 1789, when the deputies of the Third Estate led in founding the National Assembly. | |
6 | ||1:电影根据真实故事改编,讲述的是菲利普,一个四肢瘫痪的贵族(弗朗索瓦·克鲁塞饰演)和Driss(奥玛·赛饰演)一位来自巴黎郊区破房子里的塞内加尔裔青年之间建立的一段几乎不可能的主仆友情。||2:Driss刑满出狱后,菲利普没有经过考察便立刻雇佣了他,让他负责照顾自己在巴黎豪宅里的生活起居。||3:当别人警告菲利普说这位郊区青年毫无“怜悯之心”时,没有怜悯之心?坐在轮椅上的这位曾经的跳伞健将冷冷的回到:这正是我要找的。 | ||1: Based on a true story, it follows the improbable relationship between Philippe, a quadriplegic aristocrat (Francois Cluzet), and Driss (Omar Sy), a gregarious Senegal-born youth from the banlieues, the grim housing estates that ring Paris. ||2: On his release from prison, Driss is hired by Philippe in a moment of recklessness as a live-in help at his Paris mansion. ||3: Philippe is warned that banlieue youths have “no pity”. No pity, replies the wheelchair-bound former paraglider wryly, is just what I want. | |
7 | ||1:芬顿的最新诗集《黄色郁金香》收录了他1968年至2011年间出版的新旧诗篇,从这些诗,我们可以看到他在这段时间辗转于不同地方的经历。||2:从很多方面来说,能写出这样的诗本身便是很神奇的。||3:一些诗歌是在芬顿1975年逃离柬埔寨之后创作的,也就是红色高棉事件发生之前,一些是香港、德国和菲律宾写的。他曾因各种原因被派到这些地方。||4:这些诗歌以那些被剥削压迫的小旅馆或酒吧,外交晚宴还有乡村庄园为背景,反映了诗人长期背井离乡的记者生涯。||5:他描述了学生的宿醉与心碎(并且在他的诗间,我们可见两者之间离奇的相似之处)。||6:而芬顿最常写的其实是“战争”,以及那些在战争中最没发言权的人们,“那些人为艰苦的地理环境所迫,不得不选择战争”。 | ||1: Covering the period from 1968 to 2011, “Yellow Tulips”, Mr Fenton’s latest collection of new and previously published poems, traces his constant movement from place to place. ||2: In many respects it is remarkable that these poems were written at all. ||3: Some were composed after Mr Fenton fled from Cambodia in 1975, just before it fell to the Khmer Rouge, or in Hong Kong, Germany and the Philippines, where he was posted on various assignments. ||4: They feature downtrodden hotels or bars, diplomatic dinners and country estates , reflecting the life of a journalist who finds himself continually displaced. ||5: He describes student hangovers and heartbreak (and shows the uncanny similarities between the two). ||6: But his most common theme is combat, and how it affects those who have the least say in it, “those whom geography condemns to war”. | |
8 | ||1:取材于真实故事的影片围绕四肢瘫痪的贵族菲利佩(弗兰科斯·库泽特饰)与来自暴力街区(环巴黎的糟糕的居民区)的爱跟人打交道的塞内加尔裔青年迪瑞斯(奥马尔·塞饰)之间本没什么交集的关系展开。||2:出狱后,菲利佩毅然雇佣迪瑞斯为他巴黎宅邸里的全职护工。||3:有人警告菲利佩说暴力街区的青年不值得“怜悯”。||4:这位在轮椅上动弹不得的前滑翔伞运动员反唇相讥:不值得“怜悯”的青年正是我要的。 | ||1: Based on a true story, it follows the improbable relationship between Philippe, a quadriplegic aristocrat (Fran?ois Cluzet), and Driss (Omar Sy), a gregarious Senegal-born youth from the banlieues, the grim housing estates that ring Paris. ||2: On his release from prison, Driss is hired by Philippe in a moment of recklessness as a live-in help at his Paris mansion. ||3: Philippe is warned that banlieue youths have “no pity”. ||4: No pity, replies the wheelchair-bound former paraglider wryly, is just what I want. | |
9 | ||1:在1997年,像布莱尔首相拜访的这种内城居民区充斥着犯罪、贫穷和冷漠。||2:政客们认为情况仍然一如既往。||3:到了2008年,戴维卡梅伦,也就是现任首相,在东格拉斯哥发表了演讲,宣称英国已经“破败了”。||4:现在,这些地方已经不再是国家最为头痛的问题。||5:在过去的几年间,大多数社会痼疾—从犯罪到未成人人怀孕—已经有所缓解。||6:大城市的改善也是前所未有的迅速。||7:然而在市郊和农村地区,尤其是在贫穷的海岸城镇,社会病并未得到有效的缓解甚至更为严重了。||8:那里的居民变成了新一代的“被遗忘的人”。 | ||1: In 1997 inner-city estates like the one Mr Blair visited were rife with crime, deprivation and alienation. ||2: Politicians think they still are. ||3: In 2008 David Cameron, now prime minister, gave a speech in east Glasgow declaring that Britain was “broken”. ||4: Yet such places are no longer the country’s most pressing problem. ||5: Over the past few years most social blights—from crime to teenage pregnancy—have declined. ||6: And the improvement has been fastest by far in the middles of big cities. ||7: In suburban and rural areas, and particularly in poor coastal towns, social ills have been ameliorated less or have even got worse. ||8: Their residents are the new forgotten people. | |
10 | ||1:这些经济体的崛起是以地主退出历史舞台为起点的。||2:封建式的私有地产被没收并分配给了小农户,同时他们还获得了低息贷款和宝贵的经验。||3:Studwell 承认,小农型耕作需要“令人无法想象的”大量劳动力。||4:但这不失为一件好事:因为在二十世纪五十年代,像台湾或是韩国这样贫穷的地区拥有大批劳动力——除此之外也没有别的了。 | ||1:The process began with the ousting of the landlords.||2:Feudal estates were broken up and divided among small farmers, who also received cheap credit and valuable advice.||3:Smallholder farming requires “grotesque” amounts of labour, Mr Studwell concedes.||4:But that is a good thing, because countries as poor as Taiwan or South Korea were in the 1950s have labour—and only labour—in abundance. | |
11 | “从历史上看,财富的根本皆关于土地所有权和大片不动产,”她说道。 | "Historically, wealth was all about land ownership and vast estates , " she says. | |
12 | “这种对比让我深为震惊。”Bleasdale说,“极为深重的穷困在这里与中产阶级的庄园混合在一起。” | "The contrast struck me, " says Bleasdale, "a huge amount of urban poverty mixed up alongside middle-class housing estates . " | |
13 | 长期战中过程中,伊丽莎白曾是他丈夫处于维也纳途中领地的主管。 | During the Long War, Elizabeth Bathory was in-charged with her husband’s estates lying in the route of Vienna. | |
14 | 出租公共屋的紧急管理及维修服务及房屋署查询热线, | Emergency management and maintenance services for public rental housing estates and the Housing Department Enquiry Hotline, | |
15 | 除此之外,还有会议厅式轿车、轿跑车、旅行车和越野车。奔驰一共有15种不同车型的生产线。 | Between these two is a host of saloons, coupes, estates and SUVs: 15 model lines in total. | |
16 | 大多数法属阿尔及利亚人现在居住于点缀首都市郊的衰败贫民区。 | Most now live in the blighted housing estates which dot the outskirts of the capital. | |
17 | 但现在,根据一家中介机构的数字,4月份的最后4天,10个大型住宅项目的销售较一周前下降了49%。 | But now according to one agency, home sales in 10 major housing estates have dropped 49% in the last four days of April from a week earlier. | |
18 | 当代中国社会阶层分化:动力、过程和结构 | The Polarization of the Social Estates of the Current China: drive, process and structure | |
19 | 对我国个人房产开征房产税的几点看法 | Some Opinions on the Property Tax for Private Real Estates in China | |
20 | 房地产合作建房合同效力的认定及处理 | The Cognizance and Treatment of the Validity of Co-Building Contracts in Real Estates Development | |
21 | 房地产宏观调控政策的决策误区及其实证分析 | Blind Spots of Real Estates Microcontrol Policies and Its Case Analysis | |
22 | 房地产金融风险的成因与防范 | Cause of and Precautions against Real Estates Financial Risks | |
23 | 房地产开发建设项目环境影响评价的特点与方法探讨 | Characteristics and Methods of EIA for Real Estates Projects | |
24 | 房委会厘定两个新屋租金 | Housing Authority sets rents for two new estates | |
25 | 房委会通过处理公屋宽敞户的中期措施 | Interim measures approved to tackle under-occupation in public rental estates | |
26 | 夫妻财产制度的道德基础和未来走势 | The Moral Foundation and the Trend in the future of the Estates by entirety | |
27 | 福建省自然保护小区建设管理现状及对策 | Present Situation and Countermeasures of Construction Management of Natural Protective Estates in Fujian | |
28 | 盖拉特称,该公司大多数吸烟棚是由那些位于贸易园区的企业所购买的。 | Most of his shelters, he says, are bought by companies situated on trading estates . | |
29 | 高校房产管理面临的主要问题与对策 | Main Problems and Countermeasures Faced with the Management of the College Real Estates | |
30 | 关于离婚时夫妻财产分割的思考 | Thoughts on Estates Partition Between Divorcing Husbands and Wives |