属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-世界经济 过去和未来时
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-惊人的胜利 亿万富翁掌权格鲁吉亚
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-巴尔干历史 书写过去
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-莱克星顿 卡斯特罗来到华盛顿
1 | ||1:当时和现在一样,美国当年是颠覆性的数字革命的先锋。||2:互联网的出现催生了一阵对美国的前景创新和兴高采烈的乐观情绪。||3:到1999年为止,美国国内生产总值每年增长率超过4%,几乎两倍于富裕国家的平均水平。||4:美国失业率下降至4%,为30年最低点。||5:外国投资者主要集中于提升美元和股票价格。||6:标准普尔500指数升至市盈率的近30倍;科技股疯狂飙升。 | ||1:Then, as now, the United States was in the vanguard of a disruptive digital revolution.||2:The advent of the internet spawned a burst of innovation and euphoria about America’s prospects.||3:By 1999 GDP was rising by more than 4% a year, almost twice the rich-country average.||4:Unemployment fell to 4%, a 30-year low.||5:Foreign investors piled in, boosting both the dollar and share prices.||6:The S&P 500 index rose to almost 30 times earnings; tech stocks went wild. | |
2 | ||1:在其他问题上,伊万尼舍维里一直对暴政深恶痛绝,但是他却不太清楚如何做得与众不同。||2:他承诺他只担任两年的总理。||3:一些人担心一旦胜利的喜悦过后,他领导的由自由主义者、爱国主义者和怪人组成的联合政党会不会保持团结。||4:共和党领导大卫·乌苏帕什维利认为伊万尼舍维里的商业成功表明他具备“一个领导所需的能力”。||5:不明智的人是无法积累如此多的财富的。 | ||1:On other issues Mr Ivanishvili has been full of spleen about misrule, but hazy about what he would do differently.||2:He has promised that he will be prime minister for no more than two years.||3:Some doubt his coalition, of liberals, nationalists and eccentrics, will stay together once the euphoria of victory has passed.||4:David Usupashvili, head of the Republican Party, says that Mr Ivanishvili’s business success shows he has the “ability necessary for a leader”.||5:Such wealth “cannot be assembled by an unwise person”. | |
3 | 塞尔维亚和克罗地亚的历史教科书虽然摆脱了民族主义狂热,却并未公允地陈述史实。变化需要时间。 | Serbian and Croatian books seem to have evolved out of this first phase of nationalist euphoria , but still do not offer a balanced version of events. Change takes time. | |
4 | 这种精神上的愉悦没有持续多久。半个世纪过去了,伟大社会构想的成果备受质疑。左翼不敢想象,没有福利计划和反歧视规则,美国会是什么样子的。右翼把约翰逊的遗产叫做社交工程中的失败体验,使数百万计的人深陷倦怠和依赖之中。 | The euphoria did not last long. Half a century on, the Great Society’s legacy is bitterly contested. The left shudders to imagine America without its welfare schemes and anti-discrimination rules. The right calls LBJ’s legacy a failed experiment in social engineering, trapping millions in listless dependency. | |
5 | “未来某一刻,人们会非常失望,就像他们现在非常欢欣一样。” | "At some point there will be despair just as there is euphoria now. " | |
6 | 4年前奥巴马获胜当晚在格兰特公园(GrantPark)发表演讲时的极度兴奋已成为遥远的记忆。 | The euphoria of his victory-night speech in Grant Park four years earlier is a distant memory. | |
7 | wxEuphoria最近的版本于2005年12月发布,是Euphoria编程语言的一种绑定。 | wxEuphoria was last released in December 2005 and is a binding for the Euphoria programming language. | |
8 | 巴朗在一家精神病医院对一期群体治疗进行了观察,发现病人们也受到了此次“革命”的感染,情绪都很好。 | Baron observed a group-therapy session in one of the psychiatric hospitals and found the patients caught up in the same euphoria . | |
9 | 别指望从证券市场或者房地产上带走太多的投资幸福感,没有什么东西是永远增长的。 | Never get too carried away by investment euphoria , whether for stocks and shares or bricks and mortar - nothing goes up for ever. | |
10 | 不管瘾君子们所追求的极度快感来自甲基安非他命,酒精还是网络赌博,多巴胺都是罪魁祸首。 | Dopamine is responsible for the euphoria that addicts chase, whether they get it from methamphetamine, alcohol, or Internet gambling. | |
11 | 不过分析师认为,一些投资者可能仅是被动追涨贵金属。 | But some investors, analysts argue, are simply being caught up in the euphoria surrounding precious metals investment. | |
12 | 除了在日常生活中帮助人们在进食和性爱中获得愉悦,多巴胺也促使人从毒品中获得快感。 | While dopamine normally helps us feel the pleasure of eating or having sex, it also helps produce euphoria from illegal drugs. | |
13 | 大厅中洋溢着兴奋与狂喜,怎一个“完美”了得。 | There was a kind of euphoria in the hall, something beyond perfection. | |
14 | 但历史上充斥着这样的情形,在狂热的氛围里,当局有关泡沫即将来临的警告被完全无视。 | But history is full of authoritative warnings of trouble to come that have been completely ignored in the euphoria of the moment. | |
15 | 但是很多人认为造成股市上升的原因是相信政府终于准备推动股价上升了。 | But many believed the euphoria stemmed more from a belief that the authorities were finally prepared to prop up share prices. | |
16 | 当交易员手气顺的时候,睾酮水平会直线上升并让他们感到兴奋不已,从而降低了他们对风险的警觉。 | When traders are on a winning streak, their testosterone levels surge, sparking such euphoria that they underestimate risk. | |
17 | 当以追求浪漫爱情带来的欣快感为目的时,爱情就成瘾了。 | Love becomes addictive when that feeling of euphoria which occurs during romantic love becomes the goal. | |
18 | 当属于拥护共同价值的一群人时注定要体验到安乐,毫不夸张地说他们被灌醉。 | We’re wired to experience euphoria when we belong to a band of people championing common values. It literally intoxicates us. | |
19 | 第二年战争结束,“那真是一段幸福安乐的时光,每个人都相亲相爱。” | When the war ended the next year, "it was a time of complete euphoria . Everyone was falling in love with each other. " | |
20 | 对最近的方案,市场并没未产生极大质疑,而是欢欣鼓舞地表示欢迎。 | The markets have greeted the latest package with a wave of euphoria . No great surprise there. | |
21 | 何厚铧就职典礼时那种乐观气氛,如今已是遥远的记忆。 | The euphoria surrounding Mr Ho’s inauguration is now a distant memory. | |
22 | 几个世纪来一次又一次地的金融危机让世人明白一个道理,即乐观、贪婪、狂热和绝望是不分国界的。 | Time and again over the centuries it has been clear that optimism, greed, euphoria and despair do not recognise national boundaries. | |
23 | 几十年前,当美国经济处于衰退时,欧洲正沉浸在战后的愉悦中,而亚洲经济则堪称奇迹。 | During the last U. S. recession decades ago, Europe was in its post cold war euphoria , while the Asian economies were the stuff of miracle. | |
24 | 继周一大涨之后,多数市场昨日出现回落。 | Most markets retreated after Monday’s euphoria . | |
25 | 尽管比赛在快到午夜时结束,李娜的历史性胜利在国内受到了热烈欢迎。 | Li’s historic victory at Roland Garros was greeted with euphoria in China, where the match wrapped up shortly before midnight. | |
26 | 尽管如此,开罗仍然洋溢着革命后的欢快气氛。 | Despite all this, there is still plenty of post-revolutionary euphoria in Cairo. | |
27 | 经历过以往周期的投资者所持的某种怀疑态度,使目前的投资热情有所缓和。 | The current euphoria is tempered by a degree of scepticism from investors who have witnessed previous cycles. | |
28 | 就像价格在狂热期可以被推到远高于价值一样,它们也可以在恐惧时期被打压的远低于价值。 | Just as prices can be driven far above fair value in periods of euphoria , so they can be driven far below it in periods of fear. | |
29 | 就在当选总统转而关注执政问题的时候,他的历史性选举带来的欢欣仍没有消退。 | As the president-elect turns his attention to the business of governing, the euphoria over his historic election has not subsided. | |
30 | 考虑到旺盛的人气和源源不断流向该地区的资金,这场狂欢派对估计不会很快结束。 | Given the euphoria and the funds pouring into the region, it is hard to imagine the party ending any time soon. |