属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-论鹅肝 多少是个度
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-铁娘子 Iron Lady
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-土耳其的明天 驶向往日荣光
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-意大利总统 伦齐如虎添翼
1 | 我们应当去掉浮夸作风。 | We should get rid of proneness to boasting and exaggeration . | |
2 | 我说的有点儿夸张,不过,有许多花大钱做广告的产品自身质量并不高却是事实。 | I say this with a little bit of exaggeration , but the fact is there are many products that spend a lot of money making commercial advertisements but whose quality itself is not at all high. | |
3 | 性张扬的昙花悲剧―重读《西厢记》 | The Transient Tragedy of Sex Exaggeration -Read Xi Xiang Ji Again | |
4 | 意象独特 怪诞夸张―浅论刘震云“故乡系列”小说人物形象塑造 | A Unique Image and Weird Exaggeration -On the Creation of Character Image in Liu Zhen-yun’s "Hometown Series" | |
5 | 元朝时汉人制作,此时岩画艺术已处于衰落期,因此,图案绘制比较粗糙,缺乏早期岩画中充满激情的艺术夸张 | By Han people in the Yuan dynasty, by the time rock picture art was in decline, so these are rather carelessly done and lack the spirited exaggeration of the early ones. | |
6 | 这是托尔斯观点的夸张,因为制药公司还真是花了大笔的钱进行科研--但是,促销与法律方面的支出,正如托尔斯所坚持认为的,是绝不可以忽视的。 | This is an exaggeration on Toles’ part, since these firms really do spend huge sums on science--but promotional and legal expenses are, as Toles insists, far from negligible | |
7 | 这种动物纹样,是经过高度艺术夸张变形而刻划出来的。纹样衬托出一种狰狞、神秘、威严的气氛。 | The animal figures are portrayed with artistic exaggeration and create a ferocious, mysterious and dignified mood. | |
8 | 至少可以这样说;不夸张地说 | Say the least ;without any exaggeration | |
9 | ||1:鹅肝是这世上最富争议的食物之一。||2:支持鹅肝的人说它是最美的珍馐;而反对者则认为制作鹅肝与犯罪无异。||3:鸭鹅被过度灌食后,肝脏将变为正常水平的6至10倍并呈现出美食家所推崇的黄油状,肝脏贮存脂肪的能力被充分挖掘。||4:鸭鹅的祖先需要定期长途迁徙,而这些脂肪可以为其提供充足的能量。||5:制作鹅肝*(用管子或漏斗对鸭鹅灌饲谷物)涉及一个道德问题:这种做法究竟是在可接受的范围内将动物自身的功能发挥至极致,还是一种虐待行为。||6:有意思的是,最近发表的一篇关于制作鹅肝的研究认为,鹅肝的质量取决于这一问题。 | ||1:FOIE GRAS is one of the most controversial dishes on earth.||2:To protagonists, it is simply the finest foodstuff that exists.||3:To those opposed, it is a product of cruelty that is not far short of criminal.||4:The overfeeding of ducks and geese, so that their livers bloat to between six and ten times their normal size and take on a buttery consistency valued by gourmets, exploits the ability of these birds to store large amounts of calorie-rich fat, which was needed to propel them on the long migrations that their wild ancestors would routinely have undertaken.||5:The moral argument over the way foie gras is produced (by feeding the birds with grain, through a tube or a funnel) turns on whether this is merely the permissible exaggeration of a natural inclination, or is tantamount to abuse.||6:Intriguingly, a newly published piece of research on foie-gras production suggests the quality of the product depends on exactly the same distinction. | |
10 | ||1:辛格说索尼娅?甘地在践行她独有的社会主义,这实在有些夸大其词。||2:与其是说走社会主义之路,索尼娅只是在印度大肆发展资本主义的同时更强调保护弱势群体的利益。||3:由于她并没有内阁的席位,索尼娅可以表现得和政府的政策相背而行,当政府的决定不受欢迎时再提出自己的见解。||4:这种象征性的表演常常体现在和与政府频繁进行的政治性协商中。 | ||1:Ms Singh says she follows “her own brand of socialism”, which is an exaggeration .||2:Rather than socialism, it is an emphasis on protecting the disadvantaged even while proceeding with India’s at times rapacious version of capitalism.||3:Since she does not hold a ministerial post, Sonia Gandhi can appear detached from government policy, and row back from difficult decisions when they prove unpopular.||4:A symbolic performance is combined with studious political negotiation. | |
11 | ||1:也许这样的言论太过极端。||2:但是埃尔多安明显有着极大的野心。||3:他在安卡拉附件的Ataturk农场上建立了一座由1150间房间构成的总统府,耗资接近6.15亿美元。||4:而自从2002年由他领导的保守派公正与发展党(AK党)执政之后,他再度启用从1928年之后就被罗马文字取代的奥斯曼语言和文字,并且强制要求在那些培养穆斯林教士的伊玛目哈蒂普学校中必须使用该语言—这类学校的数量在他执政期间增加了几乎四倍之多。 | ||1:That may be an exaggeration .||2:But Mr Erdogan certainly has grandiose ambitions.||3:At Ataturk’s farm near Ankara, he has built a garish new presidential complex with 1,150 rooms at a cost of $615m.||4:He has decreed that the old Ottoman language and script, which Ataturk replaced with a roman one in 1928, be mandatory in the imam hatip schools for Muslim clergy that have nearly quadrupled in number since his conservative Justice and Development party (AK) came to power in 2002. | |
12 | ||1:意大利前政府部长兼宪法法庭法官、73岁的西西里岛人塞尔乔·马达莱拉于2月3日成为意大利的第12届总统。||2:这位新总统的忠实支持者、意大利总理马泰奥·伦齐表示,这位总统的当选将“增强”伦齐的改革。||3:伦齐先生(如图,与马塔雷先生一起),常常言过其实:他面对的未来是“路漫漫其修远兮”。||4:但他却再次显示了其高超的政治技巧。 | ||1:SERGIO MATTARELLA, a 73-year-old Sicilian, constitutional-court judge and former government minister, became Italy’s 12th president on February 3rd.||2:Matteo Renzi, the prime minister who backed him, said his election would “turbocharge” his reforms.||3:Mr Renzi (shown above with Mr Mattarella) is prone to exaggeration : he faces a long, hard climb.||4:But he has again shown formidable political skills. | |
13 | 这种想法有些夸张了。 | This is an exaggeration . | |
14 | “毫不夸张的说,这种机会50年难得一遇,”Maguire说。 | "I don’t think it is an exaggeration to call it a 50-year opportunity, " said Maguire. | |
15 | “那太夸张了。”他说。 | "That’s a gross exaggeration , " he says. | |
16 | “那也太夸张了点吧”他微笑着说。 | "That would be a considerable exaggeration , " he says with a smile. | |
17 | Bason:在Hotwire上能够以二星级的价格入住四星级酒店,这么说绝对没有夸张。 | Bason: It’s really no exaggeration when we say you can find four-star hotels at two-star prices at Hotwire. | |
18 | 报仇、夸大和不断增强的思想对男人的行为影响不大。 | The mentality of revenge, exaggeration and continual reinforcement has little bearing on male behavior. | |
19 | 不夸张地说,这个世界上人口最多的国家现在正处在转折点。 | It is little exaggeration to say that the world’s most populous country is on its heels. | |
20 | 常用的修辞手段主要有:代称、对偶、夸饰、譬喻和迁嫁。 | The typical rhetoric techniques are substituting, matching, exaggeration , metaphor and moving. | |
21 | 称这种性行为是“危险的”可能有些夸张了。 | And calling this sex "dangerous" may be only a slight exaggeration . | |
22 | 出售产品方面的竞争,造成这些趋势的速度和范围被疯狂地夸大。 | Competition to sell products led to wild exaggeration of the pace and scope of these trends. | |
23 | 大多时候,几乎没人听他们在讲些什么,这么说只是稍有点夸张。 | It is only a slight exaggeration to say that, most of the time, almost nobody listens to a word they say. | |
24 | 当然,这多少是有点夸张的说法,——这些老板当中自然还会有一部分是印度人。 | That is a bit of an exaggeration , of course - some of the bosses will be Indian. | |
25 | 当然现在我了解了:至始至终我都知道这个故事之所以好笑就是因为它极度夸张,不着边际的无厘头手法。 | Now of course I had known all along that the humour of the story emanated from its very exaggeration , its absurdly illogical smoothness. | |
26 | 导师心态的张扬与解构 | The Exaggeration and Deconstruction on Teacher’s State of Mind | |
27 | 对于叙利亚的看法,以及与之相关的观点,已经日趋两极分化,这是由于双方互相指控对方大肆夸大事实所致。 | Opinion in Syria, and reporting on it, has become increasingly polarised, with accusations of exaggeration flying on both sides. | |
28 | 仿佛流言是他们唯一感兴趣的东西,他们对夸大其词很享受,戏剧性的东西才能让他们有生气。 | Gossip appears to be the only thing they are interested in and they enjoy exaggeration and little lies to liven up the drama. | |
29 | 该组织发言人极尽夸张之能事,声言若如此,后院烧烤和厨房里的炉子也该被征税。 | Speakers for the group claimed, with exaggeration , that even back-yard barbecues and kitchen stoves would be taxed. | |
30 | 毫不夸张的说,上一次政府如此大规模的、如此迅猛的扩张权力还是在罗斯福的新政时期。 | It is no exaggeration to say that the last time the government expanded this much, this quickly, was under FDR’s New Deal. |