1 | 呼叫或拆线指示器,电话交换台和交换机用的 | call or clear indicator for telephone switch-boards and exchanges | |
2 | 呼叫或拆线指示器,非自动交换台和交换机用 | call or clear indicator for non-automatic switchboards and exchanges | |
3 | 还有几项关于农业合作、交通运输、海洋学、文化交流的附属协议也已准备就绪只待签字。 | Several subsidiary agreement were also ready for signature on agricultural cooperation, transportation, oceanography, cultural exchanges | |
4 | 积极参与区域经济交流和合作。在扩大对外开放中,要十分注意维护国家经济安全。 | We should take an active part in regional economic exchanges and cooperation. In opening wider to the outside world, we must pay great attention to safeguarding our national economic security. | |
5 | 继续扩大对外交往,广交朋友,广泛建立联系,以加大民间交往中经济工作的比重。 | We will further increase the proportion of economic exchange in our nongovernmental contacts by continuing to expand our exchanges with foreign countries, making extensive friendship with foreigners, establishing more external contacts | |
6 | 加强两岸人员往来和经济文化等领域的交流,坚决反对台湾分裂势力。 | We will work with our compatriots in Taiwan to step up personnel exchanges and promote economic, cultural and other interflows between the two sides and firmly oppose the Taiwan separatist forces. | |
7 | 加强区域合作,把同周边国家的交流和合作推向新水平。 | We will step up regional cooperation and bring our exchanges and cooperation with our surrounding countries to a new height. | |
8 | 加强中、西部经济交流和合作,实现优势互补和共同发展,形成若干各具特色的经济区和经济带 | The central and western regions should strengthen economic exchanges and cooperation to complement one another and secure common development so as to form a number of distinctive economic zones and belts. | |
9 | 甲、乙方合资经营的目的是:本着加强经济合作和技术交流的愿望,彩先进而适用的技术和科学的经营管理方法,提高产品质量,发民新产品,并在质量、价格等方面具有国际市场上的竞争能力,提高经济效益,使投资各方获得满意的经济利益。 | The purpose of the parties to the joint venture is in conformity with the wish of enhancing the economic cooperation and technical exchanges , to raise economic results and ensure satisfactory economic benefits for each investor by improving the product quality, developing new products, and gaining competitive position in the world market in quality and price through advanced and appropriate technology and scientific management. | |
10 | 甲乙方合作经营的目的是:本着加强经济合作和技术交流的愿望,采用先进而适用的技术和科学的经营管理方法,提高产品质量,发展新产品 | The goals of the parties to the Cooperative venture are to enhance economic cooperation technical exchanges , to improve the product quality, develop new products | |
11 | 她牺牲荣誉以换取财富。 | She exchanges honor for wealth. | |
12 | 今天,中国学术界和剑桥大学继续保持着良好的交流与合作。 | Today, the Chinese academic community still maintains good exchanges and cooperation with Cambridge. | |
13 | 进一步发展校际交流与合作 | Further promote the intercollegiate exchanges and cooperations | |
14 | 经济方面我们采取两手政策,既要开放,又要有选择性。 | With regard to economic exchanges , however, we are following a dual policy, we keep our doors open, but we are selective. | |
15 | 开展国际经济交往,应该坚持平等互利。 | It is essential to adhere to the principle of equality and mutual benefit in conducting international economic exchanges . | |
16 | 可以鼓励、劝说台湾首先跟我们搞“三通”:通商、通航、通邮。 | They can encourage and persuade Taiwan first to have ``three exchanges ’’ with us, namely, the exchange of mail, trade and air and shipping services. | |
17 | 扩大合作交流 | Expand the cooperative exchanges | |
18 | 劳动力市场信息网络已开始发挥作用,促进了劳动力供求信息的交流,帮助劳动者通过劳动力市场实现就业和再就业。 | In the meantime, the labor market information network has started to display its worth, promoting exchanges of information concerning labor supply and demand, and helping the jobless find employment or reemployment through the labor market | |
19 | 两国之间的技术合作和文化交流正在与日俱增。 | The technical cooperation and cultural exchanges between the two countries are daily on the increase. | |
20 | 那个国家的货币在外汇市场上疲软。 | The currency of that country is weakening on foreign exchanges | |
21 | 纳斯达克(NASDAQ)名下的上市公司在数量上超过了包括纽约证券交易所(NYSE)和美国证券交易所(amex)在内的任何一家美国证券交易所。 | The number of companies listed on NASDAQ is more than that on any of the other stock exchanges in the United States, including the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)and the American Stock Exchange (amex) | |
22 | 能大幅度提高产品产量、质量和性能,有效地降低生产成本,节约能源和材料,促进出口创汇的项目。 | Those projects capable of greatly raising the output of products, improving their quality and performance, effectively reducing the cost of production, economizing on energy and materials and increasing the export of products for foreign exchanges . | |
23 | 年创汇达50万美元 | Earn foreign exchanges totaling $500,000 annually | |
24 | 纽约证券交易所还豁免了受控公司建立一个由大多数独立董事组成的董事会的要求。 | The Exchanges also exempt controlled companies from the requirements of a majority independent board. | |
25 | 如果翻两番,达到两千亿美元,中国同国际上交往的范围不就更大了吗 | If China could quadruple that figure, making it $200 billion, it would have even more exchanges with other countries. | |
26 | 润迅通信集团更同时于香港及新加坡上市(股票代号:香港:989;新加坡:CMTE)。 | It is a listed company on both the stock exchanges of Hong Kong and Singapore [Stock Code-HKEX: 989; SGX: CMTE]. | |
27 | 甚至在那些货币兑换不受限制的罕见情况下,收入数据在不同货币间进行换算,依然会有偏差。 | Even in those quite rare cases where currency exchanges are unrestricted, conversion of income data between currencies is biased | |
28 | 他们就两国的文化交流达成协议。 | They agreed upon the cultural exchanges between the two countries | |
29 | 它是一项社会公益性活动,旨在普及和提高少儿绘画书法艺术的创作能力和鉴赏水平,促进中外儿童的文化艺术交流。 | It is a social activity of the public good aimed at spreading and improving children’s artistic creativity and appreciative abilityand also promoting cultural and artistic exchanges of children around the world. | |
30 | 为发展对外经济合作和技术交流,促进社会主义现代化建设,在广东省深圳、珠海、汕头三市分别划出一定区域,设置经济特区(以下简称特区)。 | "In order to develop economic cooperation and technical exchanges with foreign countries and to promote the socialist modernization programme, certain areas shall be delineated respectively in the three cities of Shenzhen, Zhuhai and Shantou in Guangdong Province for the establishment of special economic zones (hereinafter referred to as ""special zones"")." |