属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ANSI/ASAE EP 446.2-1995
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ANSI/ASAE EP 545-1996
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ANSI/ASAE EP 433-1991
1 | 辣妹们说,她们对赫伯特父子实行的控制忿忿不平,现在终于赢得了自由。 | The girls say they resented the control exerted by the Herberts and won their freedom | |
2 | 利蓓加唱得比她朋友高明得多,而且非常卖力。 | Rebecca sang far better than her friend, and exerted herself to the utmost. | |
3 | 例如:他们也用来确定一个薄片作用在一个质点上的万有引力。 | They were also used, for example, to determine the gravitational attraction exerted by a lamina on particles | |
4 | 流体的静压强是一种应力或压力,作用在容器中流体各点的所有方向上。岩体静压是地壳内部岩体受周围岩石施加的应力,随地表下深度的增加而增加。压强的国际单位是帕斯卡(Pa),等于每平方公尺上1牛顿的力。 | Hydrostatic pressure is the stress, or pressure, exerted equally in all directions at points within a confined fluid. Lithostatic pressure is the stress exerted on a body of rock in the Earth’s crust by surrounding rock, which increases with depth below the surface. The SI unit of pressure is the pascal (Pa), which is equal to one newton of force per square metre. | |
5 | 论童年的缺失性体验对杜拉斯小说创作的影响 | Influence Exerted by Doras’ Personl Experience of Her Childhood’s Sufferings on Her Creation of Short Stories | |
6 | 那位守寡的母亲尽全力让儿子念大学。 | The widowed mother exerted herself to the utmost to send her son to college | |
7 | 那位战士用尽全力把那人从河中拉出来。 | The soldier exerted all his strength to pull the man out of the river | |
8 | 齐美尔所提出的社会学见解,对其后的德国社会学,尤其是马克斯?韦伯的社会学影响甚巨。 | Simmel had developed a sociological perspective which exerted a great influence on subsequent German sociology especially that of Max Weber | |
9 | 浅桶式储藏结构中爱尔兰马铃薯的负载施加的压力 | Loads Exerted by Irish Potatoes in Shallow Bulk Storage Structures | |
10 | 浅贮藏结构上自由流动的谷物的负载施加的压力 | Loads Exerted by Free-Flowing Grain on Shallow Storage Structures | |
11 | 强烈的胞内杀菌作用可以通过骨髓过氧化物酶-过氧化氢-卤素杀菌系统发挥威力。 | Potent intracellular bactericidal action may be exerted through the myeloperoxidase-hydrogen peroxide-halide bactericidal system | |
12 | 然后我发现他们都比我花更多的时间读书。我不能说我比他们笨或诸如此类的,只是他们付出努力更多,以求取得更好的考试成绩。我在杂志上读到一则广告,写着:“不劳则无获”。 | Then I found out that they took more time out to study than I did. I can’t say that I’m dumber than they or anything, it’s just they exerted more effort to do better in our exams. I read in a magazine and advertisement which said, “no pains, no gains”. | |
13 | 若无外力的作用,静止的物体则不会移动。 | A body at rest will not move till a force is exerted on it. | |
14 | 三七总皂甙对肺缺血再灌注时环氧酶-2及其基因表达的影响 | Effect Exerted by Panax Notoginseng Saponins during Lung Ischemia Reperfusion Injury upon cyclooxygenase-2 and Its Genetic Expression | |
15 | 世界经济日益走向一体化,跨国公司影响越来越广泛,知识经济、网络经济时代正在到来 | The world economy is increasingly integrated with each passing day. Transnational corporations have exerted more and more extensive influence and the age of knowledge-based economy and on-line economy is looming near | |
16 | 事实上,物体不受外力作用是不可能的,因为在这个世界上任何物体都要受到重力的作用。 | In fact, it is impossible for no force to be exerted on a body, since in thisworld everything is subject to the force of gravity. | |
17 | 松散谷物对谷仓产生的荷载 | Loads Exerted by Free-Flowing Grain on Bins | |
18 | 孙中山先生致力于国民革命40年。 | For forty years Dr. Sun Yat-sen exerted himself to effect the national revolution | |
19 | 所有这些,对于我们党和国家事业的发展都具有重大而深远的影响 | These events have exerted a great and far-reaching influence on the development of the cause undertaken by our Party and state | |
20 | 他对后来齐白石、潘天寿等人都产生过较大的影响。 | And he exerted great influence on later well-known Chinese painters like Qi Baishi and Pan Tian-shou. | |
21 | 他奋力想赢得比赛。 | He exerted himself to win the race. | |
22 | 他尽力帮助别人。 | He exerted himself to help others. | |
23 | 他们对反对党施加巨大的压力。 | They exerted great pressure on the opposition | |
24 | 他们努力完成了任务。 | They exerted themselves to fulfill the task | |
25 | 他已竭尽全力。 | He has exerted all his strength. | |
26 | 他用尽一切影响力使他们接受他的计划. | He exerted all his influence to make them accept his plan. | |
27 | 他运用他一切的影响使他们接受他的计划。 | He exerted all his influence to make them accept his plan. | |
28 | 谈谈中国文化在21世纪对全世界的影响 | Discussion on the World Influence Exerted By the Chinese Culture in the 21st Century | |
29 | 探索与创新:推进课程改革 | Explorations and Innovations: Efforts Exerted to Promote Curriculum Reform | |
30 | 童年和青年时期的环境暴露对移民的肺癌发生留下了持久的影响。 | Environment exposures in childhood and early adulthood exerted a lasting effect on the long cancer experience of the immigrant cohort |