1 | 但是,用于标识此网站的数字化证书已经过期。 | However the digital Certificate that identifies this site has expired . | |
2 | 当灯泡寿命终结时要予以更换.必须以同样型式和规格的灯泡进行更换. | Change lamp when lifetime expired . Replace expired lamp only with same type and rating | |
3 | 灯熄灭了,整个房间陷入可怕的黑暗里,时钟那时恰巧敲打四点半。 | Immediately afterwards the light expired , and the room was plunged in frightful obscurity, while the clock at that minute struck half-past four | |
4 | 登录失败:指定的帐户密码已过期。 | Logon failure: the specified account password has expired . | |
5 | 第八十六条收购要约的期限届满,收购人持有的被收购公司的股份数达到该公司已发行的股份总数的百分之七十五以上的,该上市公司的股票应当在证券交易所终止上市交易。 | Article 86. By the time when the term of a purchasing order is expired and the number of a purchased company’s stocks held by a purchaser is more than 75 percent of the total amount of stocks issued by the company, the listed company shall stop listing its stocks in the stock exchanges. | |
6 | 第八十七条收购要约的期限届满,收购人持有的被收购公司的股份数达到该公司已发行的股份总数的百分之九十以上的,其余仍持有被收购公司股票的股东,有权向收购人以收购要约的同等条件出售其股票,收购人应当收购。 | Article 87. By the time the term of a purchasing order is expired and the number of a purchased company’s stocks held by a purchaser is more than 90 percent of the total amount of stocks issued by the company, other stockholders who still hold the stocks of the purchased company are entitled to sell their stocks to the purchaser with the same conditions stated in the purchasing order and the purchaser shall purchase their stocks. | |
7 | 第八条 居民身份证有效期满或者登记内容有变更、更正或者证件严重损坏不能辨认时,应当按照规定申报换领新证;丢失证件的,应当申报补领。 | Article 8. When the term of validity of a resident identity card has expired , or the items registered in it need be modified or corrected, or the card has been so seriously damaged that what is registered becomes illegible, the bearer shall report the matter and apply for replacement with a new card according to the relevant provisions; those who have lost their identity cards shall report the loss and apply for new ones. | |
8 | 第二百一十六条 暂予监外执行的情形消失后,罪犯刑期未满的,应当及时收监。 | Article 216 As soon as the conditions under which a criminal is permitted to serve his sentence outside prison temporarily cease to exist, if the criminal’s term of sentence has not expired , he shall be taken back to prison without delay. | |
9 | 第二十一条 单位招用的农民合同制工人连续工作满1年,本单位并已缴纳失业保险费,劳动合同期满未续订或者提前解除劳动合同的,由社会保险经办机构根据其工作时间长短,对其支付一次性生活补助。 | Article 21 If a contract-system farmer worker engaged by a unit has been working continuously for not less than one year, and the unit has paid unemployment insurance premium, where no contract is renewed when the employment contract is expired or the contract is terminated in advance, the social insurance agency shall pay one-off living subsidy to the farmer worker according to the length of his working period. | |
10 | 第三人知道行为人没有代理权、超越代理权或者代理权已终止还与行为人实施民事行为给他人造成损害的,由第三人和行为人负连带责任。 | If a third party is aware that an actor has no power of agency is overstepping it, or his power of agency has expired yet joins him in a civil act and Brings damage to other people, the third party and the actor shall be held jointly liable. | |
11 | 第四十六条登记机关对符合法定条件的申请不予登记或者超过法定时限不予答复的,当事人可依法申请行政复议或提起行政诉讼。 | Article 46 Where the registration authority fails to grant registration to an application which meets the conditions prescribed herein, or fails to issue any response after the legally prescribed time limit has expired , the party may apply for administrative review or bring an administrative suit. | |
12 | 对本案遗产的其他遗嘱检验要求的时间已终止;其他未及时提出申请的要求将不被准许; | that the time for probating other claims in this estate has expired and that all claims not timely filed should be barred; | |
13 | 对象已过期,正在重新装入 | Object has expired , reloading | |
14 | 对于发现不应当追究刑事责任或者取保候审、监视居住期限届满的,应当及时解除取保候审、监视居住。 | If it is discovered that the criminal suspect or the defendant should not be investigated for criminal responsibility or when the period for awaiting trial after obtaining a guarantor or the period of residential surveillance has expired , such period shall be terminated without delay. | |
15 | 二、对持过期因公普通护照或一次性出入境因公普通护照的留学人员,可为他们办理护照延期或换发新护照; | 2. Students studying abroad who hold an expired common service passport or a common service passport for one exit-entry trip may be permitted to extend or renew their passports. | |
16 | 发出此网站证书的证书权威的证书撤消列表已过期。 | The certificate revocation list for this certificate authority that issued this site’s certificate has expired . | |
17 | 发出此网站证书的证书权威已过期。请检查您的系统日期和时间。 | The certificate authority that issued this site’s certificate has expired . Check your system date and time. | |
18 | 法案草案的语言是这样的,这次意外利益的受益者是根据旧法案著作权保护到期的著作权人。 | And the language of the proposed bill bore this out, the recipient of this windfall was the rightsholder at the time duration would have expired under the old law. | |
19 | 分录的借记方将已使用了的成本部分分配到费用账户。 | The debit portion of the entry allocates this expired cost to expense. | |
20 | 服务器拒绝了您的证书(当作已过期的证书)。 | The server has rejected your certificate as expired . | |
21 | 公司章程规定的营业期限届满或者公司章程规定的其他解散事由出现时 | pursuant to the provisions of the company’s articles of association, the term of the company has expired or one of the other events which are grounds for dissolution has occurred | |
22 | 公有领域意味着或者著作权保护期已过,或者作品从来就没有受到过著作权的保护。 | This means either that the copyright has expired , or that the work was never properly copyrighted in the first place. | |
23 | 合伙企业登记事项发生变更时,未按照本法规定办理有关变更登记的,责令限期登记;逾期不登记的,处以二千元以下的罚款。 | If the partnership fails to conduct the relevant registration for change in accordance herewith when a registered item has changed, registration within a prescribed time limit shall be ordered; if the partnership fails to conduct the registration after the prescribed time limit has expired , a fine of 2,000 Yuan shall be imposed. | |
24 | 合同期满时,引进技术所涉及的专利尚未期满的,应当按照《中华人民共和国专利法》的有关规定办理。 | Where the contract has expired but the duration of the patent relating to the imported technology has not expired, the relevant stipulations of the "Patent Law of the PRC " shall govern. | |
25 | 即使签名所使用的证书已过期. | even after the certificate used for the signature has expired . | |
26 | 计量为获得收入而消费或消耗掉的商品和劳务的成本(2)确定已获得的商品和劳务在何时产生收入,同时,其成本成为费用。 | Measuring the cost of goods and services that will be consumed or expired in generating revenue, and (2)determining when the goods and services acquired have contributed to revenue and their cost thus becomes an expense. | |
27 | 假设在授予专利权后5年从发明者手中以10美元的价格购买了一项专利。 | Assume that a patent is purchased from the inventor at a cost of $10, after 5 years of the legal life have expired . | |
28 | 老人于八十岁时逝世。 | The old man expired at the age of eighty. | |
29 | 没过十分钟,这些旅行家们已经飞到雨层的上面。 | Before the ten minutes had expired the travellers had passed the humid zone | |
30 | 没有代理权、超越代理权或者代理权终止后的行为,只有经过被代理人的追认,被代理人才承担民事责任。 | The principal shall bear civil liability for an act performed by an actor with no power of agency, beyond the scope of his power of agency or after his power of agency has expired , only if he recognizes the act retroactively. |