1 | ( 一)职工患病或非因工负伤,医疗期满后,不能从事原工作或不能从事由企业另行安排的工作的; | 1. An employee inflicts an ill or injury not on post and thus cannot do the original work or other assignments by the FFE after the medical treatment period expires ; | |
2 | (二)接管期限届满前,该商业银行已恢复正常经营能力; | (2)The commercial bank concerned has restored its normal business ability before the term of the take-over expires ; and | |
3 | (六)根据中华人民共和国或者请求国法律,在收到引渡请求时,由于犯罪已过追诉时效期限或者被请求引渡人已被赦免等原因,不应当追究被请求引渡人的刑事责任的; | (6)the person sought is, under the laws of the PRC or the laws of the Requesting State, immune from criminal responsibility because, at the time the request is received, the limitation period for prosecution the offence expires or the person is pardoned, or for other reasons; | |
4 | (曼谷综合电)泰国首相川吕沛前晚说,他将在七党联合政府于2000年10月任期届满前,提早举行大选。 | (Summary report from bangkok)Thai Prime Minister Chuan Leepai said he would hold an early general election before the seven-Party coalition expires in October 2000 | |
5 | (三)土地出让等有偿使用合同约定的使用期限届满,土地使用者未申请续期或者申请续期未获批准的; | 3. When the term for the land use right expires according to what is agreed upon in the contract for compensated use of land, the land user has failed to apply for extension or failed to get approval for extension; | |
6 | (一)接管决定规定的期限届满或者中国人民银行决定的接管延期届满; | (1)The term set by the take-over decision expires or the extension of the term decided by the People’s Bank of China expires; | |
7 | (一)经营期限届满; | (1)The term of operations expires ; | |
8 | (一)损害发生在保险或者担保终止有效后;然而保险或者担保在飞行中期满的,该项保险或者担保在飞行计划中所载下一次降落前继续有效,但是不得超过二十四小时; | (1)That the damage occurred after the insurance or guarantee ceased to be effective. However, if the insurance or guarantee expires during a flight, it should be continued in force until the next landing specified in the flight plan, but no longer than twenty-four hours; and | |
9 | (一)行政许可有效期届满未延续的; | 1. An administrative license expires but has not been renewed; | |
10 | “我们不打算留到任期届满。 | We don’t want to stay till the tenure expires . | |
11 | 按月计算期限的,按到期月的对日计算;无对日的,月末日为到期日。 | When limitation of time is prescribed in months, it expires on the corresponding day of the month when the instrument matures. If there is no corresponding day, the time limit expires on the last day of the said month. | |
12 | 版权在作者死后50年即行终止 | copyright expires 50 years after the death of the author | |
13 | 版权在作者死后50年即行终止. | Copyright expires 50 years after the death of the author. | |
14 | 除第26条第(2)款外,当局可于违例事项发生后两年内或获授权人员揭发该违例事项之6个月内任何时间予以检控,两者中以较先届满者为准 | other than section 26 (2), may be brought at any time within 2 years next after the commission of the offence or within 6 months after the discovery thereof by an authorized officer, whichever period expires first; | |
15 | 除合同另有约定外,甲方应于租赁关系消除且乙方迁空、点清并付清所有应付费用后的当天将押金全额无息退还乙方。 | Unless otherwise provided for by this Contract, Party A will return full amount of the deposit without interest on the day when this Contract expires and party B clears the premises and has paid all due rental and other expenses. | |
16 | 代理期间届满或者代理事务完成 | When the period of agency expires or when the tasks entrusted are completed | |
17 | 当事人对处罚决定不服的,可以在接到处罚通知之日起十五日内向人民法院起诉;逾期不起诉又不履行的,由工商行政管理部门申请人民法院强制执行。 | Parties concerned who refuse to obey the decision of punishment may bring suit to the people’s court within 15 days of receiving the penalty notice. If parties concerned neither bring suit to the people’s court nor implement the decision before the time limit expires , the industrial and commercial administrative authorities shall apply to the people’s court for mandatory enforcement. | |
18 | 当授权期满时,组织还应确保符合原有的或替代的规范要求. | The organization shall also ensure compliance with the original or superseding specifications and requirements when the authorization expires . | |
19 | 当在 Microsoft Access 中打开副本时,如果离期限不超过 5 天,则会出现一条信息,提示用户副本的期限快到了。 | When you open a replica that expires within 5 days in Microsoft Access, a message reminds you that the replica expires soon. | |
20 | 德乌帕不久前提议将预定于本月25日到期的全国紧急状态期限再延长6个月,以使尼泊尔政府军在全国范围内开展围剿尼泊尔反政府武装的行动,并最终将其彻底消灭。 | Deuba proposed earlier to extend by six months the national state of emergency which expires on the 25th of this month so that nepal’s government army can launch a nationwide crackdown on the anti-government armed forces and eventually wipe them out | |
21 | 第二十八条 技术进口合同期满后,技术让与人和受让人可以依照公平合理的原则,就技术的继续使用进行协商。 | Article 28. After a technology import contract expires , the technology supplying and receiving parties thereto may negotiate on the continued use of the technology according to the principle of justice and equity. | |
22 | 第二十条 软件著作权保护期满后,除开发者身份权以外,该软件的其他各项权利即行终止。 | Article20. When the term of validity of a software copyright expires , all rights to the software cease, except for the developer’s right of authorship. | |
23 | 第六十五条 有偿转让公路收费权的公路,转让收费权合同约定的期限届满,收费权由出让方收回。 | Article 65 When a toll collection right contract expires , the right shall be recovered by the transferor. | |
24 | 第三十二条 乡、民族乡、镇的每届人民代表大会第一次会议通过的代表资格审查委员会,行使职权至本届人民代表大会任期届满为止。 | Article 32 The credentials committee established at the first session of each people’s congress of a township, nationality township, and town shall exercise its functions and powers until the term of office of that people’s congress expires . | |
25 | 第三十六条 汇票被拒绝承兑、被拒绝付款或者超过付款提示期限的,不得背书转让;背书转让的,背书人应当承担汇票责任。 | Article 36 A bill of exchange may not be negotiated by endorsement, if it is not accepted or paid or if the time limit for presentment for payment expires . The endorser shall bear liability on the bill if it is negotiated in spite of all this. | |
26 | 第四十二条 著作权人寄给图书出版者的两份订单在六个月内未能得到履行,视为著作权法第三十一条所称的图书脱销。 | Article 42. The state of being out of print in relation to a work mentioned in Article 31 of the Law shall be established if a period of 6 months after two subscription forms were mailed by the author to the publisher expires without action being taken to satisfy the subscription. | |
27 | 第一百一十六条 接管期限届满,被接管的保险公司已恢复正常经营能力的,金融监督管理部门可以决定接管终止。 | Article 116 When the term of the take-over expires and the insurance company has resumed its normal operational capacity, then the financial supervision and regulation department may determine to terminate the take-over. | |
28 | 第一百一十五条 接管期限届满,金融监督管理部门可以决定延期,但接管期限最长不得超过二年。 | Article 115 When the term of the take-over expires , the financial supervision and regulation department may determine to extend it. However, the maximum term of the take-over may not exceed two (2)years. | |
29 | 对于触犯第26条第(2)款之违例事项者,当局可于违例事项发生后之6年内或获授权人员揭发该违例事项之2年内任何时间予以检控,两者中以较先届满者为准。 | proceedings in respect of an offence against section 26 (2)may be brought at any time within 6 years next after the commission of the offence or within 1 year after the discovery thereof by an authorized officer, whichever period expires first. | |
30 | 而当专利过期以后,由于竞争而使利润率下降,这时也许就该用高效率的连续生产方法了,于是放大的工作又交给了化学工程师。 | When the patent expires ,profit margins may he low due to competition,perhaps requiring efficient continuous processing;a scale-up job for ChE. |