1 | 服刑期满或者提前释放之日起三十日内没有离开请求国,或者离开后又自愿返回的除外; | or the person completes his sentence or is released before the sentence expires , or after leaving the country the person has returned of his own free will; and | |
2 | 复议机关逾期不作决定的,申请人可以在复议期满之日起十五日内向人民法院提起诉讼. | If the administrative organ conducting the reconsideration fails to make a decision on the expiration of the time limit, the applicant may bring a suit before a people’s court within 15 days after the time limit for reconsideration expires | |
3 | 该月无相应日的,以该月最后一日为期限届满日;期限届满日是法定节假日的,以节假日后的第一个工作日为期限届满日。 | where there is no corresponding day in that month, the time limit shall expire on the last day of that month; and where a time limit expires on a statutory holiday, it shall expire on the first working day following that statutory holiday. | |
4 | 公告期限届满仍无法退还的价款,以违法所得论处。 | and if the money paid for purchase fails to be returned after the announcement period expires , the money shall be considered illegal gains. | |
5 | 国家建设临时使用草原,按照《国家建设征用土地条例》的规定办理。使用期满,用地单位应当恢复草原植被。 | The temporary use of grasslands for state construction shall be effected in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations Concerning Land Requisition for State Construction. When the period of use expires , the unit that has used the grasslands shall restore the grassland vegetation. | |
6 | 合营公司提前终止合营,需董事会召开全体会议作出决定,并报原审批机构批准。 | To terminate the joint venture before the term expires shall be decided by the board of directors through a plenary meeting, and it shall be submitted to the original examination and approval authority for approval. | |
7 | 合资企业合同期满,可提出延长合资期的申请。 | The joint venture may apply for extension when the joint venture contract expires . | |
8 | 红磡海底隧道为期三十年的专营权将于下月底到期,届时将回归政府所有。 | The ownership of the tunnel reverts to the Government at the end of next month when the 30-year franchise expires . | |
9 | 换句话说,从作者去世那天开始计算满70年,著作权也将终止。 | In other words, 70 years after the day the author dies, the copyright expires . | |
10 | 既不开工又不申请延期或者超过延期时限的,施工许可证自行废止。 | In cases of those projects that neither start on schedule nor apply for delay or exceed the period of permitted delay, the validity of the working licenses automatically expires . | |
11 | 进口药品的检验样品应当保存至有效期满。不易贮存的留样,可根据实际情况掌握保存时间。 | The inspection samples fetched from the imported drugs shall be preserved until their valid term expires . For those difficult to preserve, the preservation period shall depend on the actual circumstances. | |
12 | 可以在接到责令限期拆除决定之日起十五日内,向人民法院起诉;期满不起诉又不自行拆除的, | it may bring the case before the people’s court within 15 days starting from the day when the decision is received. Whereas a unit or individual fails to put the case in proceeding when the time limit expires and yet refuses to do the dismantling, | |
13 | 劳动合同期满或者当事人约定的劳动合同终止条件出现,劳动合同即行终止。 | A labour contract shall be terminated whenever the term provided for in the contract expires or conditions for terminating the contract agreed upon have appeared. | |
14 | 连带责任保证的债务人在主合同规定的债务履行期届满没有履行债务的,债权人可以要求债务人履行债务,也可以要求保证人在其保证范围内承担保证责任。 | Where the debtor of a suretyship of joint and several liability defaults when the time limit for his performance of the obligation provided in the principal contract expires , the creditor may demand that the debtor perform his obligation, or demand that the surety undertake the suretyship liability within the scope of the suretyship agreement. | |
15 | 另一方面,外国公司政治上也面临被没收,国有化或其它营运方面的限制;特别是在初期投资协议到期后会发生上述现象。 | On the other hand, the foreign company may face politically motivated risks of confiscation, expropriation, nationalization, or other restrictions on its operations, especially after the initial investment agreement expires . | |
16 | 煤炭生产许可证的有效期限届满或者经批准开采范围内的煤炭资源已经枯竭的,其煤炭生产许可证由发证机关予以注销并公告。 | Where the validity period of a coal production license expires or the coal resources within the limits of an approved mining area are exhausted, the license-issuing authority shall revoke the license and make it known to the public. | |
17 | 签证下月到期。 | The visa expires next month | |
18 | 任期即将届满的玻利维亚总统吉洛卡说:"巴西队在横滨以二比0击败德国队,我们玻利维亚人必须击败那些不出来投票的人。" | The Bolivian President Quiroga, whose term soon expires , said: "The brazilian team defeated the German team 2-0 in Yokohama; we the Bolivians must defeat those who do not come out to vote." | |
19 | 如果“设计母版”到期,则必须恢复“设计母版”,以将现有某个副本或新创建的副本更改为“设计母版”。 | If the Design Master expires , you must recover the Design Master to change an existing or new replica into the Design Master. | |
20 | 如果副本的保留周期已过,Access 不对到期副本与副本集内其他副本之间的更改进行同步。 | If the retention period expires for a replica, Access will not synchronize changes between the expired replica and the other replicas in the replica set. | |
21 | 如果你想提起上诉,你务必回信通知我,因为12月22日是上诉的截止日期。 | In the event of your wishing to appeal, you must notify me by return, as the term of appeal expires on the 22nd December. | |
22 | 如果一部作品是在一份雇佣协议的基础上创作的,则著作权保护期是最初出版后的95年,或者创作后的120年,以先终止者为准。 | If the material was created under a work for hire agreement, the copyright lasts 95 years from first publication, or 120 years from creation, whichever expires first. | |
23 | 如果一部作品有两个或两个以上的作者,著作权在最后去世的作者去世后70年终止。 | If there is more than one author, the copyright expires 70 years after the last surviving author’s death. | |
24 | 死刑缓期执行减为有期徒刑的刑期,从死刑缓期执行期满之日起计算。 | The term of a sentence that is reduced from the death penalty with suspension of execution to fixed-term imprisonment is counted as commencing on the date the suspension of execution expires . | |
25 | 他8月份任职期满。 | His term of appointment expires in August | |
26 | 他的任期到二千年六月底届满。 | His term expires at the end of June 2002. | |
27 | 我的护照再过一个月就到期了。 | My passport expires in a month. | |
28 | 我的驾驶执照下个月到期。 | My driving licence expires next month. | |
29 | 我们这个单元的租约下月到期。 | Our present lease on the flat expires next month. | |
30 | 我们这套公寓的租约下月到期. | Our present lease on the flat expires next month. |