属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-经营BBC 姨妈的困境
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-阿根廷债务违约 不走运第八次了
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-伊朗与其核计划 对话暂停
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-制药企业 悬念
1 | 希望贵能尽力促进销售,为协议在今年年底期满后续订铺平道路 | I hope you’ll spare no efforts to promote the sale of our products so as to pave the way for renewing the agency agreement when it expires at the end of this year. | |
2 | 依此信用证开的汇票必须在2001年7月20日前在中国议付,过期无效 | Drafts drawn under this credit must be negotiated in China on or before July 20, 2001,after which this credit expires . | |
3 | 乙方经甲方同意,可在房屋内添置设备。租赁期满后,乙方将添置的设备搬走,并保证不影响房屋的完好及正常使用。 | Party B may add new facilities with Party A’s approval. When this Contract expires , Party B may take away the added facilities without changing the good conditions of the premises for normal use. | |
4 | 乙方在租赁期满后如需续租,应提前一个月通知甲方,由双方另行协商续租事宜。在同等条件下乙方享有优先续租权。 | Within one month before the Contract expires , Party B will notify Party A if it intends to extend the lease. In this situation, two parties will discuss matters over the extension. Under the same terms Party B has the priority to lease the premises. | |
5 | 尤其是消防人员基金在1989年到期后 | The decline in premium volume will accelerate after our quota-share agreement with Fireman’s Fund expires in 1989. | |
6 | 由国内外经济组织依照本法规定投资建成并经营的收费公路,约定的经营期限届满,该公路由国家无偿收回,由有关交通主管部门管理。 | When the toll collection right transfer contracts for toll roads that are invested and managed by domestic and foreign economic organizations expires , the roads should be recovered free by the State and handed over to transportation departments for management. | |
7 | 邮政汇款的收款人应当自收到汇款通知之日起两个月内凭有效证明到邮政企业或者其分支机构兑领汇款;逾期未领的汇款,由邮政企业或者其分支机构退回汇款人。 | The remittees of postal remittances shall cash the postal remittances with valid documents at postal enterprises or branch offices within two months of receiving notice of a postal remittance. Remittances unclaimed when the time period expires shall be returned to the remitters by postal enterprises or branch offices. | |
8 | 余额由乙方在甲方开出的远期信用证到期前用预付款补足 | The balance shall be made up by Party B with down payment before the usance L/C opened by Party A expires | |
9 | 杂志订到下个月就期满了。 | The magazine subscription expires next month. | |
10 | 再说一句笑话,内人保的寿险后天满期,要是当真今天出了事,就算皇天不负苦心人。 | Now don’t take me seriously, but her life insurance policy expires on the day after tomorrow, so if anything does happen to her today, it would be a case of pennies from heaven for a very deserving case! | |
11 | 在规定期限内不执行的,从期满之日起,对该行政机关按日处五十元至一百元的罚款 | Imposing a fine of 50 to 100 yuan per day on an administrative organ that fails to perform the judgment or order within the prescribed time limit, counting from the day when the time limit expires | |
12 | 在受让收费权的期限届满,或者经营期限届满时,公路应当处于良好的技术状态。 | The roads should remain in a sound technical state when the term for toll collection right transfer or operation expires . | |
13 | 这本杂志的订阅期到下个月止。 | The magazine subscription expires next month. | |
14 | 这房子的租约年底到期。 | The lease on this house expires at the end of the year. | |
15 | 这张信用证7月15日到期 | This letter of credit expires on 15th July. | |
16 | 制药工业也是化学工程的一个丰富多彩的领域。对药物专利持有者而言,在专利过期以前高产出地生产以从其市场优势中获利是十分重要的,而这正是化学工程师们能办到的。 | The PC industry is also a rich and diverse area for chemical engineering.High yields of drug are especially important to enable the drug’s patent holders to benefit from their advantage before the patent expires .ChE can help here. | |
17 | 租赁期满后,乙方应在日内将房屋交还甲方 | When the lease term expires , Party B will return the premises and attached facilities to Party A within days. | |
18 | 租约再过一个月就到期了。 | The lease expires in a month | |
19 | 最后通牒规定的期限到明天中午截止。 | The ultimatum expires at noon tomorrow | |
20 | ||1:更多诸如此类的阻碍仍像噩梦般笼罩在美国经济周围。||2:欧债危机尚未解决。||3:伊朗与西方社会的紧张局势使每加仑汽油价自十二月中旬以来上涨了二十五美分。||4:联邦政府的财政紧缩政策仍是一个威胁:针对本月到期的工资税减免政策,国会再一次陷入僵局。除非国会加以干涉,有关增加税收和削减开支的一系列规定将自行生效。||5:总之,在复苏经济的过程中,正如橄榄球比赛一样,什么也无法担保下半场能比上半场轻松,抑或出现好兆头就意味着胜利。 | ||1: The threat of more such setbacks still hangs over the economy. ||2: Europe’s crisis has not been solved. ||3: The intensifying confrontation between Iran and the west has driven petrol prices up 25 cents per gallon since mid-December. ||4: Federal austerity remains a threat: Congress is once again locked in confrontation over a payroll-tax break that expires at the end of this month and a raft of other tax increases and spending cuts will kick in next year unless it intervenes. ||5: In the economy, as in football, there is no guarantee that the second half will be easier than the first. | |
21 | ||1:彭定康爵士的引退紧接着他的心脏搭桥手术,时间颇不凑巧。||2:这位玛格丽特.撒切尔时期的内阁成员,原本要监督与政府领导人之间的就十年皇家特许执照更新展开的磋商。||3:此特许证将于2016年到期。但即使那些嫉妒其仕途平顺的人也不能说他掌舵这三年表现不及格。 | ||1:The timing of Lord Patten’s resignation, following a heart bypass operation, is inconvenient.||2:The former member of Margaret Thatcher’s cabinet was due to oversee talks with politicians over the renewal of the corporation’s ten-year royal charter, which expires at the end of 2016.||3:But even those who admired his unruffled style could not claim that his three years at the helm have been an unqualified success. | |
22 | ||1:然而,不能确定此要求对所有债权持有人同等待遇的条款适用,因为阿根廷不是自愿偿付那些“钉子户”,而是在法庭命令下不得不这么做。||2:而且,一些重组债券持有人已经同意放弃追索权益;如果阿根廷努力劝服其它人也放弃追索权益,可能会成功。||3:许多律师和银行家提出了许多方式绕过争议条款,而且该条款到今年年底就失效了。||4:但是,阿根廷政府没能认真考虑这些选择,也没努力跟“钉子户”谈判,而是躲在满腔义愤的民族主义身后。 | ||1:Yet it is not certain that the clause requiring equal treatment of all bondholders would have applied, given that Argentinawould not have been paying the hold-outs voluntarily, but on the courts’ orders.||2:Moreover, some owners of the restructured bonds had agreed to waive their rights; had Argentinamade a concerted effort to persuade the remainder to do the same, it might have succeeded.||3:Lawyers and bankers have suggested various ways around the clause in question, which expires at the end of the year.||4:But Argentina’s government was slow to consider these options or negotiate with the hold-outs, hiding instead behind indignant nationalism. | |
23 | ||1:如果伊朗所说自己最终需求的浓缩能力既不合情理,也不能被P5+1接受,那么在伊朗也能被视为一个正常的《不扩散核武条约》签署国之前,协议达成所需的时间也是一样的。||2:伊朗的考虑是5年内,而美国及其盟友心中所想的时间伊朗需要谨慎遵从条约规定10到20年,才能再开始建立分离机。||3:只有在这样的前提下,伊朗才有可能被允许继续发展高级的分离机以及学习燃料制造技术,因而在协议期满之后为自己更宏伟的核计划做好准备。||4: Einhorn表示这是妥协的基础。 | ||1:If the enrichment capacity that Iran says it will eventually need is both implausible and far in excess of anything being contemplated as acceptable to the P5+1, so too is its concept of the time an agreement would run before Iran could be treated as a “normal” NPT signatory.||2:Iran is thinking in terms of not much more than five years, while the Americans and their partners have in mind ten to 20 years of punctilious compliance before Iran could start building up its centrifuges again.||3:It is possible that under such a deal Iran might be allowed to continue developing advanced centrifuges and learn the techniques of fuel fabrication, thus preparing itself for a more ambitious nuclear programme after the agreement expires .||4:That, Mr Einhorn thinks, could be the basis of a compromise. | |
24 | 美国联邦贸易委员会(Federal Trade Commission,FTC)主席Jon Leibowitz注意到,制药商们千方百计地为产品增加后续专利,以延缓保护的失效,但其实那些专利没什么价值。 | Jon Leibowitz, chairman of America’s Federal Trade Commission (FTC), is concerned by drugmakers filing frivolous additional patents on their products to put off the day when their protection expires . | |
25 | dta可能在限制时间之前完成整个工作负荷的优化。 | Dta might finish tuning the entire workload before the time limit expires . | |
26 | Expires标头,指定日期和时间,在此之后伴随的正文数据应视为陈旧的。 | The Expires header, which specifies the date and time after which the accompanying body data should be considered stale. | |
27 | Google的执照需要每年一审,这次的审核会在2012年到期。 | Renewal is required annually for Google’s license, which officially expires in 2012. | |
28 | OK现在你知道了你的MOSS什么时候会过期了,那么,当然要先打电话给销售员购买MOSS了。 | Ok so you figured out when you product expires , now what? Well, call your sales rep and buy MOSS of course. | |
29 | USO产品按照一个简单的策略运行,购买当期合约,然后在当前一合约到期后滚动到下一个合约。 | USO follows a simple strategy of buying the current contract and then rolling into the next contract before the current one expires . | |
30 | 版权在作者去世七十年后期满无效。 | Copyright expires seventy years after the death of the author. |