1 | (四)未按照规定组织职业健康检查、建立职业健康监护档案或者未将检查结果如实告知劳动者的。 | 64.4 Fail to arrange the occupational health examination, fail to establish the occupational health record or fail to faithfully inform the laborer concerned of the examination result. | |
2 | (一)未按照规定及时、如实向卫生行政部门申报产生职业病危害的项目的; | 64.1 Fail to faithfully and promptly declare the occupational-disease-inductive factors to the competent public health authorities; | |
3 | `你能切实保证把钱退还给我吗?'`是的,我保证.' | `Do you promise faithfully to pay me back?’ `Yes,I promise.’ | |
4 | “说真的,”露梓说,“要是把那可怜的孩子的故事如实告诉他们,一定可以使他免罪。” | "Surely," said Rose, "the poor child’s story, faithfully repeated to these men, will be sufficient to exonerate him." | |
5 | “这是药,”他说,照方服用吧,我想,这对你丈夫一定很有用。 | “Here is the medicine,” he said, “Use it faithfully , and I think it will do your husband a great deal of good.” | |
6 | “正巧相反,贝尔图乔,我始终觉得你很忠心,诚实,称职。 | "No," replied the count; "I take pleasure in saying that you have served me faithfully , Bertuccio | |
7 | 6、尽管遇到了阻碍,我们仍然重申所有的多哈宣言和决议,并再次承诺我们将致力于全面、忠实地履行之。 | Notwithstanding this setback, we reaffirm all our Doha Declarations and Decisions and recommit ourselves to working to implement them fully and faithfully | |
8 | 6尽管遇到了阻碍,我们仍然重申所有的多哈宣言和决议,并再次承诺我们将致力于全面、忠实地履行之。 | Sixth,notwithstanding this setback, we reaffirm all our Doha Declarations and Decisions and recommit ourselves to working to implement them fully and faithfully | |
9 | Yours faithfully、Yours sincerely、(尤用于美式英语的)Yours truly是信末最常见的敬语,用于正规的及半正规的书信均可. | Yours faithfully ,Yours sincerely,(esp US)Yours truly are the commonest ways of ending formal and semi-formal letters. | |
10 | 布什:我必会忠诚履行美利坚合众国总统的职责。 | Bush: That I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States | |
11 | 但是,由于他是古古密陀的亲信;由于他已忠心耿耿地在他手下效力了三年;由于他曾射死过一个快要砍倒古古密陀的龙骑兵,救过他的命,因而他希望他会可怜他。 | However, as he was a favorite with Cucumetto, as he had for three years faithfully served him, and as he had saved his life by shooting a dragoon who was about to cut him down, he hoped the chief would have pity on him | |
12 | 党的干部特别是领导干部,必须认真执行党的路线方针政策,决不能有任何偏离; | Party cadres, especially leading cadres, must faithfully carry out the Party’s line, principles and policies without any deviation from them . | |
13 | 第二十三条 国境卫生检疫机关工作人员,应当秉公执法,忠于职守,对入境、出境的交通工具和人员,及时进行检疫; | Article 23 The personnel of frontier health and quarantine offices must enforce this Law impartially, perform duties faithfully and promptly conduct quarantine inspection on conveyances and persons upon entry or exit. | |
14 | 第七条 现役军人必须遵守军队的条令和条例,忠于职守,随时为保卫祖国而战斗。 | Article 7. Active servicemen must abide by the rules and regulations of the army, faithfully discharge their duties and always be ready to fight for the defence of the motherland. | |
15 | 第三十二条 对从事接触职业病危害的作业的劳动者,用人单位应当按照国务院卫生行政部门的规定组织上岗前、在岗期间和离岗时的职业健康检查,并将检查结果如实告知劳动者。职业健康检查费用由用人单位承担。 | Article 32 According to the regulation of the public health authority under the State Council, the Employer should, at its own cost, proceed with the pre-employment/on-job/pre-departure physical examination for the laborers engaged in the occupational-disease-inductive operation and faithfully inform the laborers of the examination result. | |
16 | 第三十四条 法官应当加强修养,具备良好的政治、业务素质和良好的品行,忠实地执行宪法和法律,全心全意为人民服务。 | Article 34. A judge should enhance his professionalism and should have high political and professional quality. A judge should implement the Constitution and laws faithfully and serve the people whole-heartedly. | |
17 | 第三十一条申请人申请行政许可,应当如实向行政机关提交有关材料和反映真实情况,并对其申请材料实质内容的真实性负责。行政机关不得要求申请人提交与其申请的行政许可事项无关的技术资料和其他材料。 | Article 31 When applying for administrative license, an applicant shall faithfully submit relevant materials to the administrative organ, report the actual information, and shall be liable for the authenticity of the substantial contents of the application materials. The administrative organ may not ask the applicant to submit technical materials and other materials that have nothing to do with the matters under the administrative license | |
18 | 第三条 法官必须忠实执行宪法和法律,全心全意为人民服务。 | Article 3 Judges must faithfully implement the Constitution and laws, and serve the people whole-heartedly. | |
19 | 第三条检察官必须忠实执行宪法和法律,全心全意为人民服务。 | Article 3 Public procurators must faithfully implement the Constitution and laws, and serve the people whole-heartedly. | |
20 | 第十八条 在国家安全机关调查了解有关危害国家安全的情况、收集有关证据时,公民和有关组织应当如实提供,不得拒绝。 | Article 18 When a State security organ investigates and finds out any circumstances endangering State security and gathers related evidence, citizens and organizations concerned shall faithfully furnish it with relevant information and may not refuse to do so. | |
21 | 第四十八条 职业病诊断、鉴定需要用人单位提供有关职业卫生和健康监护等资料时,用人单位应当如实提供,劳动者和有关机构也应当提供与职业病诊断、鉴定有关的资料。 | Article 48 The Employer, laborers and related organizations should faithfully furnish any information in connection with occupational health and health custody needed for the diagnosis and appraisal of occupational diseases. | |
22 | 第五十八条 医疗机构应当向患者提供所用药品的价格清单;医疗保险定点医疗机构还应当按照规定的办法如实公布其常用药品的价格,加强合理用药的管理。具体办法由国务院卫生行政部门规定。 | Article 58 Medical organizations shall provide the patient with the price list of the pharmaceuticals used. Medical organizations appointed by medical insurance shall faithfully promulgate the prices of frequently used pharmaceuticals according to prescribed measures to enhance the reasonable use of pharmaceuticals. | |
23 | 第一百七十条 国务院证券监督管理机构工作人员必须忠于职守,依法办事,公正廉洁,不得利用自己的职务便利牟取不正当的利益。 | Article 170. Personnel of the securities regulatory body under the State Council must faithfully carry out their duties, operate according to law, and be just and honest. They shall not abuse their powers to obtain illegitimate interests. | |
24 | 董事、监事、经理应当遵守公司章程,忠实履行职务,维护公司利益,不得利用在公司的地位和职权为自己谋取私利。 | The directors, supervisors or manager shall abide by the company’s articles of association, shall faithfully execute their official duties and shall protect the company’s interests. They may not exploit their position and power in the company to advance their own private interests. | |
25 | 董事、经理应当遵守公司章程,忠实履行职务,维护公司利益,不得利用在公司的地位和职权为自己谋取私利。 | The directors and manager shall abide by the company’s articles of association, shall faithfully execute their official duties, and shall protect the company’s interests. They may not exploit their position and power in the company to advance their own private interests. | |
26 | 董事应根据公司和全体股东的最大利益,忠实、诚信、勤勉地履行职责。 | Directors shall faithfully , honestly and diligently perform their duties for the best interests of the company and all the shareholders. | |
27 | 对于和平共处五项原则,我国一贯是恪守不渝的。 | Our country has always adhered faithfully to the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence | |
28 | 各级干部必须时时处处重实际、求实效,创造性地开展工作,想群众之所想,急群众之所急,忠诚地为群众谋利益。 | Cadres at all levels must stress practicability and real effects at all times and on all occasions, work with a creative spirit, think and worry about what the people think and worry about, and work faithfully for the good of the people. | |
29 | 韩嘉豪先生同意自签约日起五年之内,担任发达橡胶公司文员,忠于职守,不得旷废业务。 | That said Mr. C. H. Han agrees faithfully and diligently to work as clerk for the said Fat Tat Rubber Co., Singapore, for and during the space of five years from the date hereof without absenting himself from his occupation, | |
30 | 检查时,行政机关可以依法查阅或者要求被许可人报送有关材料;被许可人应当如实提供有关情况和材料。 | When conducting examination, the administrative organ may consult or require the licensee to submit relevant materials in accordance with the law; the licensee shall faithfully offer the relevant information and materials |