1 | 巴菲特先生以他闻名遐迩的投资手段帮助股东们致富,虽然他现年77岁,但仍未有收手的迹象。 | Mr Buffett’s famed investment prowess has helped make Berkshire’s shareholders rich, and, at 77, he shows no signs of flagging. | |
2 | 白宫有台著名的红色电话机,当国家安全面临危机时可以通过它跟俄罗斯总理通话,如今完全可以用红色智能手机取而代之。 | The famed red phone to call the Russian premier in the event of a national security emergency could now be replaced by a red smart phone. | |
3 | 半个小时之前,我走进以专营私人医疗业务著称的哈利街(HarleyStreet)的一个豪华接待大厅。 | Halfan hour ago, I walked into a plush reception lobby on Harley Street - athoroughfare famed for its exclusive private medical practices. | |
4 | 保守派不相信欧洲已经注入了狂热到曾经因它们的实用主义而闻名于世的亲企党中。 | Tory distrust of Europe has injected zealotry into what was once a pro-business party famed for its pragmatism. | |
5 | 本周是考试周,芝大以艰苦著称的学习生活显露无遗。 | It is exam week and the famed Chicago rigour is in full evidence. | |
6 | 不过京都精华大学漫画专业院长,著名漫画家KeikoTakemiya坚称这其中存在着差异。 | But Keiko Takemiya, dean of the manga program at Kyoto Seika University and a famed manga artist, said there were differences. | |
7 | 此时此刻,不知道以飞外地小型机场闻名的爱尔兰瑞安航空是否计划在新出现的小岛上开设一条航线。 | It’s not known at this point whether Ryanair, famed for flying to out-of-town airports, plans on opening up a route to the new-born island. | |
8 | 从新泽西普林斯顿的办公室一位知名统计学家乔治·盖勒普博士告诉华盛顿 | From offices at Princeton New Jersey a famed statistician, dr. George Gallup tells Washington | |
9 | 但是他们是怎样吸引人加入的?那个声名远扬的程序员的独立性在哪里? | But how do they suck even one person in, where is that famed programmer independence. | |
10 | 当然,莱蒂西亚的这些经历和另一位著名的王妃很相似。 | In these vicissitudes, of course, Letizia bears a certain resemblance to another famed royal. | |
11 | 当然经济学家往往在预测精确性上声命不佳。 | Economists, of course, are not famed in general for forecasting accuracy. | |
12 | 东盟运作机制以协商一致闻名,但私下却以印尼为首。 | For all that ASEAN operates according to its famed consensus, Indonesia has been its stealth leader. | |
13 | 而国家首相玛格丽特•撒切尔夫人,其缺陷并非出名的韧性而是自满孤立。 | As for the prime minister, Margaret Thatcher, her fault was not her famed toughness but complacent inactivity. | |
14 | 而且日本此次的捕鲸计划首次将珍稀物种座头鲸纳入捕杀名单。 | The hunt will include famed humpback whales for the first time. | |
15 | 芬兰或许因其漫长而黑暗的冬季而闻名于世,但是它同样也是酝酿移动技术领域最具发展潜力新观点的沃土。 | Finland may be famed for its long, dark winters, but it’s also home to some of the brightest new ideas in mobile technology. | |
16 | 根据碳年代分析,该遗址可追溯到公元前10世纪,这表明它有可能是属于所罗门王的。 | According to carbon analysis, the site dates to the tenth century B. C. , suggesting it could be the famed mines of King Solomon. | |
17 | 海拔19330英尺的恢宏雄伟的乞力马扎罗山是非洲的最高峰,但它久负盛名的雪帽正在逐渐萎缩。 | Rising majestically to a height of 19, 330 feet, Mount Kilimanjaro is Africa’s tallest peak. But its famed snow cap is shrinking. | |
18 | 华盛顿--著名的天体物理学家斯蒂芬。霍金对“是否存在外星人”这个问题一直进行思考。 | WASHINGTON - Famed astrophysicist Stephen Hawking has been thinking a lot about the cosmic question, "Are we alone? " | |
19 | 回到巴黎,他在著名的H?telMeurice宾馆干了3个月,之后准备开家自己的餐厅。 | Back in Paris, after three months at the famed H? tel Meurice, he set out to open his own restaurant. | |
20 | 或许最知名的自由的伍基人就是楚巴卡了,他是著名的科瑞利亚走私者汉·索罗忠实的助手和朋友。 | Perhaps the best-known free Wookiee was Chewbacca, loyal co-pilot and friend of famed Corellian smuggler Han Solo. | |
21 | 假若发展速度慢于他的承诺,他可能被迫去减少智利闻名的金融纪律。 | If progress is slower than he promised, he may be tempted to weaken Chile’s famed fiscal discipline. | |
22 | 将哥特德科风格旅馆与电信办公空间分隔开的是一块不透明的黄色玻璃板材,曾是这座建筑著名的圆顶天花板的一部分。 | All that separates the Art Deco lobby from the office space is a plate of opaque yellow glass, part of the famed domed ceiling. | |
23 | 她最有名的那期《滚石》封面——她手持两把用皮制乳罩带子系住的自动冲锋枪,使该杂志成为去年最畅销的一期。 | Her famed Rolling Stone cover, for which she wielded two automatic weapons in a thong, was the top-selling issue of the magazine last year. | |
24 | 今年7月,克拉克盖博三世,那个著名演员的孙子据说就是因为用激光照射洛杉矶警察的直升机而被逮捕。 | In July, Clark Cable III, the famed actor’s grandson, was arrested for allegedly pointing a laser at a LAPD helicopter. | |
25 | 就是这家公司向德国众多知名中型企业或Mittelstand放贷。 | This was a firm that was supposed to lend to Germany’s famed legion of middle-sized companies, or Mittelstand. | |
26 | 就像对待一匹著名的赛马或者一本古典的书一样,你不会因为一台笔记本电脑弄坏了一点就把他弃之不用。 | Like a famed race horse or a classic book, you don’t just throw away a laptop because it’s banged up a little. | |
27 | 科尔基斯曾以盛产佳酿闻名于世。人们认为这一地区早在公元前8000年就已经开始酿酒了。 | Colchis was famed for the quality and abundance of its wine, which is believed to have been produced there as early as 8000BC. | |
28 | 例如,巴菲特就是以他自觉地,长时间地从事研究潜在的投资目标分析财务报表而出名。 | Buffett, for instance, is famed for his discipline and the hours he spends studying financial statements of potential investment targets. | |
29 | 卢武铉因致力与共产党统治的朝鲜取得和解而闻名国际。 | Mr Roh was famed abroad for his attempts to build a rapprochement with communist North Korea. | |
30 | 罗马天主教皇星期四在澳大利亚著名的雪梨港附近举办的世界青年日活动上,向10多万名朝圣者发表讲话。 | The Pope made his remarks today (Thursday) to more than 100-thousand pilgrims at World Youth Day near Australia’s famed Sydney Harbor. |