1 | “馆子不会错,也许鲍小姐太高兴,贪嘴吃得消化不了,小方,对不对?” | It couldn’t be the restaurant’s fault.Miss Pao was probably too happy and ate so much she couldn’t digest it all.Right, Little Fang ? | |
2 | “就是四小姐蕙芳和七少爷阿萱的性格将来会不会起变化。” | My point is: can Huei-fang and Ah-suan change their temperaments? | |
3 | “看你和四妹两个新手去赢他们两位老手的钱!” | "Now," she laughed, "let’s see you and Huei-fang , the two amateurs, beat the two experts!" | |
4 | 《史记·秦始皇本纪》载:秦始皇刚即位,就在骊山兴建阿房宫和陵墓。 | According to A biography of the First Emperor of Qin in The Historical Memoirs, the First Emperor started the construction of A Fang Palace and his own mausoleum as soon as he acceded to the throne | |
5 | 阿丑停嘴,光着眼望了望鸿渐,看不像有糖会给他,又向方老太太跳嚷去了。 | Ah Ch’ou shut his mouth and stared up wide-eyed at Hung-chien.As no candy seemed to be forthcoming, he went back to Mrs. Fang to continue jumping and yelling about as before | |
6 | 鲍小姐对鸿渐轻藐地瞧了一眼,立刻又注视碟子喝汤。 | Miss Pao threw Fang a contemptuous glance, then immediately stared at her plate and ate her soup | |
7 | 不到明天,好多人知道方家留洋回来的儿子公开提倡抽烟狎妓。 | Before the day was over many people had learned that Fang ’s son, just returned from study abroad, publicly advocated smoking opium and visiting brothels | |
8 | 吃晚饭时,丈人知道鸿渐下半年职业沿尚无着,安慰他说:“这不成问题。 | During dinner when Manager Chou learned that Fang still hadn’t found a job for the rest of the year, he reassured his son-in-law, "That’s no problem | |
9 | 此时车上的喇叭突然呜呜地叫了两声,车子向左转,驶入一条静荡荡的浓荫夹道的横马路,灯光从树叶的密层中洒下来,斑斑驳驳地落在二小姐她们身上。 | The chauffeur sounded the horn and the car turned into a quiet, shady side-street, where-the lamplight filtered through a dense screen of leaves and splashed Fu-fang and the others with flecks of light | |
10 | 凑巧陆子潇到鸿渐房里看见一本《家庭大学丛书》(Home University Library)小册子,是拉斯基(Laski)所作的时髦书《共产主义论》,这原是辛楣丢下来的。 | Lu Tzu-hsiao happened to see in Fang Hung-chien’s room a small "Home University Library" edition of [harold] Laski’s Communism, one of the books Hsin-mei had left behind | |
11 | 当然野兽未必肯在享用你以前,跟你飞眼送秋波,可是方鸿渐也不是野兽,至多只能算是家畜。 | Of course, before he starts eating you, a wild beast won’t necessarily dart bewitching glances at you, but then Fang Hung-chien wasn’t a wild beast either.At the most he could be called a house pet | |
12 | 遯翁“哼”一声道:“你这糊涂人,知道什么?”老太太说:“家里没有女主人总不行的。 | Tun-weng snorted and said, "What does a muddlehead like you know"’ Mrs. Fang said, "It’s no good for a household to be without a mistress | |
13 | 范博文又发挥他的“诗人”的景慕自然。他一面说,一面望了四小姐一眼。 | As Fan Po-wen once more gave vent to his poet’s longing for unspoiled natural beauty, he glanced at Huei-fang . | |
14 | 方遯翁当天上茶馆跟大家谈起这事,那些奉承他的茶友满口道贺之外,还恭维他取的名字又别致,又浑成,不但典雅,而且洪亮。 | When Fang Tun-weng went to a teahouse that day and told everyone about it, his fawning tea companions, besides repeatedly offering congratulations, all praised his choice of a name, saying it was novel and fitting, not only elegant but also resonant | |
15 | 方遯翁日记上添了一条,笑儿子做“不食周粟”的伯夷叔齐。 | Fang Tun-weng added an entry to his diary poking fun at his son for trying to imitate the Chou dynasty recluses Po Yi and Shu Ch’i by "not eating the grain of Chou." | |
16 | 方遯翁逃难到上海,景况不比从,多少爱惜小费,不肯为二孙子用乳母。 | After their flight from the occupied area, Fang Tun-weng’s circumstances were greatly reduced.He had to scrimp on small expenditures and would not hire a wet nurse for his second grandchild | |
17 | 方复明的代表律师说,他的当事人已经坐牢两年,但中国说没有这么久。 | Fang Fuming’s lawyer said that his client has already been detained for 2 years, but China said not that long | |
18 | 方复明过去是中国电力官员,1994年成为美国公民。 | Fang Fuming used to be an official in China’s electrical authority until he became a US citizen in 1994 | |
19 | 方复明是外国公司在中国和亚洲他处的电力工程顾问。 | Fang Fuming was an electrical engineering consultant for foreign companies in China and also elsewhere in asia | |
20 | 方复明遭扣留一度使中美关系紧张。 | Fang Fuming’s detention has once caused tensions to Sino-US relations | |
21 | 方鸿渐把信还给唐小姐时,痴钝并无感觉。 | When FANG H U N G-C H I E N returned the letters to Miss T’ang, he was dazed and stupefied | |
22 | 方鸿渐不敢开口。 | Fang Hung-chien didn’t dare venture a word | |
23 | 方鸿渐吃韩家的晚饭,甚为满意。 | Fang Hung-chien found the dinner at the Hans quite satisfactory | |
24 | 方鸿渐到了欧洲,既不钞敦煌卷子,又不访《永乐大典》,也不找太平天国文献,更不学蒙古文、西藏文或梵文。 | During his stay in Europe, Fang Hung-chien did not spend his time transcribing the Tun-huang manuscripts or visiting the Yung-lo collections" or looking for relevant documents on the T’ai-p’ing Heavenly Kingdom | |
25 | 方鸿渐给鲍小姐看得自尊心像泄气的橡皮车胎。 | Meanwhile, Fang ’s self-esteem had deflated like a rubber tire under Miss Pao’s glance | |
26 | 方鸿渐和鲍小姐不说话,并肩踱着。 | fang and Miss Pao strolled along side by side in silence | |
27 | 方鸿渐和唐小姐亲密地笑着,两人已成了患难之交。 | Fang Hung-chien and Miss T’ang laughed intimately, having now become comrades in adversity | |
28 | 方鸿渐恨不能说:“怪不得阁下的大作也是那样斑驳陆离。 | Fang Hung-chien wished he could have said, No wonder your honorable work is such a hodgepodge | |
29 | 方鸿渐急得暗骂自己湖涂,起身时没检点一下,同时掏出三百法郎对阿刘道:“拿去! | mortified, Fang cursed himself for being so stupid as not to have checked his bed when he got up.He pulled out three hundred francs from his pocket and said to Ah Liu, "Here! | |
30 | 方鸿渐平日爱唐小姐聪明,这时候只希望她拙口钝腮,不要这样咄咄逼人。 | Ordinarily Fang Hung-chien liked Miss T’ang for her quickness.Now he only wished she were slow-witted and less overbearing |