1 | “可是你这么讲是牵强附会的”,我不同意地说。 | “But that is far-fetched ,” I objected. | |
2 | “你说的这些话我觉得太离奇了点儿,”她尖酸地说。 | “All that seems to me very far-fetched ,” she said acidly. | |
3 | 1000毫升以上的注射液(含透析液),每5000瓶(袋)抽样1件,不足5000瓶(袋)的按5000瓶计。 | The injections of no less than 1,000 ml (including dialysate)per bottle (bag), one bottle (bag)shall be fetched as a sample every 5, 000 bottles (bags), those not more than 5, 000 bottles (bags)shall be considered as 5, 000 bottles (bags). | |
4 | 100-1000毫升(含1000毫升)的注射液,每1万瓶抽样1件,不足1万瓶的按1万瓶计。 | For the injection of 100-1000 ml (including 1000 ml), one piece shall be fetched as a sample from every 10, 000 bottles, if not more than 10, 000 bottles, one shall be fetched as a sample. | |
5 | 101件以上,每增加50件加抽1件,不足50件者以50件计;1001件以上,每增加100件加抽1件,不足100件者以100件计 | No less than 1000, one shall be fetched as a sample for each additional 100 pieces, those less than 100 pieces shall be considered as 100 pieces | |
6 | 10件以内,抽样1件;11件-50件,每增加10件加抽1件,不足10件者以10件计 | Those not exceeding 10 pieces, one shall be fetched as a sample; 11-50 pieces, one shall be fetched as a sample for each additional 10 pieces, those less than 10 pieces shall be considered as 10 pieces | |
7 | 1公斤以下的,每20公斤抽样1件,不足20公斤者以20公斤计(原装抽样)。 | For those not exceeding 1 kilogram, 1 shall be fetched as a sample every 20 kilograms, those not exceeding 20 kilograms shall be considered as 20 kilograms (the samples shall be fetched from the original packages). | |
8 | 2万支(瓶)以下(含2万支),抽样1件;5万支(瓶)以下(含5万支),抽样2件 | If not exceeding 20, 000 bottles (including 20, 000 bottles), one shall be fetched as a sample; if not more than 50, 000 bottles (including 50, 000 bottles),two shall be fetched as samples | |
9 | 51件-100件,每增加20件加抽1件,不足20件者以20件计 | 51 –100 packages, one shall be fetched as a sample for each additional 20 pieces, those less than 20 pieces shall be considered as 20 pieces | |
10 | 茶具刚收拾停当,她就拿出针线活。 | As soon as the tea-things were cleared away, she fetched out the stuff | |
11 | 抽样时应当防止药品污染吸潮、风化、氧化而变质。抽取的检验样品应当迅速放入密闭容器中(塑料袋、铁罐或磨口玻璃瓶)。 | When sampling, the drug shall be prevented from going bad because of pollution, absorption of moisture and weathering. The inspection samples shall be put in airtight containers (plastic bags, cans or ground glass bottles)as soon as they are fetched . | |
12 | 催人泪下的故事. | A story that fetched the tears to one’s eyes | |
13 | 打猎时他射下一只大大雁。 | In the hunting he fetched down a wild goose. | |
14 | 到那时候他们应该已经抵达青岛了。 | By that time they should have fetched up in Qingdao. | |
15 | 的确,本书中的思想对今天的大多数父母来说,也许太难以理解也太激进,甚至有些父母正苦于无力让他们的孩子在学校中呆足够的时间。 | Truthfully, the ideas in this book are probably too far fetched and radical for most parents today. Some parents are having a hard enough time simply keeping their children in school. | |
16 | 第二发子弹结果了他。 | The second shot fetched him. | |
17 | 发出深深的叹息 | Fetched a deep sigh | |
18 | 费希尔去取酒瓶时,他拉出了留声机,放上一张唱片。 | While fisher fetched the bottle he pulled out the gramophone and put on a record | |
19 | 凤姐因怕通灵玉失落,便等宝玉睡下,命人拿来塞在自己枕边. | For fear lest the precious jade might disappear while Baoyu was asleep, Xifeng had it fetched and put it under her own pillow. | |
20 | 古怪的风格或外表上不落陈套的和牵强的;古怪的 | Strikingly unconventional and far-fetched in style or appearance;odd. | |
21 | 谷物在市场上卖到了好价钱。 | The corn fetched an excellent price at the market. | |
22 | 果然出去带进一个小后生来,较宝玉略瘦些,眉清目秀,粉面朱唇,身材俊俏,举止风流,似在宝玉之上,只是怯怯羞羞,有女儿之态 | he fetched in a lad more slightly built that Baoyu yet even more handsome, with fine features, a fair complexion, red lips, a graceful figure and pleasing manners, but as bashful as a girl. | |
23 | 火车突然停住了。 | The train suddenly fetched up | |
24 | 接着,奶奶也活着出来了,只是有点喘不过气来。小红帽赶紧跑去搬来几块大石头,塞进狼的肚子。狼醒来之后想逃走,可是那些石头太重了,它刚站起来就跌到在地,摔死了。 | And after that the aged grandmother came out alive also, but scarcely able to breathe. Red-cap, however, quickly fetched great stones with which they filled the wolf’s belly, and when he awoke, he wanted to run away, but the stones were so heavy that he collapsed at once, and fell dead. | |
25 | 她打了他一个耳光。 | She fetched him a slap across the face | |
26 | 她的故事催他们泪下。 | Her story fetched tears to their eyes. | |
27 | 她狠狠地给了他一记耳光. | She fetched him a terrific slap in the face. | |
28 | 她起身拿了一本信笺和一支笔。 | She got up, fetched a writing pad and pen. | |
29 | 进口药品的检验样品应当保存至有效期满。不易贮存的留样,可根据实际情况掌握保存时间。 | The inspection samples fetched from the imported drugs shall be preserved until their valid term expires. For those difficult to preserve, the preservation period shall depend on the actual circumstances. | |
30 | 经过一个月的海上航行终于到达了港口. | Fetched port after a month at sea. |