属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-心理学 当权者都会腐化 败坏?
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-疾病传播 细菌与金钱
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-基础物理 反物质研究突飞猛进
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-美貌与职场 漂亮有罪吗?
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-体貌魅力和事业 美丽不是错
1 | 与杂志上的黑幕揭发同时,一种献身于民主事业的小说创作正在蓬勃发展之中。 | contemporaneous with muckraking in magazine journalism was the proliferation of a fictional literature dedicated to the cause of democracy | |
2 | 这个虚构的地方和福克纳生活的密西西比州拉斐特县极为相似,正如他居住的密西西比州牛津镇一样给他作品中的虚构环境提供了许多素材。 | This fictional county is very similar to Lafayette County, Mississippi where Faulkner lived, just as the setting of his town of Oxford, Mississippi, provides many elements for the fictional surroundings used in Faulkner’ work | |
3 | 这两位作者代表了天才小说家两个极端。 | The two authors represent the opposite poles of fictional genius. | |
4 | ||1:Fast博士将213位实验对象随机分配到四个代表不同情形的身份及权力的小组中。||2:所有实验对象都被告知他们将以小组形式参加一个研究,与另一个同样是虚构的顾问公司的同学进行互动,他们彼此并不见面。||3:一些试验对象被赋予的角色是"拿主意的"人-需要他们制定、实施重大决策,另一些人的角色是"劳动者"-做些类似校对、打印之类的日常事务的工作。||4:实验后的问卷调查验证了他们之前的推测:测试对象们对"拿主意的"角色报以尊重和赞美,同样在他们意料之中的还有,对劳动者的角色都是轻视的态度。 | ||1: Dr Fast’s experiment randomly assigned each of 213 participants to one of four situations that manipulated their status and power. ||2: All participants were informed that they were taking part in a study on virtual organisations and would be interacting with, but not meeting, a fellow student who worked in the same fictional consulting firm. ||3: Participants were then assigned either the role of "idea producer", a job that entailed generating and working with important ideas, or of "worker", a job that involved menial tasks like checking for typos. ||4: A post-experiment questionnaire demonstrated that participants did, as might be expected, look upon the role of idea producer with respect and admiration. Equally unsurprisingly, they looked down on the role of worker. | |
5 | ||1:奎曼对人们熟知的疾病进行了全新的阐述,即使是最坚定的疑病者看了这本书之后也会产生另外的焦虑(听说过鹦鹉热吗?)||2: 本书最让人惊奇的章节之一是关于 HIV 的——针对这种病毒已经出版了很多相关资料。 ||3: 奎曼将几种不同类型的 HIV 追溯到20世纪初:该病毒可能是在当时由黑猩猩传染给人类的。 ||4: 然后,他审慎而明智地采用一种小说般的叙述方式将故事向前推进,针对 HIV 如何能够如此广泛传播提出了一些惊人的新证据。 | ||1: Familiar diseases are given a fresh gloss, while even the most devoted hypochondriac will find some new ones to worry about. (Ever heard of parrot fever?) ||2: One of the most surprising chapters is on HIV, about which much has already been written. ||3: Mr Quammen traces the various strains of HIV back to the beginning of the 20th century, when the virus is likely to have moved from a chimpanzee into a human. ||4: With judicious use of a fictional narrative he then draws the story forward, bringing in some startling new evidence for how HIV was able to spread so widely. | |
6 | 从那以后,反物质研究—首先是反电子,俗称正电子,然后到其它所有物质颗粒的反续状态—成为真实科学和虚拟科学的重要组成部分。 | Since then antimatter-first, anti-electrons, known as positrons, and then antiversions of all other particles of matter-has become a staple of both real science and the fictional sort. | |
7 | 两人针对现实中2500多个空缺职位投出了虚构的简历。 | The pair sent fictional applications to over 2,500 real-life vacancies. | |
8 | 研究组给超过2500个职位空缺发送虚构的申请。 | The pair sent fictional applications to over 2,500 real-life vacancies. | |
9 | “阿西莫夫的机器人三定律仍是小说里一种虚构的想法。”来自英国的西部大学艾伦·温菲尔德教授说。 | "Asimov’s laws of robotics were, and remain, a fictional device" says Prof Alan Winfield from the University of the West of England. | |
10 | 《仁心仁术》是虚构的电视剧,但观众仍然把它看作是医生对待病人的真实写照。 | ER was a fictional drama, but viewers still saw it as a realistic depiction of doctors treating patients. | |
11 | AdventureWorksCycles是一家虚构的制造公司,用于演示数据库概念和方案。 | Adventure Works Cycles is a fictional manufacturing company used to demonstrate database concepts and scenarios. | |
12 | Inman先生说那些读者“盼望”小说的视频版本。 | Mr. Inman said readers then "warmed to" the fictional editions. | |
13 | 奥尼尔知道怎样部署平常的虚饰以彻底摧毁虚构的效果。 | And O’Neill knows how to deploy the quotidian fripperies of our laptop culture to devastating fictional effect. | |
14 | 不要被这种类似黑道术语的名词吓倒,所谓的等离子大炮,只不过是科幻史诗小说想象中的一种武器。 | Do not be put off by this scrap of jargon; an ion cannon is a fictional weapon used in fictional space epics. | |
15 | 诚信和真实远远要比生产效率和构造的社会认可重要得多。 | Integrity and authenticity are vastly more important than productivity and fictional social acceptance. | |
16 | 但即使是这虚幻情节的惊悚程度与7千万年前在特兰西瓦尼亚所真正发生的事情相比也显得几乎是平淡无奇的了。 | But even this fictional thriller almost pales in comparison to what really took place in Transylvania around 70 million years ago. | |
17 | 当剧情都是一样时,只有一件事是不同的:这些并非小说人物,而是真实的人类。 | While the message is the same, there is one difference: these aren’t fictional characters, they’re real people. | |
18 | 调查人员向被调查者描述了一家虚拟饭店和菜单。 | Those questioned were given a description and a menu for a fictional restaurant. | |
19 | 对于爱情,小说的创作最初为此惊叹,进而对此进行了卓有成效的反思。 | Of love, fictional creation has the initial wonder and the fecund rumination. | |
20 | 多年来我们读了很多有关中国的文学作品和非故事性的文献,我们还看了一些中国电影。 | Over the years we have read a great deal about China, in both literature and non-fictional studies, and we have watched Chinese films. | |
21 | 法国超现实主义电影与中国超现实电影的比较分析 | A Comparative Study of French Super- realism Movies and Chinese Fictional Movies | |
22 | 法律属性上,高校学生自治权的“法定权”不明显,更多地体现出“拟制权”色彩; | The right of students’ autonomy in legal attribute is more "fictional " than "statutory" ; | |
23 | 戈夫在2009年曾把中国政府比作乔治奥威尔的传世之作《一九八四》,虚构的极权主义国家。 | In 2009 Mr Gove compared China to the fictional totalitarian state in George Orwell’s "1984" . | |
24 | 根据情节,打斗将发生在城市中心虚构的Sadovaya地铁站(用一个黄色圆圈标记)。 | According to the plot, actions take place in the city center, at fictional Sadovaya Metro Station (marked with one brown circle) | |
25 | 故事讲述了一位虚构的杜小姐的职场升迁经历。 | The story chronicles the adventures of the fictional Miss Du as she moves up the corporate ladder. | |
26 | 故事中的人物可以是热切的、爱冒险的、坚毅的,或敏锐的都行。 | A fictional character can be intense, adventurous, steadfast or subtle. | |
27 | 关于新时期纪实性报告文学中的一些问题 | Some Issues Concerning Non - fictional Reportage in the New Era | |
28 | 好吧,这算不上严格意义上的小说,但是因为讲述的故事过于夸张,几乎是虚构的。 | OK, this isn’t exactly a novel, but the stories are so exaggerated as to be almost fictional . | |
29 | 积极介入也好,消极遁世也罢,戏里和戏外,他都是主角。 | Whether living actively or passively, whether in the real or fictional world, he was always the leading figure. | |
30 | 即使出现通货膨胀,这个预算比花费了六百万美元的虚构仿生人史蒂夫•奥斯丁(SteveAustin)要昂贵一些。 | This is a little more than the $6m paid for that fictional bionic man, Steve Austin, even allowing for inflation. |