1 | SOA体系下细粒度组件服务整合的探讨 | Discussion about the Integration of Component Services with Finer Granularity in SOA Applications | |
2 | 半方接线(短划):长度等于半方的短划。很多时,配合精细的排字要求,就用它来代替连字号。 | En dash (En rule): A rule the length of which equals an en. Used to take the place of hyphen in many occasions when finer typography is required. | |
3 | 不能磨得比这个再细了. | It won’t grind down any finer than this. | |
4 | 采用这种度量方法时,旦尼尔数越低,则纱线越细。 | In this system the lower the number, the finer the yarn. | |
5 | 长沙乡镇社区体育管理模式的优化 | Research on the Finer Managing Model for Village and Town Community Sports in Changsha Four-county | |
6 | 诚然,在这里,清教徒们的服饰一般以深黑和简朴为特色,她那些精美的针线活儿可能很少有人间津。 | Here, indeed, in the sable simplicity that generally characterised the Puritanic modes of dress, there might be an infrequent call for the finer productions of her handiwork. | |
7 | 刺绣是用不同针法和不同颜色刺绣丝线完成。许多刺绣是手工绣成,一些使用了7种或8种针法,以及100多种不同颜色的丝线。丝线越细,效果越佳。 | Embroidery is done with colored silk thread in different stitches. There are many kinds of hand-embroidery, and some use seven or eight different stitches and more than one hundred varieties of colored thread. The finer the thread, the better the effect. | |
8 | 大部分奖牌由金、银、青铜或铅制成,而贵金属用来制作较精美的制品。 | Most medals are made of gold, silver, bronze, or lead, the precious metals being used for the finer productions. | |
9 | 但是如果把这个和他的幸福联系起来的话,向他表明这样做可以改进海上航行,有了这样的更暖的外套、更好的枪或者更棒的刀,立刻,了就会为如此伟大的改良而兴奋。 | But connect it with his happiness, by showing that it improves navigation, that by such an investigation he may have a warmer coat, a better gun, or a finer knife, and he is instantly in raptures at so great an improvement. | |
10 | 但是如果织物需要高质量的纱线,特别是一些高级棉织物,就需要精梳纱而不是粗梳纱。 | However, some fabrics require yarns of finer quality, particularly fine-quality cotton fabrics, and these require combed yarns rather than carded. | |
11 | 而且,它们把土壤翻来翻去,逐渐把下面的小石粒翻到上面来。蚯蚓吃东西的时候把土壤磨碎,使土壤变得更细。 | and they turn the soil over in such a way that rock pieces are slowly pushed to the top. Earthworms grind up the soil as they eat, and make it finer . | |
12 | 分析特定风险的细节; 设计降低风险的新技术(如控制有毒物质散逸的设备,预防噪音传送或危险机器的保护装置). | Examine the finer details of particular risks; devise novel technical measures for risk reduction (e.g. equipment for controlling emissions of toxic substances, preventing the transmission of noise or safeguarding dangerous machinery). | |
13 | 佛山地区基层体育管理优化模式的构想 | Conception of Finer Model for Basic Sport Organization in the Pearl River Delta | |
14 | 根据蛋白质互作网络预测乳腺癌相关蛋白质的细致功能 | Finding Finer Functions for Proteins Related to Breast Cancer Based on Protein Interaction Network | |
15 | 含铅少或不含铅的白镴质量较好,含锑和铋的合金比较耐用,也更光亮。 | Pewter with little or no lead is of finer quality, and alloys that include antimony and bismuth are more durable and shinier. | |
16 | 君复康对海洛因成瘾者稽延性戒断症状作用靶点的研究 | A Study of the Effect Target the New Herbal Medicine U’ Finer Treating Heroin Prolonged Withdrawal Symptom with SPECT DAT Imaging in Molecular Level | |
17 | 尼古拉的日记里有这样的叙述:“温暖的夏日,美丽的田园,士兵们犹如白色的海洋一对我来说没有比这更好的了,有一队大兵舰就好上加好。” | An Intellectual Portrait" when they had this sentence from Nicholas’s diary: "A white sea of soldiers in a pretty country on a warm summer day--nothing can be finer for me, except a squadron of large ships" | |
18 | 你读的书可能排印得行距较密,字体也较小。 | The books you read are probably in finer print with lines closer together. | |
19 | 茜比尔?范在一群其貌不扬,衣着寒酸的演员之间跳着,象一个从哪个美好的世界来的生灵。 | Through the crowd of ungainly, shabbily dressed actors, Sibyl Vane moved like a creature from a finer world | |
20 | 如果你想学习有关金钱的知识,那就要先告诉别人你的看法,然后,新的思想和好的灵感就会如同山洪爆发,喷涌而出。 | If you want to learn about money, teach it to someone else. a torrent of new ideas and finer distinctions will come in. | |
21 | 沙子比碎石细. | Sand is finer than gravel. | |
22 | 纱线越细,要求的捻度就越大。粗重的纱线可以使用较低的捻度,但强度较大。 | As the yarn becomes finer , it requires more twist; heavier yarns can have very low twist and be durable. | |
23 | 山羊绒纤维比优质羊毛更细。纤维有从白到黑各种颜色。山羊绒织物暖和舒适,质地柔软,悬垂性极佳。 | The fibres have diameters finer than those of the best wools. Natural colour is usually gray or tan but ranges from white to black. Cashmere fabric is warm and comfortable and has excellent draping qualities and soft texture | |
24 | 他的身上有一种依稀难辨的,伟大的艺术意境,比之她自己所设想的还要高明得多。 | There was in him, in some nebulous, unrecognizable form, a great artistic reality which was finer than anything she could plan for herself | |
25 | 他们就合同中的若干细节讨价还价花去了好几个小时. | They dicker ed for hours over some of the finer points of the contract. | |
26 | 他们渴望拥有生活所提供的那些更美好的东西,但面对困难,大部分人却下意识地调整自己并借口说:"你不能拥有这个",或者"你可支付不起这个"。 | "Their desire to have the finer things that life offers. Most have been conditioned subconsciously to say, ""You can’t have that,"" or;""You’ll never afford that." | |
27 | 他们两个的交往打头就有这么一个特点:她是两个里头较为敏捷、细致、感情外露的一个,可是这不但没有使他相形之下愈加退缩,反而把她的轻快和洒脱分了一点给他… | It had been one of the wonders of their intercourse that from the first, she, the quicker, finer , more expressive, instead of crushing him by the contrast, had given him something of her own ease and freedom… | |
28 | 网线数目:网片上,每厘米或每时内的线条数目。线条越多,印刷品越精细。 | Screen ruling: The number of lines per cm or per inch on a screen. The greater the number of lines, the finer the printing will be. | |
29 | 我不太懂落袋台球游戏,但我喜欢看电视里的这种节目. | I don’t understand the finer points of snooker but I enjoy watching it on TV. | |
30 | 我从未见过比这更好看的野兽。 | I’ ve never seen a finer wild animal |