属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ASTM E 276-1998
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ASTM C 117-1995
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:什么是引以为傲的成就?
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-星巴克 亏损巨头靠速溶咖啡来提神
属类:自然科学-Technology Report 科技报道-全球土豪的私人社交媒体网站
属类:自然科学-Technology Report 科技报道-IBM公司为发展中国家提供更精准详细的天气预报
1 | 细帆布一种类似的但质量要好一些的织物,用于作窗帘和室内装饰 | A similar but finer fabric used in draperies and upholstery. | |
2 | 现时常用的是接触网片。网点的疏密由网线数目决定:从每厘米25线到80线(每英寸65线到200线)。网线越密,网点越精细,越能表达图片的层次;但是选用的纸张、油墨和印刷方法要配合。 | The fineness of the dots are determined by the screen ruling which vary from 25 to 80 lines per cm(65 to 200 lines/in).The finer the screen ruling,the more detail the half-tone will reproduce,but paper,ink and printing process must be so chosen to match. | |
3 | 线比绳子细。 | Thread is finer than rope. | |
4 | 享受生活中更加美好的事物。 | Enjoy the finer things in life. | |
5 | 信息化推动航天晨光管理精细化 | Informatization Leading to Finer Management in Nanjing Chenguang Group Co., Ltd. | |
6 | 要赶走这些人比尔自己心里也不好受。可是,要是他凭良心办事,他就会很快丢了工作,那么,他上哪儿去呢? | Bill feels sorry for the people he has to evict,too.But if he were to be governed by his finer feelings,he’d soon be out of a job and then where would he be? | |
7 | 液压油的优异过滤性能将允许系统使用更加精密的过滤器 | Strong filterability performance allows for the fitting of finer filters.? | |
8 | 银可以拉成比头发还细的丝。 | Silver may be drawn out into a wire finer than a human hair | |
9 | 用4号筛(4.75毫米)及较细筛进行含金属矿石和有关材料粒度或筛分的试验方法 | Test Method for Particle Size or Screen Analysis at No. 4 (4.75-mm)Sieve and Finer for Metal-Bearing Ores and Related Materials | |
10 | 用冲洗法测定矿物集料中细于200号筛孔(75μm)的材料量的试验方法 | Test Method for Materials Finer Than 75-Micrometer (No. 200)Sieve in Mineral Aggregates by Washing | |
11 | 有一些高速中枢链路电缆扩充连接到其他电缆,而这些电缆本身又可以依次扩散到更细一些的多芯绞线上。 | A few high-speed "backbone " cables branch out into other cables , which in turn radiate outward into finer strands. | |
12 | 在埃勒斯莱砂岩层段内,重复出现的截顶层序中,自下而上,由粗变细的粒级递变也是明显的。 | Grain gradation, from coarser below to finer above in repeated, truncated sequences within the Ellerslie Sandstone is also evident | |
13 | 在持续时间内均匀发酵可以改善许多焙烤终产品的品质;面包屑状结构具有了更好的更均匀的多孔性结构,而面包表皮也具有了更大的弹性。 | Uniform leavening over an extended time improves the quality of many baked end-products, the crumb structure acquires finer and more uniform porosity, while the crust has greater elasticity. | |
14 | 在传动系统方面,标配的6速手自一体智能电子控制系统更加出色与细腻,与3.0升V6发动机的强劲动力相契合 | For the drive system, the 6-speed sequential-shift automatic transmission with ECT-i is even finer and smoother, matching perfectly to the 3.0-liter V6 engine. | |
15 | 在美国促销时,该公司成功地用了这么一句话:“在餐桌上没有比这更好的餐巾了(You can use no finer napkin at your dinner table)”。这家公司决定在英国也用同样的广告。 | In a U.S. promotion, the firm had effectively used the phrase "You can use no finer napkin at your dinner table" and decided to use the same commercials in England | |
16 | 这家美国公司没有察觉到它的广告是在说:“在餐桌上没有比这更好的尿布了”。 | The American firm was unknowingly advertising that "You could use no finer diaper at your dinner table." | |
17 | 这样一来,喷出岩通常具有微细结构,其巾矿物颗粒因太细小而用肉眼无法辨认。 | Thus, the extrusive rocks usually have a finer texture in which crystals are too small to be seen with the naked eye. | |
18 | 只有通过这种高压才能压制成清晰精美的浮雕纹,使图形低凹处的材料被“挤压”到高出坯料原来表面凸出部分。 | The finer lines of relief are brought up clearly only by such pressure, the material displaced by the lower body of the design being thrown up by this "squeezing" action into the higher portions above the original surface of the blank. | |
19 | ||1:俄语是斯大林的第二语言。||2:这位前苏联的格鲁吉亚独裁者口音很重,据说他的格尾口齿不清。||3:这个故事说明了两件问题。||4:一个是学习新语言是困难的,即使有大量的接触。||5:(斯大林十岁左右开始学习俄语,成年后一直说俄语。||6:) 另一个原因是语言实际比所需复杂得多。||7:虽然斯大林没有掌握所有俄语的细微之处,但这并没有阻止他以铁腕统治苏联。 | ||1:Stalin spoke Russian as a second language.||2:The Georgian dictator of the Soviet Union had a noticeable accent and is said to have mumbled his case-endings.||3:The tale indicates two things.||4:One is that learning new languages is hard, even with a great deal of exposure.||5:(Stalin started learning Russian at around ten and spoke it all his adult life.||6:) The other is that languages are more complex than they need to be.||7:Not having mastered all Russian’s finer points didn’t keep Stalin from ruling the Soviet Union with a murderously effective iron hand. | |
20 | Doodle是18世纪英国人对笨蛋的称呼,而macaroni是指衣冠楚楚的人,他们喜欢生活中美好的事物。所以,他帽子上插着羽毛,被人叫做纨绔子弟这个歌词是指殖民者认为他们在帽子上插上羽毛只是为了好看。 | "Doodle" was an 18th century British term for a stupid person. And "macaroni" meant a well-dressed person, someone who likes the finer things in life. So, saying "stuck a feather in his cap and called it macaroni" meant that the colonists thought they could look good by simply placing feathers in their caps. | |
21 | 当舒尔茨先生重新回到星巴克任行政长官,他注意到,有了一些技术的进步,例如能够使咖啡豆更精细研磨。 | When Mr Schultz returned as chief executive, he noticed that there had been some technological advances, allowing finer grinding, for example. | |
22 | 他说,互联大都会是富人们可以讨论他所谓“精致生活”的地方。用他的话来说,“互联大都会是专注于连接世界各地会员的网络乡村俱乐部。”他说,这个网站是为“钱比时间多的人”而开设。 | He says Netropolitan is a place where rich people can talk about what he calls "the finer things in life." In his words, "Netropolitan is an online country club focused on connecting members around the world." He says it is "for people with more money than time." | |
23 | 与欧美以及日本之外现有的天气预报系统相比,新系统能够提供更高频次、更为详细的天气预报。 | The new system creates weather forecasts more often and with finer details than what is available outside the United States, Europe and Japan. | |
24 | “AMR方法仅在需要的地方自适应性的使用更高的解析率,”伽特斯解释道。 | "AMR methods adaptively create finer resolution only where it’s needed, " explains Ghattas. | |
25 | “我早上的工作就是向来访的中国代表团介绍板球比赛的精妙之处,”他说。 | "My job for the morning was explaining the finer points of the game to a visiting Chinese delegation, " he says. | |
26 | “午夜的太阳自然是一奇景,”其中一人吹嘘道,“但中午的满月却更少见,而且也更美。” | "The midnight sun is one thing, " one of the select few boasts, "but the full moon at noon is rarer and finer . " | |
27 | LDAP可以方便地存储敏感数据并可以更精确地控制这些数据,包括控制数据访问的方式和访问者。 | LDAP makes it easy to store sensitive data and have finer control over the data and ways to access it and by whom. | |
28 | MDC的粒度可以比TP数据库分区更细一些。 | The MDC granularity can be finer -grain than the TP data partition size. | |
29 | Vicky的经验和深刻理解帮助作者添加了许多细节,如果不是他的提醒,作者一定会把它们漏掉。 | Her experience and deep insight has helped the author add many finer points which he admits would have been otherwise missed. | |
30 | 奥斯本说道:“军队里谁也比不上他的为人。” | "There’s not a finer fellow in the service, " Osborne said. |