1 | 外国资产阶级的一切腐败制度和思想作风,我们要坚决抵制和批判。 | We must firmly reject and criticize all the decadent bourgeois systems, ideologies and ways of life of foreign countries | |
2 | 威斯康星的独立不羁、自行其是、多族裔的特性是于1848年它成为一个州时就牢固形成的。 | Wisconsin’s independent, maverick, polyglot nature was firmly established by 1848, the year it became a state | |
3 | 为防止大风把干草堆吹掉,在上面盖上了一块防水帆布并用绳子紧紧地扎牢。 | A tarpaulin was spread over the hay-rick and firmly lashed down to prevent it blowing off in a high wind. | |
4 | 我把他的忠告铭记心头。 | His advice was firmly graven on my heart. | |
5 | 我坚信事实就是这样。 | I am firmly persuaded that such is the fact. | |
6 | 我们的目标是要使剧院达到现代水平,但要实现这一点,我们就得大胆地抓一些棘手的问题。 | Our object must now be to bring theatres up to date.But if we were to do this,we would have to grasp the nettle firmly with both hands. | |
7 | 我们坚定地相信人民群众的创造力是无穷无尽的。 | We believe firmly in the inexhaustible creative power of the masses. | |
8 | 我们坚决反对扩张主义。 | We stood firmly against expansionism. | |
9 | 我们坚决反对任何形式的"台独"分裂活动, | We firmly oppose Taiwan’s separatist activities in any form | |
10 | 我们坚决反对一切行贿、偷税漏税、盗窃国家资材、偷工减料、偷窃国家经济情报的不法行为。 | We firmly fight against all illegal acts such as bribery, tax evasion, theft of state property, jerrybuilding and stealing economic information from government sources. | |
11 | 我们坚决反对在国与国之间实行强权政治。 | We are firmly opposed to the practice of power politics between nations | |
12 | 我们坚决支持被压迫民族争取解放的正义斗争。 | We firmly back the just struggle of the oppressed peoples for liberation. | |
13 | 我们坚信,在包括两岸同胞和海外侨胞在内的全中国人民的共同努力下,中国的完全统一一定能够实现。 | We firmly believe that the complete reunification of China will be achieved through the joint efforts of the entire Chinese people, including compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Straits and those living overseas | |
14 | 我们坚信,只要包括台湾同胞在内的全体中华儿女共同努力,祖国的完全统一就一定能够早日实现。 | We firmly believe that with common efforts made by all Chinese people, including our Taiwan compatriots, the complete reunification of our motherland can be achieved at an early date | |
15 | 我们坚信他一定会成功。 | We firmly believe that he will succeed. | |
16 | 我们坚信中国的外交在社会主义中国起向振兴统一的历史进程中将写下更加辉煌的篇章。 | We firmly believe that as the socialist China marches toward rejuvenation and reunification, a more glorious chapter will be written in the history of China’s diplomacy | |
17 | 我们将坚决支持阿拉伯人民。 | We’ll firmly stand by the Arab peoples. | |
18 | 我们确信他会成功。 | We firmly believed that he would succeed. | |
19 | 我深信,友好的微笑、张口就来的“先生”、“夫人”、“谢谢”已足已帮我应付任何情况--从应付急性了、讨厌鬼到为找错零钱而道歉。 | I firmly believed that a friendly smile and an automatic "sir", "ma’am", and "thank you" would see me through any situation that might arise, from soothing impatient or unpleasant people to apologizing for giving out the wrong change | |
20 | 我向他们说,你们说的是有理由的,有根据的,积十八年之经验⑶,深知是这么一回事。 | I told them that what they said was justified and well-founded and that we were firmly convinced by eighteen years of experience [3] that this would be the case | |
21 | 吴芝生赶快又来驳他。他的始终坚持的意见是生产品分配的问题不解决,中国或世界总不免于乱。 | Wu Chih-sheng firmly believed that, as long as the problem of distribution of wealth remained unsolved, China-and, indeed the whole world-would remain in chaos | |
22 | 希普曼坚不认罪,他的动机依然成谜。 | shipman firmly refused to plead guilty. His motives remain a mystery | |
23 | 乡镇企业应牢牢确立面向农村,为广大农民服务的思想。 | Rural enterprises should firmly keep the principle of facing the countryside and serving the peasants. | |
24 | 因此,我站在中国和同盟国的共同利益的立场上,坚决地彻底地反对你的命令,直至你公开承认错误,并公开收回这个错误命令之时为止。 | Therefore, taking my stand on the common interest of China and the Allies, I shall firmly and completely oppose your order so long as you do not openly admit your error and countermand this wrong order | |
25 | 因而具有历史和现实的充分依据和牢固基础。 | Therefore, they are well founded and firmly grounded in terms of both history and realities. | |
26 | 有把手的小提箱比其他行李更能牢靠地固定在车子上。 | Suitcases having handles can be more firmly moored to a vehicle than some other kinds of luggage. | |
27 | 有的学生常常问我为什么不说自己是海外华人,对此我答道我生在美国长在美国,我的生活已经牢牢地限定在了美国以及“海外”的欧洲。 | Someone will usually ask me why I don’t say that I am an overseas Chinese.To this, I reply that I was born and raised in the US, my life has been firmly located in the US and "overseas" in Europe | |
28 | 再将存储模块安插至存储模块插槽中,若完全的插入,插槽两端的白色固定卡榫便会锁上并且固定存储模块。 | Push the memory module firmly into place. When properly seated, the white retaining clips will move inward and hold the memory module in place. | |
29 | 在新民主主义的国家权力到达的地方,对于这些阶级,必须坚决地毫不犹豫地给以保护。 | Wherever the state power of New Democracy extends, it must firmly and unhesitatingly protect them | |
30 | 这就确凿地证实了振荡的本质是次光球层的低频声波本征模式。 | This firmly establishes the nature of the oscillations as low acoustic eigenmodes of the subphotospheric layers |