属类:文学表达-外国名著-A Doll’s House Henrik Ibsen
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-气候变化 呈钟形曲线变化的天气
1 | 他对我阿谀奉承,是居心叵测[不怀好意]。 | It is disingenuous of him to flatter me. = He is disingenuous to flatter me. | |
2 | 他会当面吹捧一个人,背后又说他坏话。 | He will flatter a person to his face, and then run him down behind his back | |
3 | 他们都在看我。你别夸自己了! | They’re all watching me. You flatter yourself! | |
4 | 他确信贝尼代托是有罪的,他想从那种克服困难的胜利中获得一种自私的喜悦来温暖他那冰冷的心。 | he felt assured that Benedetto was guilty, and he hoped by his skill in conducting this aggravated case to flatter his self-love, which was about the only vulnerable point left in his frozen heart | |
5 | 他是那种当面胁肩谄笑,背地里造谣中伤的人。 | He was the kind of person who would flatter you to your face, and then slander you behind your back | |
6 | 他知道自己说这番话的目的只不过是想让她高兴. | He knew that he was saying all this just to flatter her | |
7 | 讨好,求爱试图获得某物或消除敌对而用热心的表示来奉承 | To flatter with solicitous overtures in an attempt to obtain something or clear away antagonism. | |
8 | 托伐不能相信这是真的,他恳求娜拉留下。但是娜拉声明她要争取做一个有头脑的人,要去了解世界,一句话,她要成为一个真正的女人而不是满足托伐狭隘虚荣心的玩偶。 | Torvald could not believe his ears and pleaded with her to remain. But she declared she was going to try to become a reasonable human being, to understand the world---in short, to become a woman, not a doll to flatter Torvald’s selfish vanity. | |
9 | 文森特·洛德出于自己的需要,对埃思里奇曲意奉承,表面上把他当作在科学问题上同自己等量齐观的人看待。 | It suited Vincent Lord’s purposes to flatter Etheridge by appearing to treat him as a scientific equal. | |
10 | 我妹妹这张照片没有本人好看。 | This picture surely doesn’t flatter my sister. | |
11 | 我们在世界上只是暂时栖身,却一厢情愿、痴心妄想地竟把它当作长久不变的结合,好像没有冷漠、争吵、离别的蜜月。 | Our short-lived connexion with existence we fondly flatter ourselves, is an indissoluble and lasting union-a honeymoon that knows neither coldness, jar, nor separation. | |
12 | 我们自信没有他们的帮助我们也可以办到。 | We flatter ourselves that we can do without their help | |
13 | 我们自以为不需要他们的帮忙也行。 | We flatter ourselves that we can do without their help. | |
14 | 我自认是这个俱乐部里高尔夫球打得最好的人。 | I flatter myself that I’m the best golfer in the club. | |
15 | 我自信我能很准确地判断人的性格。 | I flatter myself on being a good judge of character | |
16 | 一个既不用借债又不用奉承人的人,可以称得上心满意足 | He may well be contented who need neither borrow nor flatter | |
17 | 这张相片实在不如你本人好看. | This photograph certainly doesn’t flatter you,ie It makes you look rather ugly. | |
18 | 这张照片当然不及她本人好看. | The picture certainly doesn’t flatter her. | |
19 | 这张照片当然不及你本人好看。 | The picture certainly doesn’t flatter you. | |
20 | 这照片比你本人漂亮 | This photograph flatter s you. | |
21 | 自问没有做错事。 | Upon self-examination, I can flatter myself that I have done no wrong | |
22 | ||1:巴特莱特先生倾向于引进增值税,但他认为美国政治将为这个问题增加难度。||2:也会增加共和党的憎恶,因为他们反对任何新的税种,他们担心增值税的“无痛”功效可能促使美国政府急于花钱。||3:另一方面,民主党则担心增值税会损害到与所得税这个更先进的税收相关的低收入家庭的利益。||4:欧洲福利国家常依靠比美国更低的税收制度,使用福利支出来弥合社会不公。 | ||1:Mr Bartlett favours the introduction of VAT, but reckons that politics will make this hard to do.||2:It is doubly abhorrent to Republicans, who oppose any new taxes, and who fear that the “painless” efficiency of VAT may make the American government too eager to spend.||3:Democrats, on the other hand, worry that VAT will harm low-income households relative to income tax, which is more progressive.||4:European welfare states often rely on tax systems that are flatter than America’s, using welfare spending to smooth out inequities. | |
23 | ||1:德国商业银行的营销材料上画着一名女子,身穿灰色衣服跑步,带着连衣帽,耳朵里塞着耳机。||2:眼神坚毅,死死盯着前方的路,志在完成自己的锻炼计划。||3:这可能是在讨好自己的客户,暗指他们都是坚韧不拔,工作勤奋。||4:但是这个隐喻或许更贴合银行自身的实际。||5:德国商业银行离回到良性发展还有很长的路。这是欧洲陷入危机的银行体系转向更小,更安全和更本土化的痛苦转型的很好的例证。 | ||1:Jul 27th 2013 | Berlin |From the print editionCOMMERZBANK’S marketing materials show a woman running in a grey, hooded jumper, headphones in her ears.||2:Her eyes are locked on the path ahead in determination to finish her workout.||3:This is probably meant to flatter the bank’s customers as gritty and hard-working.||4:But it is a better metaphor for the bank itself.||5:It is on a long, hard road back to health, a journey that exemplifies the painful reshaping of Europe’s troubled banking system to be smaller, safer and more domestic. | |
24 | 第二,时间距离现在越近,曲线越矮胖, | Second, more recent curves are flatter . | |
25 | 莫迪政府为何要篡改数据,以讨好其令人憎恨的前任呢? | Why would Mr Modi’s government fiddle the figures to flatter its hated predecessor? | |
26 | 这也就意味着标准差越大,温度数据分布越广。 | A flatter curve means a bigger standard deviation and a wider spread of results. | |
27 | “里根变革”所要做的就是使美国经济处于一个低税率、高盈余、贸易更为自由化的运行轨道上。 | What the Reagan Revolution did was to move America toward lower, flatter tax rates, sound money, freer trade and less regulation. | |
28 | 《牛津英语词典》(OED)的flatter词条则坦白写道,它的词源“成疑”,但或许与flat(扁平的)有关。 | The Oxford English Dictionary entry for flatter admits that its etymology is "doubtful" but suggests that flatter may be related to flat. | |
29 | Zibach先生说:“这是早期为了获得一个更平坦更广阔情境的构想。” | "This was an early idea of getting toward a much flatter , wider expanse, " said Mr. Zibach. | |
30 | 阿特拉斯是两者中较平整的一个,从南极点到北极点的直径只有18公里,但是它的赤道周长却有40公里。 | Atlas, the flatter of the two, has a diameter of only 18 kilometres from pole to pole, but is almost 40 kilometres across its waist. |