1 | 机械安全压敏防护装置第1部分:压敏垫和压敏地板设计和试验通则 | Safety of machinery Pressure sensitive protective device Part 1: General principles for the design and testing of pressure sensing mats and pressure sensing floors | |
2 | 几层以下可忍受的相当大的喧闹(一定也有心碎),我们住在上面几层的几乎听不到(布伦丹·吉尔) | Little was heard by us in the upper regions of the considerable ruckus(and surely the heartbreak)being endured some floors below(Brendan Gill) | |
3 | 她常把地板擦得很亮。 | She polishes her floors often | |
4 | 她花了一下午的时间擦窗子拖地板。 | She spent the afternoon in washing the windows and the floors . | |
5 | 她住在再往上两层。 | She lives two floors up. | |
6 | 近几十年来,从海底取了样。 | For some decades now, samples have been dredged from the ocean floors | |
7 | 廉价商品部:货物和衣服减价或折价出售的百货商店的地下室或某层楼。 | Bargain basement:a basement floor or floors in a department store where goods and apparel are sold at reduced or discounted prices. | |
8 | 楼面即是将建筑物分成层面的水平面。楼面既可以用耐火混凝土建造,也可以用木料建造。 | The levels which divide a building into stores are called floors . These may be constructed either in fire resisting materials, such as concrete, or in timber. | |
9 | 楼上的一个房间、上面的一层楼、上方的一个窗户 | One of the upper rooms,floors ,windows | |
10 | 楼梯井,通风井垂直地通过建筑物各层的开阔空间,如为了建楼梯或通风 | An open space extending vertically through the floors of a building,as for stairs or ventilation. | |
11 | 旅店共有四层,备有电梯(安装于1950年),每个楼层都停。公用房间包括五十个座位的餐厅、一个客厅和一个酒吧。 | It is four stories high with a lift (installed in 1950)serving all floors . The public rooms comprise a dining-room seating fifty people, a lounge and a bar. | |
12 | 罗马人也曾广泛使用马赛克,尤其用于地板。前哥伦布时期的美洲人喜欢深红色、青绿色和珍珠色的马赛克,通常用于盾、面具和宗教雕像。 | The Romans used mosaics widely, particularly for floors . Pre-Columbian Americans favoured mosaics of garnet, turquoise, and mother-of-pearl, which usually encrusted shields, masks, and cult statues. | |
13 | 马路对面有一座高大的六层楼建筑,招牌上写的是“风雷皇家公司”。她打量着这家公司,希望又复苏了。这是一家绸缎批发公司,因此雇佣女店员。她可以看见女工们在楼上不时走动。 | Over the way stood a great six-story structure, labelled Storm and King, which she viewed with rising hope. It was a wholesale dry goods concern and employed women. She could see them moving about now and then upon the upper floors . | |
14 | 木板是用来做地板的。 | Boards are used to make floors . | |
15 | 目前大致使用以下三种类型的实心上层楼面:在热轧工字钢梁之间添加素混凝土或钢筋混凝土,如图5所示。 | Three general systems for solid upper floors in use nowadays are: Plain or reinforced concrete filling between rolled steel joists (r. s. js.)as shown in Fig.5. | |
16 | 那次聚会可怕极了。孩子们跳到家具上面,打破了一扇窗户,还把地板全弄脏了。 | The party was a nightmare. Children jumped on the furniture, broke a window, and got the floors all dirty. | |
17 | 平屋顶的构成方式基本上与木地板相同。若干个平顶搁栅(或屋顶搁栅)从一面墙伸向对面的墙。 | Flat roofs are framed in essentially the same way as wood floors . a number of ceiling (or roof)joists run from one wall to the opposite wall. | |
18 | 剖面图把房屋从屋顶到地面切开。它标明房屋内部房间的高度及地板、天棚、屋顶的厚度。 | A section cuts the house from top to bottom. It shows the height of the rooms inside the building and the thickness of the floors , ceiling and roof. | |
19 | 其余各层安装各种先进的娱乐设施,使之成为中国乃至亚洲的旅游热点和游乐中心之一。 | All the other floors are equipped with advanced recreational facilities, making the tower one of the hot tourist spots and amusement centers in China and even in Asia | |
20 | 热水器必须放置在不会因热水器或管道泄漏而对热水器和地面造成损害的地方。 | The heater must be located in an area where leakage of the tank or connections will not result in damage to the area adjacent to the heater or to lower floors of the structure. | |
21 | 容纳不下的病人躺在地上和走廊里。 | Overflow patients lay on the floors and in the corridors | |
22 | 如果断电,有力的制动器会使电梯厢停住。如果电梯厢由于某种原因卡在楼层之间,乘客可以从厢顶的紧急出口逃出来。 | If the power fails, strong brakes hold the car at rest. If, for any reason, the car becomes stuck between floors , passengers may escape through an emergency exit in the roof of the car. | |
23 | 如果楼面承受很大的荷载,则底层的楼面几乎都是将混凝土浇注在双向钢筋上面,构成钢筋混凝土的实心地面。 | Solid Ground Floors Solid ground floors are nearly always of concrete laid on hardcore beds and are reinforced with mesh reinforcement, if the floors are to carry heavy loads. | |
24 | 商场分两层,营业面积共约为10400平方米. | It has 2 floors with an operation area of about 10,400 square meters. | |
25 | 石墙、石楼、石板地面、石雕 | Stone walls,buildings, floors ,statues | |
26 | 实际上洋底几乎和露出的陆地一样是高低起伏的。 | Actually the ocean floors are almost as irregular as the exposed land areas. | |
27 | 实体墙分为外墙和内墙,它们分别用于分隔房间或承担建筑中楼盖和层盖的荷载。另外,外墙的设置也起着挡土的作用。 | Solid walling is built both externally and internally, mainly to enclose areas and support the weight of the floors and roofs of buildings. It is also built externally, purely to retain earth. | |
28 | 世界上最高的建筑物有102层,高达1050英尺,这还不包括顶部200英尺的塔。高层建筑的结构基本上起到矩形断面钢悬臂筒的作用。 | One of the highest buildings in the world has 102 floors and is 1050 feet high, not including the 200-foot upper tower, such structures behave essentially as cantilevered steel tubes of rectangular cross section. | |
29 | 事实上,同拖地板、扫地、擦玻璃相比,散步更加有益于妇女,特别是年龄在60岁到79岁之间的老年妇女的身心健康,更能有效地保持体态。 | brisk walking is a much healthier option and a better way to keep fit than mopping floors , dusting and cleaning windows, particularly for older women between the ages of 60-79 | |
30 | 刷洗淋浴房内的地面。 | Scrub shower floors . |