属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-公司犯罪 揭发
1 | 1949年一1956年间,交响音乐创作呈现出欣欣向荣的景象 | In the period 1949-1956, there was a flurry of creation in the field of symphonic music. | |
2 | 不久,麦尔布礼太太带着有些惊慌而意外的神情走上楼来。 | By and by Mrs. Melbury came upstairs with a slight air of flurry and abruptness | |
3 | 第二段利用前段素材,简化音调,闪板起奏,形成全新的节奏音型,这种手法称"拷拍"。 | The second part uses elements from the first part, simplifies the tone, and forms a completely new rhythm with a flurry of beats a technique known as kaopai, or "rapping". | |
4 | 电影明星到达时,人群中发生了一阵骚动。 | A flurry of excitement went round the crowd as the film star arrived. | |
5 | 对新产品突发的兴趣;飞机降落时的一阵骚动 | A flurry of interest in the new product;a flurry of activity when the plane landed. | |
6 | 风雨、风雪等交加;飞扬的灰尘. | Windy shower of rain,snow,etc or cloud of dust;flurry | |
7 | 过道里传来一阵匆忙的脚步声。 | There was a flurry of excitement in the vestibule | |
8 | 慌慌张张. | in a flurry | |
9 | 慌乱,慌张地行动在慌乱中运动或下降 | To move or come down in a flurry . | |
10 | 接着积雪从几千英尺高的山顶上滚下,眼睁睁地看着他被雪崩卷走了。 | It was a sheer drop of nearly a thousand feet to the Magdelena, and I saw him go over in a flurry of snow | |
11 | 老长一块儿白纱,像雪幔似的遮住了那张小裁缝台。 | Lengths of white veiling, like a snow-flurry , buried the little work-table | |
12 | 流行歌曲明星们到达时,观众人群中发生了一阵骚动。 | A flurry of excitement went among the audience as the popular singer stars arrived. | |
13 | 茂密的本土森林是很多色彩艳丽的稀有鸟类的家园,同时还有众多的鸟类遍布南非的草原、沙漠和红树林沼泽。 | The thick indigenous forests are home to many exquisitely coloured and unique birds, while a veritable6 flurry of species occur throughout South Africa’s grasslands, deserts and mangrove swamps. | |
14 | 南京路西端,俗名泥城桥的一带,骑巡队的高头大马在车辆与行人中间奋蹄振鬣,有时嘴里还喷着白沫。 | At the west end of Nanking Road mounted police patrols galloped through the traffic and the crowds in a flurry of flying hooves and foam-flecked bits | |
15 | 市场买卖波动也会诱惑了解内幕的人试图操纵某种股票的交易。 | The flurry of buying and selling also crates temptation for insiders to try and manipulate the market in a given stock | |
16 | 他们一阵风似地向我们走来,发出阵阵笑声 | They swept past us in a flurry of laughter | |
17 | 突然,他脚下的一个雪坡开始滑动,接着积雪从几千英尺高的山顶上滚下,而我只能站在那儿,眼睁睁地看着他被雪崩卷走了。 | He got on a snow slope that suddenly started to move. There was nothing I could do. It was a sheer drop of nearly a thousand feet to the Magdelena, and I saw him go over in a flurry of snow. | |
18 | 王夫人等日日忙乱,直到十月将尽,幸皆全备 | For Lady Wang and her helpers the days passed in a flurry of preparations until, towards the end of the tenth month, all was ready. | |
19 | 一接近最后期限我就忙乱不堪. | I’m always in a flurry (ie confused and disorganized)as deadlines get nearer. | |
20 | 一接近最後期限我就忙乱不堪 | I’m always in a flurry (ie confused and disorganized)as deadlines get nearer | |
21 | 一阵疾风吹翻了小船。 | A flurry of wind upset the small boat. | |
22 | 一阵疾风吹翻了小帆船。 | A flurry of wind upset the small sailboat. | |
23 | 有时干活一忙乱麻袋就被随手丢弃了,而鲁本知道工厂按5分钱一个回收这种麻袋。 | Sometimes the sacks were discarded in the flurry of building ,and Reuben knew he could sell them back to the factory for five cents a piece . | |
24 | 在突然一阵兴奋(慌张)中. | in a flurry of excitement (alarm) | |
25 | 在最后一回合最后30秒,霍尔梅斯以上钩拳和右直拳向对方猛烈进攻。 | In the final 30 seconds of the final round. Holmes fired away with the flurry punctuated by an uppercut and a big right. | |
26 | 这天一开始,爱玲就有一种预感使她踌躇不定和心烦意乱。 | This day began with a flurry of uncertainty and worried anticipation on the part of Aileen | |
27 | 总统走进来,大厅一端的人群,一下子激动起来。 | There was a flurry of excitement at the end of the hall,and in walked the President. | |
28 | ||1:国会为应对金融危机在去年通过了多德佛兰克金融改革法案(Dodd-Frank act),这些新规定是应该法案的要求制定的。||2:同时也延续了早就开始的鼓励公司员工站出来举报的做法。||3:在能源公司安然(Enron)在连串的欺诈案件中轰然倒下之后,国会采取的善后措施中就包括通过了萨班-奥克利法案(Sarbanes-Oxley act)保护举报人免遭报复。 | ||1:The new rules were required by the Dodd-Frank act, Congress’s response to the financial crisis, which was passed last year.||2:They follow an earlier effort to encourage employees to speak up.||3:After Enron, an energy firm, collapsed in a flurry of fraud, Congress passed the Sarbanes-Oxley act in 2002 which, among other things, protected whistle-blowers from retaliation. | |
29 | ||1:接二连三的袭击不禁让人联想到2015年至2016年之间发生的流血事件。2015年1月,伊斯兰恐怖分子在《查理周刊》的办公室杀害12人;2015年11月,伊斯兰恐怖分子在巴黎多地杀害131人;次年7月,伊斯兰恐怖分子在尼斯杀害86人。||2:然而,从那时起,欧洲的圣战运动明显衰颓。||3:欧盟执法机构欧洲刑警组织称,2017年至2019年间,成功发动的伊斯兰袭击事件逐年递减,而被挫败的袭击事件则呈上升趋势。||4:2019年有10人丧生。 | ||1:The flurry of attacks recalls the bloodshed of 2015 to 16, when Islamist terrorists killed 12 people at Charlie Hebdo’s offices in January 2015, 131 people at multiple sites in Paris in November and 86 people in Nice the following July.||2:Since then, however, jihadism in Europe has declined markedly.||3:The number of completed Islamist attacks fell every year from 2017 to 2019, while the number of foiled ones rose, according to Europol, the EU’s law-enforcement agency.||4:Ten people were killed in 2019. | |
30 | ||1:他在1972年8月用水下声纳摄影机拍摄了几张很有名的照片,上面显示的似乎是水怪巨大的下腹部,一个钻石状的菱形鳍状肢附在其上。||2:这些未经处理的图片整体呈暗绿色,颗粒感很重,看起来更像是搅起一阵沙浪的湖底。||3: 尽管如此,《自然》杂志刊登了这些图片,国会专门为此举行了听证会,著名的博物学家彼得·斯科特爵士还为它起了一个拉丁语学名:Nessiteras rhombopteryx(具有菱形鳍的尼斯巨兽)。 ||4:据说这是蛇颈龙的一种,六千五百万年前由于某种原因在此搁浅。彼得爵士还画了一幅两只水怪拖着胖墩墩的身子、在水里游泳的画(和博物学比起来,彼得爵士更有名的是他画鹅的画)。 | ||1: Instead he produced some famous photographs. They were taken in August 1972 by an underwater camera triggered by a sonar beam, and seemed to show a diamond-shaped flipper attached to a large underbelly. ||2: Everything was greenish and grainy, and the unretouched prints looked more like the lake-bed with a flurry of stirred-up sand. ||3: But they were published in Nature, and on the strength of them hearings were held in Parliament and a Latin name, Nessiteras rhombopteryx, was attached to the creature by Sir Peter Scott, a prominent naturalist. ||4: It was said to be a sort of plesiosaur, somehow stranded in the loch from 65m years ago. Sir Peter, better known for geese, painted a picture of a pair of them plumply swimming. |