属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-电力供应 盈利性的中断
1 | ||1:在两次关停事件中,都未出现重大损失的报道,因而也没有恐慌。||2:所有关心此事的人都发挥着自己的聪明才智理解、揭示出错的原因。||3:2012年5月脸书的灾难性公开发行对纳斯达克的名誉和交易额影响尚未褪去,彼时计算机的小错误引发了一笔价值近5亿美元错误交易。||4:证券公司——游侠资本也尚未从去年价值4.6亿美元的错误中恢复过来。||5:在8月20日,高盛银行的误操作同样导致一系列错误交易并引发恐慌,相关损失的数额时至今日依然未能确定。||6:即使最为稳健的公司也如此不堪一击。 | ||1:In these two cases there was no news of big losses.So there was no panic.||2:All concerned also appear to be making a genuine effort to understand and disclose what went wrong.||3:NASDAQ’s reputation and revenues are still suffering from the disastrous public offering of Facebook in May of 2012, when computer glitches produced an estimated $500m-worth of errant trades.||4:Knight Capital, a securities firm, never recovered from a $460m trading glitch last year.||5:On August 20th a flurry of misdirected trades by Goldman Sachs, a bank, caused embarrassment and as yet unspecified losses.||6:Even the most robust seem vulnerable. | |
2 | ||1:这在英国的前景是带来了一连串的收购。||2:世界上最大的需求响应公司,美国上市公司Enerno,自2005年起已经并购了十二个外国供应商,其三十八亿三千万的收入有将近有20%来自于国外。||3:在二月份的时候它有并购了Entelios这个德国最大的企业,拥有六十亿瓦特的容量,以及活化能,爱尔兰公司的领导者。 | ||1:The prospects in Europe have brought a flurry of acquisitions.||2:The world’s biggest demand-response firm, Enernoc, a publicly traded American company, has bought a dozen foreign providers since 2005.Nearly 20% of its 383m revenues come from abroad.||3:In February it bought Entelios, the biggest German company, with 600MW of capacity, and Activation Energy, the leading Irish firm. | |
3 | “有!”阿丽思喊道,在匆忙中,她完全忘记了自己在最近几分钟里已经长得多大了。 | "Here! " cried Alice, quite forgetting in the flurry of the moment how large she had grown in the last few minutes. | |
4 | 1月,各州会风风火火开展一系列活动,在佛罗里达州初选投票时将会达到高峰。 | There will be a flurry of activity in January, culminating in Florida’s vote. | |
5 | 2005年出现另一阵辩论风潮,当时一些著名的异见人士获释,但这一次也是短暂的。 | In 2005 there was another flurry of debate, as some well-known dissidents were freed, but once again it was short-lived. | |
6 | 2009年,由于受一系列的上市交易公告和技术升级以及电子阅读器的价格下跌等因素的影响,电子阅读器市场开始大举扩张。 | In 2009 falling prices, combined with a flurry of deals, announcements and technical upgrades, primed the market for a vast expansion. | |
7 | CAT曾经成为新闻头条,关于它的期刊文章一度火爆,并出版了《绝配》一书。 | The CAT made headlines, and led to a flurry of magazine articles, and a book, The Perfect Fit. | |
8 | Flurry透漏,随着社交游戏的不断扩张,虚拟物品及广告的收入都将增长。 | As social games expand their reach, virtual goods and advertising revenues will both increase, says Flurry . | |
9 | Flurry也在密切留意电子书应用程序,并注意到活跃用户量正在急剧增长。 | Flurry also took a close look at eBook applications and noticed that the number of active users there is showing tremendous growth. | |
10 | Flurry已经看到了一个趋势,老实说有些让人吃惊,只有10%的用户会在下载后更新他们的应用。 | Flurry is seeing a trend that, to be honest, was surprising: only 10% of users are updating their applications after download. | |
11 | Flurry在七月跟踪了电子书应用程序的300万名活跃用户,而这一数字在三月仅为50万。 | Flurry tracked nearly 3 million active users of eBook apps in July, up from just around half a million in March. | |
12 | IMF的债券唤起了新兴市场经济体广泛的兴趣。 | The bonds have aroused a flurry of interest from emerging markets. | |
13 | SEC已经与外国监管机构——从中国到英国金融服务管理局(FSA)——达成了一连串合作协议。 | A flurry of co-operation deals have been struck with foreign regulators, from China to the UK’s Financial Services Authority. | |
14 | 伴随着开普勒号望远镜,还会有一系列关于远方恒星系中行星的探索。 | The Kepler telescope will be launched amid a flurry of discoveries of planets circling distant stars. | |
15 | 贝南克对于维持金融产业由民间经营发表言论之际,外界正在为如何解决美国银行业问题的争论甚嚣尘上。 | Bernanke’s comments on keeping the financial sector in private hands come amid a flurry of debate over how to handle the ailing U. S. banks. | |
16 | 比如说,苹果公司借着抗议骤起之时催促太平洋电力开启了一个电话投诉中心,来专门回答关于智能电表的疑问。 | For example, it took that flurry of protests to prompt PG&E to open a dedicated call centre for questions about smart meters. | |
17 | 不过零售商们还是经受住了在线星期一的流量冲击。 | Even with a flurry of online traffic, retailers appeared to pull off Cyber Monday without a glitch. | |
18 | 但过去4个月中,美国证交会接连提起许多涉案金额很大的诉讼。监管机构的消息人士称,还会有更多诉讼发生。 | But there has been a big flurry of cases in the past four months, and regulatory sources say more are coming. | |
19 | 但是,各大品牌争相推出免费保养服务反映出了豪华车产业的某些现状。 | But the flurry of no-cost maintenance deals reveals something about the state of the luxury car business. | |
20 | 但是,随着保尔森离开北京,以及众多外交活动鸣金收兵,中国说出了它的真实想法。 | But, after Mr Paulson left town and the flurry of diplomacy wound up, China said what it really thought. | |
21 | 但是现在从科技公司一连串的产品发布中可以预见这个时刻终于来到了。 | But a flurry of announcements from technology companies suggests that its time may at last be at hand. | |
22 | 但在澳大利亚政界受选民怂恿燃起经济民族主义念头之时,中国这种连环交易是一种危险的策略。 | But the flurry of deals is a risky strategy, at a time when politicians, egged on by voters, are flirting with economic nationalism. | |
23 | 对于电子信息交流是如何影响股票交易商的行为,科学家们很感兴趣。 | The scientists were interested in how this flurry of electronic communication influenced trader performance. | |
24 | 而近期的数据表明,尽管阵痛仍在继续,西班牙高度紧缩的财政政策正在发挥着作用。 | But a flurry of recent data suggests that Spain’s severe austerity policies are working, albeit with much pain remaining ahead. | |
25 | 而西部滑雪场正在提供一些能吸引滑雪者和滑雪板玩家坐上飞机的项目。 | And resorts out West are offering a flurry of deals to entice skiers and snowboarders to get on a plane. | |
26 | 根据华盛顿一名游说集团成员的描述,最近国会“动作频繁”,有更多议员试图参与到稀土法案当中。 | A lobbyist in Washington de-scribed a "flurry of activity" recently as more congressmen tried to become involved in rare-earth bills. | |
27 | 根据以往经验,在拍卖结束前的几个小时内,价格往往容易被推高。 | In previous auctions, a flurry of activity typically drove the winning bid higher in the last couple of hours. | |
28 | 根据这些结果,Flurry建议开发商妥善安排发布软件的时间,以充分利用这个明显的趋势。 | Given these findings, Flurry suggests that developers considering timing their launches to take advantage of these apparent trends. | |
29 | 关于侵蚀现象:最近关于美国名牌大学的统治地位受到撼动的报道颇有疾风骤雨之势。 | About that erosion: there has been a flurry of reporting recently about threats to the dominance of America’s elite universities. | |
30 | 观察人士提醒,现在判断新规能否真正促成一连串两岸交易还为时过早。 | Observers caution that it is too early to say whether the rules would actually unleash a flurry of cross-Strait deals. |