1 | 在公元一世纪时,罗马作家蒲林尼就曾提及这件事,而在中世纪,它是民间流行的退烧药方。 | It was mentioned by the Roman writer pliny during the first century AD, and in the Middle Ages it was a popular folk medicine for fever | |
2 | 在民间,狮子成为一种勇武、强大和吉祥的化身。 | Among Chinese folk , the lion has become a symbol of bravery, power and good luck. | |
3 | 在散文《埃达》中,金奇是一位非常聪明的国王。为了寻求知识,他去了第三代犹大王亚撤神族--即北欧诸神居住的地方,并且每位神灵都向他传授了一些特殊的知识。 | In the prose edda, Ginki, the wise king, travels in search of knowledge to the home of the Asa folk the Norse gods--each of whom supplies the visitor with some piece of special information | |
4 | 在我们的祖国有骑士风度的人看来,与女性分摊费用的做法就好比海峡另一面那些乖僻多疑的人的所作所为。 | So to split expenses with a female was to behave, according to the cavaliers of our mother country England, like those peculiar and suspicious folk across the Channel | |
5 | 在中国广大的农村,许多年来,流传着种种老百姓自己创作自己欣赏的艺术 | In the vast Chinese countryside, many art forms have been created and appreciated by the folk people. | |
6 | 张明山的泥人,有民间故事中的人物,也有小说戏曲中的角色,有正面人物,还有反面人物。 | Clay figurines created by Zhang Mingshan include both heroes and villians from Chinese folk stories, novels and operas as well as scenes from life. | |
7 | 这块雨花石形状和大小酷似民间吉祥物长命锁。 | The appearance and size of this yuhua stone is quite similar to an auspicious folk object, a longevity locket | |
8 | 这使我大为惊诧,我无法想象这些死气沉沉的阿马哈格人何以能爱好这种轻松愉快的活动。 | I was astonished by this, imagining that the Amahagger were much too gloomy a folk to indulge in any such frivolity | |
9 | 这首歌曲是以一首民间小调为基础的。 | This song is based on an old folk tune. | |
10 | 这一时期的民间传说中有"天鹅孩子",童话故事中曾有母鹿、山羊、母狮、狼、乌鸦,甚至老鼠等抚养孩子。 | The folk tales of the period tell of swan children, and in various fairy tales children are suckled by a hind, a goat, a lioness, a wolf, ravens, or even rats |