属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-气象学 雨量计算
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-气象学 雨量计算
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-大型飞机 空中客车公司的大赌注
1 | 测报员们需要一切可能的支援。 | forecasters need all the help they can get | |
2 | 气象预告者常常不得不推测第二天的天气情况。 | Weather forecasters often have to conjecture about the next day’s weather conditions | |
3 | 虽然是久远喜爱的图案,但从未过时,并已证明,非常受欢迎。以至于流行预测家预言,它们的重要性只会增加,不会减少。 | Though never out of style, these age-old favorites have proven so popular that fashion forecasters predict they will only grow in importance, not lessen. | |
4 | 天气预报并非一贯正确--就看看他们最近的预报错误吧. | Weather forecasters are not always rightwitness(ie look at the example of)their recent mistakes. | |
5 | 预报员们将预报料想的风暴潮袭击地点及其规模。 | forecasters will be able to predict where the expected storm surges will strike and how big they will be | |
6 | ||1:尽管经济需要重振雄风,但是欧元区的中长期复苏乏力,这其中运转不佳的银行是主要原因。||2:欧洲央行最近调查预测欧元区今年的GDP增量为0.6%,低于去年,而明年的增长率也仅为0.9%。||3:微弱的复苏似乎不能使就业状况好转,尤其是在欧洲南部失业率居高不下的国家。||4:衰退的结束会鼓舞欧盟的领导人,但是谁敢说危机结束了呢?||5:疲软的增势仍然让欧元区极易陷入社会不满与政治不满中。 | ||1: Even with so much lost ground to make up, the medium-term outlook is for a lacklustre recovery in the euro area, which will continue to be held back by its dodgy banks. ||2: Forecasters recently surveyed by the European Central Bank expected on average that euro-zone GDP for the whole of 2013 would be 0.6% lower than in 2012; and that it would grow by only 0.9% in 2014. ||3: A tepid recovery is unlikely to do much for the unemployed, especially those in southern Europe where joblessness rates are extraordinarily high. ||4: The end of the recession will give fresh heart to European leaders, who can (again) proclaim that the worst of the crisis is over. ||5: But weak growth will still leave the euro area vulnerable to social and political discontent. | |
7 | ||1:上述令人沮丧的预测,连同他对货币主义的公开反感,使得戈德利在政府没有朋友,其剑桥预判小组的政府拨款也于1982年突然停止了。||2:不过,戈德利不大可能成为被抛弃的人。尽管他没有像经济学家那样接受正规高等教育,但他却证明自己是一位宏观经济学缔造者,而且还是一位大学应用经济学教授。||3:他也是皇家歌剧院的懂事。1992年,戈德利在一片赞赏中回到财政部,参加被称作“六智囊”的独立预测员小组。 | ||1:These doleful prophecies, coupled with his very public loathing of monetarism, earned him no friends in government and the grant for his forecasting group at Cambridge was abruptly stopped in 1982. ||2:But he was hardly an outcast. Though not properly trained as an economist, he had proved himself as a macroeconomic modeller, and had been made a university professor of applied economics. ||3:He had also become a director of the Royal Opera House. By 1992 he was back in favour at the Treasury, joining the panel of independent forecasters known as the “six wise men”. | |
8 | 但是,这可能最终也会转为有利条件,因为,如果这种技术能够被广泛应用的话,那时天气预报可能会对在无覆盖地区安装基站有所帮助。 | But that might eventually prove to be a boon, for if the technology becomes widespread then weather forecasters might contribute to the cost of installing base stations in coverage blackspots. | |
9 | 甚至在天气预报配备方面资金充足的发达国家,移动手机基站的数量也可能远远超过雨量计的数量。 | Even in rich countries with well-financed weather forecasters , there are likely to be far more mobile-phone base stations than rain gauges. | |
10 | 他坚持认为,如果像一些预言家预计的那样,全球航空旅行保持每年5%的增长,如果主枢纽依然有如此多的游客,而燃油保持在让人满意的水平,航空公司一定会见到他们的钱能买到的最大选择的智慧。 | He insists that if worldwide air travel keeps growing by 5% a year, as several forecasters expect, and if main hubs get ever more congested and fuel stays dear, airlines will surely come to see the wisdom of choosing the biggest plane their money can buy. | |
11 | 1992年,戈德利在一片赞赏中回到财政部,参加被称作“六智囊”的独立预测员小组。 | By 1992 he was back in favour at the Treasury, joining the panel of independent forecasters known as the "six wise men" . | |
12 | 按照维里克的说法,空间气象预测还有一些使命要完成:“我们回到了天气预报员50年前的水平。” | According to Vierick, space-weather predictions have some catching up to do: "We’re back where weather forecasters were 50 years ago. " | |
13 | 包括私人和大学的研究人员在内的美国气象预报员们也纷纷预计今年会有一个活跃的飓风季。 | Other U. S. weather forecasters , including private and university researchers, also are predicting an active hurricane season. | |
14 | 不过,在预测者焦虑不安之际,并不是整个世界都处在水深火热之中。 | But as the forecasters fret, not all of the world is suffering. | |
15 | 传统的看法似乎是:经济预测是不可能的,而那些经济预测者都是在招摇撞骗。 | The conventional wisdom seems to be that economic forecasting is impossible, and that economic forecasters are charlatans. | |
16 | 春天来了,股票市场显现生机,甚至预测师们也对经济前景有了点信心。 | SPRING has arrived, stock markets are cheery and even forecasters are feeling a bit sunnier about the economic outlook. | |
17 | 春天来了,股市的表现也令人振奋,甚至预测学家们也对经济前景更看好。 | SPRING has arrived, stockmarkets are cheery and even forecasters are feeling a bit sunnier about the economic outlook. | |
18 | 大部分西方预言家都错误预测了中国过去的30年已是一个铁的事实。 | The blunt truth is that most Western forecasters have been wrong about China for the past 30 years. | |
19 | 大多数的预测家都认为,英国的经济将会继续大幅度增长。 | Most forecasters think Britain’s economy will continue to grow respectably (see article). | |
20 | 大多数经济学家预计第四季度也将保持温和增长。 | Most forecasters anticipate another moderate gain in the fourth quarter. | |
21 | 但东非的旱情也有望很快结束,肯尼亚天气预报部门预测10月份开始将出现强降雨。 | But there are also hopes that a drought in eastern Africa could end soon as Kenyan weather forecasters predict strong rains from October. | |
22 | 但是到现在很多小规模的推广已经显示初级员工也可以成为意想不到的良好预测者。 | Yet many pilot projects run so far have shown that junior staff can often be surprisingly good forecasters . | |
23 | 但预测者所关心的,不应在于人类的反应是否理性,而应在于它们是可观察到的和系统性的。 | But forecasters ’ concerns should be not whether human response is rational or irrational, only that it is observable and systematic. | |
24 | 对于还未公布全年数据的国家,我们使用的是经济学人民意预测专家2010年的预测值。 | For countries which have not yet published their full-year figures, we have used 2010 estimates from The Economist’s poll of forecasters . | |
25 | 多数私人预测者在今年年初时都预计,2008年世界石油日需求将增加约130万桶。 | Many private forecasters went into the year predicting that world oil demand would jump by around 1. 3 million barrels a day in 2008. | |
26 | 多数预测人士认为,美国经济要到今年下半年才会开始增长。 | Most forecasters think the economy will only start growing in the second half of the year. | |
27 | 法戈地区进入高度戒备状态,此前,气象专家曾表示,红河的水位线在周末时会比预测的还要高,将达到43英尺的历史记录。阅读全文。 | Fargo is on higher alert after forecasters said the Red River could crest higher than predicted this weekend, at a record of 43 feet. | |
28 | 格雷表示,飓风形成的细节画面有助于预报专家们做出更可靠的预测,但事实上,每一次风暴之间都是各不相同的。 | Gray says a detailed picture of how hurricanes form could help forecasters make better guesses, but every storm is different. | |
29 | 根据我们12月对预测人士的调查,分析人士对2011年增长前景的态度乐观了些。 | ANALYSTS are a bit more optimistic about the outlook for growth in 2011, according to our December poll of forecasters . | |
30 | 更多的暴雨正在袭击受到巨大的泥石流袭击的中国西北部省,天气预报员警告说! | More torrential rain is sweeping towards the region of north-west China hit by a massive landslide, forecasters warn. |