属类:时事政治-Trending Today 今日趋势-川普称美国大选存在数百万张非法选票
1 | 我们很高兴得知贵公司早于5月5日向旧金山美国银行开出信用证我们相信日内可望收到银行通知 | We are glad to learn that you forwarded the letter of credit on May 5 to the Bandk of America in San Franceisco. We assume we shall receive an advice within a few days. | |
2 | 我们今天已将新目录发送给你们了。 | We have today forwarded you our new catalogue. | |
3 | 我已经把你写信来索取的书由火车递寄给你。 | I have forwarded you by rail the books you wrote for. | |
4 | 我已要求将所有证明材料寄往你处,想不久即可收到。 | I have requested that all my credentials be forwarded to you. They should reach you shortly. | |
5 | 我于1998年4月报名参加托福考试时,曾请求将考试成绩寄往伊利诺斯工程技术学校。奇怪的是,该校迄今还没收到我的成绩报告单。 | When I registered for the TOEFL test of April 1998, I requested my score to be forwarded to the Illinois Institute of Technology. Surprisingly enough, the Institute wrote me recently that they still had not received the score report. | |
6 | 我曾与该院学籍管理人士联系过,他告知我说,早已将正本寄至你处。尽管如此,我已催请他另寄一份给你。 | I have contacted the college registrar again and he told me that he had previously forwarded an official transcript to your office. Despite that fact, I urged him to send you a second official transcript of my academic records. | |
7 | 我转寄给他一封信;一个包裹。 | I forwarded him a letter / parcel. | |
8 | 需要对全国重点文物保护单位进行的考古发掘,由国家文化行政管理部门会同中国社会科学院审核后,报国务院批准。 | Archaeological excavation programmes which have to be carried out at the major sites to be protected for their historical and cultural value at the national level shall be submitted to the state department for cultural administration for joint examination with the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences before they are forwarded to the State Council for approval. | |
9 | 需要注意的是,一条命令在发送过程中转发的不同副本视为一条命令,使用相同的序列号。 | It is worth noticing that during the course of transmission, different duplicates forwarded by a command are recognized as one command and share the same sequence number. | |
10 | 以按位记数法表示的两个或多个数在一个数字位上进行算术运算所产生的一位或多位数,该数被传送到另一个位上以进行处理。 | One or more digits,produced in connection with an arithmetic operation on one digit place of two or more numerals in positional notation,that are forwarded to another digit place for processing there. | |
11 | 因此接收前转消息的网关必须能判断前转的消息目的地址是否是本网关覆盖范围的用户,若不是,必须发送出错信息到前转网关。 | therefore the gateway receiving the forwarded message must be able to determine whether the destination address of the forwarded message belongs to a user covered by the gateway, otherwise an error message must be delivered to the forwarding gateway. | |
12 | 用一种或多种WTO正式语文提交的这些文件的副本应在每次公布后 75 天内送交WTO,供散发WTO成员并提交进口许可程序委员会。 | Copies of these submissions in one or more official languages of the WTO shall be forwarded to the WTO for circulation to WTO Members and for submission to the Committee on Import Licensing within 75 days of each publication. | |
13 | 由定时器或关门控制向前顶出 | Retraction of forwarded ejector either by timer or door closing | |
14 | 在MO流程中,若短信经ISMG2转发给与SP相连的ISMG1,ISMG1在给SP发送消息时可能存在四种情况: | In a MO flow, if a message is forwarded to ISMG 1 connected to SP via ISMG2, there can be four different situations when ISMG1 sends the message to SP: | |
15 | 在请求送交DSB的同时,还应送交有关理事会,在按照(b)项提出请求的情况下,还应转交有关部门性机构 | At the same time as the request is forwarded to the DSB, it also shall be forwarded to the relevant Councils and also, in the case of a request pursuant to subparagraph (b), the relevant sectoral bodies | |
16 | 这封信是从先前的地址转来的。 | The letter was forwarded from a previous address | |
17 | 这批货将发送到你的家里。 | The goods will be forwarded to your house | |
18 | 这位大臣向国王转呈赦免的请求。 | The Minister forwarded a request for an amnesty to the King | |
19 | 这些货将发送到你家里。 | The goods will be forwarded to your house. | |
20 | 这些货物必须运出。 | These goods are to be forwarded . | |
21 | 这些消息已经以某种方式发送(例如打印、传真、转发)到某个地方,但没有被收件人显示过。他们可能会在以后阅读,也可能不阅读。 | The message has been sent somewhere in some manner (e.g., printed, faxed, forwarded )without being displayed to the person you sent it to. They may or may not see it later. | |
22 | 这些意见会转发给产品经理和开发人员,他们将使用您的反馈信息决定如何在下一版本的产品中进行改进。 | Those comments are forwarded to product managers and developers, who will use your feedback to decide how to improve the next version of the product. | |
23 | 昨天我联系了三位推荐人,他们告诉我,他们于八月初就把我申请的推荐信寄给计算机系。 | Yesterday I contacted my references, and they told me that in support of my application they had forwarded the letters to the Department of Computer Science in early August. | |
24 | 近5万人转发了这条推文,还有近15万人点赞。 | Almost 50,000 people forwarded the tweet, and close to 150,000 more "liked" it. | |
25 | “openpower.pub”密钥是转发给OpenPower项目管理员的文件。 | The "openpower. pub" key is the file forwarded to the OpenPower project admins. | |
26 | execute方法使用一系列IF语句来确定要执行的操作以及将响应发送给哪个视图。 | TThe execute method uses a series of IF statements to determine the action to perform and to which view the response should be forwarded . | |
27 | IRM可以帮助防止未经授权的用户对敏感文档和电子邮件进行转发、编辑或复制。 | IRM can help prevent sensitive documents and e-mail messages from being forwarded , edited, or copied by unauthorized individuals. | |
28 | Max-Forwards标头,指定一个整数,表示此请求还可转发的次数。 | The Max-Forwards header, which specifies an integer indicating the remaining number of times that this request may be forwarded . | |
29 | nat表用于要转发的信息包,它包含PREROUTING、OUTPUT和POSTROUTING链。 | The nat table is used for packets to be forwarded and consists of PREROUTING, OUTPUT, and POSTROUTING chains. | |
30 | Resent头字段是信息性头字段,可用于确定邮件是否已由用户转发。 | Resent header fields are informational header fields that can be used to determine whether a message has been forwarded by a user. |