属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ISO/IEC 8613-12-1996
1 | 碎裂,破碎碎裂成小块或小粒;破碎 | To fall into small fragments or particles;disintegrate. | |
2 | 碎屑的由原来的岩石的碎屑构成的;碎屑的 | Made up of fragments of preexisting rock;fragmental. | |
3 | 碎屑岩是由岩石和矿物碎屑的单体组合而成,这些碎屑物质的粒度可以是巨大的确石到微细的颗粒。 | Clastic rocks are composed of individual fragments of mineral or rock. The fragments may range in size from huge boulders to microscopic particles. | |
4 | 缩小选择范围研究人员然后使用储存着几百万个冷冻DNA片段的资料库,把与计算机匹配物质相对应的10,000个片段挑选出来。 | 2 Narrowing Choices The researchers then turn to their library of several million frozen DNA fragments and pull out 10,000 snippets corresponding to the computer matches | |
5 | 他编造她的情人变了心,极巧妙地伪造许多信札的断片,来说服那个苦恼的女人,使她相信她有一个情敌,那男子有负心的行为。 | He invented an infidelity on the part of the lover, and succeeded, by means of fragments of letters cunningly presented, in persuading the unfortunate woman that she had a rival, and that the man was deceiving her | |
6 | 他不知疲倦地整天工作着,到了傍晚时分,他已经挖出了十把水泥、石灰和碎石片。 | All day he toiled on untiringly, and by the evening he had succeeded in extracting ten handfuls of plaster and fragments of stone | |
7 | 他的眼光落到了玻璃镇纸的碎片上。 | His eye fell on the fragments of the glass paperweight | |
8 | 他已全身瘫痪,不能讲话,我们常常要费很大的劲才能略懂一点他 | All his limbs have become completely paralysed, he has lost his voice also, and we ourselves find much trouble in endeavoring to catch some fragments of his meaning." | |
9 | 唐太斯告诉他,说他在喝水的时候瓦罐从手里滑下去,摔碎了,狱卒一边埋怨一边给他去另外拿了一个,甚至都懒得去打扫那些碎片。 | Dants told him that the jug had fallen from his hands while he was drinking, and the jailer went grumblingly to fetch another, without giving himself the trouble to remove the fragments of the broken one | |
10 | 通常根据所测定的细菌、酵母菌、霉菌、昆虫残体等的数目和沉淀量来评价食品卫生质量。 | Sanitary quality usually is measured by counts of bacteria, yeast, mold, and insect fragments , as well as by sediment levels. | |
11 | 微小的茎尖切段通常是难以培养的。 | Minute fragments of shoot apices are proverbially difficult to culture | |
12 | 我们的回忆是被它们自己内容的重要部分所引述和参考的 | Our memories are addressed and referenced . . . By significant fragments of their own content | |
13 | 我们关于世界理性的科学经验是零散而不全面的;宗教致力于将这些碎片连在一起,从而组成一个关于整体的一致的有意义的形象。 | Our rational, scientific experience of the world is fragmented and incomplete, and religion attempts to bring these fragments together to form a coherent, meaningful image of the whole | |
14 | 信息技术 开放文件体系结构(ODA)和交换格式:文件分段的标识 | Information technology-Open Document Architecture (ODA)and interchange format: Identification of document fragments | |
15 | 信息技术.开文件结构和交换格式:文件段落的识别 | Information technology-Open Document Architecture (ODA)and interchange format: Identification of document fragments | |
16 | 胸腰椎爆裂型骨折之脊椎腔内骨碎片之复位机转 | Mechanics of Reduction of Intracanal Fragments of Thoracolumbar Burst Fractures | |
17 | 岩石或冰块等的碎片如石头、刷子或冰块的碎片、废弃物或碎石堆小块 | A mass or pile of rubble,refuse,or fragments ,as of stone,brush,or ice. | |
18 | 宴会中留下来未动的菜肴成了厨房人员的美餐。虽然remains常具体指一具尸体,但同时它也指过去岁月的残留、碎片或遗迹 | The untouched leavings from the banquet made a fine meal for the kitchen staff.Although remains often specifically refers to a corpse,it also applies to remnants,fragments ,and relics,as of times past | |
19 | 羊毛条及其他已梳羊毛(精梳片毛除外) | Wool tops and other combed wool, other than combed wool in fragments | |
20 | 阳光照在玻璃碎片边上闪闪发光. | Sunlight glinted on the edges of the bottle fragments | |
21 | 也许你不会知道,琥珀这种美丽,稀有,神奇,有时还包裹着完好的昆虫和植物断片的材料是在煤矿里发现的吧。 | Would it surprise you to know that amber--beautiful, rare and mysterious, sometimes enclosing perfectly preserved insects or plant fragments --is found in coal mines? | |
22 | 一个叙述不连贯的故事 | incoherent fragments of a story. | |
23 | 一个遗传性FXⅢ缺乏症家系的mRNA转录的表达 | Transcriptional Levels of Different Fragments of F13 Subunit a in a Congenital F13 Deficient Family | |
24 | 铀-235与中子结合形成不稳定的中间物,在核裂变的过程中快速分裂为钡-144与氪-89,另有三个中子。 | Division of a heavy atomic nucleus into two fragments of roughly equal mass, accompanied by the release of a large amount of energy, the binding energy of the subatomic particles. | |
25 | 有限的人格是这种兼容并包的精神统一的非实体的碎片。 | finite personalities are insubstantial fragments of this engulfing spiritual unity | |
26 | 与芒果子叶切段不定根形成相关基因的cDNA片段的克隆 | Cloning of cDNA Fragments Related to Adventitious Root Formation from Mango Cotyledon Section | |
27 | 在分子生物,法院鉴定(DNA指纹分析),演化生物学(对远古标本的DNA片段进行放大)以及医学的各种实验和过程中都需要进行这种反应。 | These are needed for various experiments and procedures in molecular biology, forensic analysis (DNA fingerprinting), evolutionary biology (to amplify DNA fragments found in ancient specimens), and medicine (to diagnose genetic disease or detect low viral counts). | |
28 | 在各种原油当中都可发现有由叶绿素产生的这种卟啉环碎片 | Fragments of such porphyrin rings, deriving from chlorophyll, are found on all types of crude oil | |
29 | 在开放性创伤中,进入破损皮肤或黏膜的细菌、脏物、布屑等外物会导致感染。 | In an open wound, foreign matter such as bacteria, dirt, and clothing fragments entering through broken skin or mucous membrane may result in infection. | |
30 | 在裂变过程中,裂变碎片具有强烈的放射性。 | In fission processes the fission fragments are very radioactive. |