属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-刚果的银行业 木船运钞
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-川普当选总统 国际经济出现的乱象(上)
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-港币 现在入手还是1983年那个价格
1 | (1)本金总额按货币互换签约日瑞士法郎对美元的即期汇率,将买方信贷债款折算为瑞士法郎支付;(2)利息应按货币互换协议签约的利率支付。本贷款项下一切支付均免缴各种税款。 | 1. The total amount of principal would be equal to the counter value of the buyer’s Credit debt at the prevailing Swiss Franc /US Dollar spot rate on the date of signature of the Swap Agreement. All payments shall be payable without deduction of any taxes, duties or other charges. | |
2 | “对不起,先生,”那个诚实的人几乎上气不接下气地说道,“我想是你弄错了,你本来是想给我一个四十苏的角子,而你却给了我一个双拿破仑[拿破仑时代的一种金币,价值四十法郎]。” | "I beg your pardon, sir," said the honest fellow, in almost breathless haste, "but I believe you made a mistake;you intended to give me a two-franc piece, and see, you gave me a double Napoleon." | |
3 | 北京中国银行须按规定的货款偿还期,以等值的瑞士法郎偿还我行: | In return, Bank of China, Beijing would commit itself to pay to us at the fixed maturity dates, the equivalent amounts in Swiss Franc . | |
4 | 参与交易的货币只有少数几种:美元,德国马克,英镑,瑞士法郎 | Most of this trading takes, place in just a few currencies: the U. S. dollars ( $), German mark ( DM), British pound sterling (), Swiss franc (SF), | |
5 | 二、我行将按货币互换协议签约日瑞士法郎对美元的即期汇率,以瑞士法郎付应付贷款。 | 2. This bank will repay the amount due in Swiss franc at the prevailing Swiss Franc/ US Dollar spot rate on the date of signing the Swap Agreement. | |
6 | 法郎的兑换价要调高. | The franc is to be revalued. | |
7 | 非洲金融共同体法郎(塞内加尔、象牙海岸、上沃尔特、贝宁、尼日尔、多哥, 喀麦隆, 乍得, 中非共和国、加蓬、刚果等十一国通用的货币) | African Financial Community franc | |
8 | 关于16-17世纪中国佛郎机火炮的射程问题 | Discussion on Chinese Franc Gun’s Range in 16-17(superscript th)Century | |
9 | 关于支付问题,建议双方国家银行进行安排,互相以对方名义开立专用瑞士法郎清算帐户,所有易货合同项下供货的支付都通过清算帐户结算。 | For payment, we suggest that the two national banks make arrangements to open in each other’s name a special Swiss franc clearing account through which all payments for the supply of goods under the barter contract shall be settled. | |
10 | 经认真研究当前市场情况,我行拟通过货币互换交易,将上述买方信贷互换为同等金额的瑞士法郎债务, | Having examined carefully the present market situation, we are prepared to convert the above buyer’s Credit into a Swiss Franc liability of equivalent amount, | |
11 | 目的在于制止瑞士法郎兑换率上涨。 | The purpose was to halt the rise in the exchange rate of the Swiss franc | |
12 | 日元,加拿大元,法国法郎,荷兰盾,比利时法朗和意大利里拉。 | Japanese yen(), Canadian dollar (Can $), French franc (FF), Netherlands (Dutch)guilder (DG), Belgian. franc(BF), and the Italian Lira (IL). | |
13 | 瑞士法郎是一种硬货币。 | The swiss franc is a hard currency | |
14 | 他给她买了鸡蛋和咖啡,然后避开她挑逗的目光,给她塞了张二十法郎的票子,便乘出租车回旅馆了。 | He bought her some eggs and coffee, and then, eluding her encouraging stare, gave her a twenty-franc note and took a taxi to his hotel. | |
15 | 他给她买了几个鸡蛋和咖啡,然后避开她那勾引人的目光,给了她一张二十法郎的钞票,就雇了一辆出租汽车回他的旅馆去了。 | He bought her some eggs and coffee, and then eluding her encouraging stare, gave her a twenty-franc note and took a taxi to his hotel | |
16 | 他找给我两个10法郎的硬币。 | He gave me two 10-franc coins in my change . | |
17 | 他找给我两个10法郎的硬币。 | He give me two10-franc coin in my change. | |
18 | 我没说我还留着那张印着伏尔泰狡诈肖像的十法郎纸币。 | I didn’t mention that I had withheld a ten-franc note engraved with Voltaire’s crafty visage | |
19 | 一种法国金币法国以前使用的币值为20法郎的金币 | A20-franc gold coin formerly used in France. | |
20 | 这5种货币的比例是:美元42%,法国马克19%,日元,法郎和英镑各为13%。 | U. S. dollar 42%. German Mark 19%, Japanese yen, French franc , UK pound sterling 13% each. | |
21 | ||1:刚果银行家希望,新的支付系统会刺激银行业的适当发展。||2:目前的业务只是转帐,功能还不完善。||3:转帐只从金沙萨单向转出,因此不能相互赢利;而且现金必须靠人力运送。||4:存款人不信任银行和刚果法郎。||5:为了吸收美元存款,银行年利率至少只能是6%;贷款利率通常会高达25%。||6:除了短期透支贷款,几乎没有企业贷款。 | ||1:Congolese bankers hope that the new system will spur the growth of a proper banking sector.||2:At the moment banks are little more than money-transfer companies, and not very sophisticated ones at that.||3:The transfers tend to go only one way—out of Kinshasa—so cannot be netted against each other; instead cash almost always has to be moved physically.||4:Depositors mistrust both banks and the Congolese franc .||5:To attract dollar deposits, banks must pay at least 6% annual interest; rates for borrowers are generally as high as 25%.||6:There is hardly any corporate lending beyond short-term overdraft facilities. | |
22 | ||1:他那布满皱纹、久经风吹日晒的脸,加上利穆赞地区慢吞吞的语调,使他的追随者想起了古老的生活方式,那种偏远地区的有着各种令人欣慰的准则的生活方式,它已经被现代人抛在一边了。||2:他保持着农民的单纯,1966年,他同意了一项新奇的药物测试,遭到了同事们的拒绝后和他们进行了深入的讨论。||3:但他同时也保持着精明的商业头脑。||4:他知道一个法郎的价值,每当他和兄弟们打破卧室的窗户后,他们的父亲就告诉他们,到春天之前都没有修补的钱。 | ||1:With his lined, wind-burned face and slow Limousin drawl, he reminded his followers of the old ways, la France profonde and all kinds of comforting verities that had been pushed aside by modern life.||2:He kept a peasant’s innocence, and in 1966 got into deep merde with his colleagues for agreeing to a newfangled drugs test which they were all refusing.||3:But he also kept a shrewd business head on his shoulders.||4:He knew the value of a franc , ever since he and his brothers had broken their bedroom window and been told, by their father, that there would be no money to mend it until the spring. | |
23 | 就在特朗普会赢得大选变得明朗起来的时候,由于投资者想要寻求一处远离美国政策不确定性的避风港,美元对欧元、日元、瑞士法郎和英镑等富裕国家的货币一度大幅下跌。 | As it became clear that Mr Trump would win the election, the greenback fell against rich-country currencies, such as the euro, yen, Swiss franc and pound, as investors sought a haven from policy uncertainty in America. | |
24 | 例如,瑞士法郎,在欧债危机里戏剧化的走高,刺激了它的央行去干预。 | The Swiss franc , for example, strengthened dramatically during the euro crisis, prompting its central bank to intervene. | |
25 | 只有瑞士法郎和瑞典克朗能与之抗衡。 | Only two, the Swiss franc and the Swedish krona, now look overvalued against it. | |
26 | 100法郎的钞票显示20世纪瑞士艺术家阿尔贝托·贾科梅蒂。 | The 100 franc note features Alberto Giacometti, a 20th century Swiss artist. | |
27 | 1943年,她上了盖世太保的黑名单,他们悬赏五百万法郎捉拿她。 | By 1943, she was the Gestapo’s most-wanted person, with a 5 million-franc price on her head. | |
28 | 1995年,雅克·希拉克对汇率过高的法郎满腹牢骚,正是此举帮助他在法国总统大选中取胜。 | In 1995 grumbling about an overvalued franc helped Jacques Chirac win the presidential election in France. | |
29 | Mohi-uddin补充道,这为经济成长带来风险,应会继续利好瑞郎。 | That presents risks to growth that should continue to favor the Swiss franc , Mohi-uddin added. | |
30 | Yu称,“瑞士央行(SNB)现在蒙受了外汇亏损,而瑞郎实际有效汇率更强势了。” | "The SNB is now sitting on foreign exchange losses and a far stronger franc in real terms, " Yu said. |