属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-煤炭 未来的能源
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版- 城市的黑暗
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-拆乐高 乐高如何成为全球最畅销玩具公司
1 | 超铀元素的命名充满着争议,究竟是哪个实验室首先发现而应该命名,该不该以一个活着的人的名字为元素命名等。 | The naming of the transuranium elements has been fraught with controversy regarding which laboratory first made the discovery and should propose the name and whether elements should be named for living persons. | |
2 | 充满不稳定因素的动荡局势 | a fluid situation fraught with uncertainty. | |
3 | 充满危险的,充满冒险的;濒临毁灭的 | Fraught with danger or risk;perilous. | |
4 | 充满危险的事件;高度戏剧性的一个夜晚 | An incident fraught with danger;an evening fraught with high drama. | |
5 | 充满危险的政策 | a policy fraught with danger | |
6 | 穿越森林的长途旅行充满了危险。 | The long journey through the forest was fraught with danger. | |
7 | 但对于奥尼尔来说,他人生的“戏剧”则以另一种注释而告终----伴随着神经疾病让人感到的不公正以及背上了极度压抑的精神包袱。 | But for O’Neill, his personal ’play" ended on a different note--one fraught with the injustice of a neurological disease and the burden of severe depression | |
8 | 到原始森林去探险充满了危险。 | The expedition into the jungle was fraught with danger. | |
9 | 第一批外国观察人员可能随时到达。他们的工作是至关重要的。尽管目前在亚齐,大家表现出很大的意愿,印尼军队和反叛士兵之间依然深怀猜忌。要使停火持续下去,看来是充满困难的。 | Their job will be crucial. For all the current goodwill on display in Aceh, Indonesian and rebel soldiers are still deeply suspicious of one another. Making the ceasefire stick is likely to be fraught with difficulties. | |
10 | 即在得到这个之前,任何心中思虑过多的人,若能与旁人通言并讨论,则他底心智与理解力将变为清朗而有别;他底思想底动作将更为灵活;其排列将更有秩序 | but before you come to that, certain it is, that whosoever hath his mind fraught with many thoughts, his wits band understanding do clarify and break up, in the communicating and discoursing with another | |
11 | 简,你愁容满面,出了什么事吗? | You’re looking very fraught ,Jane,is anything wrong? | |
12 | 她的一生充满了艰辛。 | She had a life fraught with hardship. | |
13 | 旅途充满艰辛。 | The journey was fraught with difficulties. | |
14 | 米尔德丽德!看起来你忧心忡忡,有什么不对劲吗? | You’re looking very fraught , Mildred! Is there anything the matter? | |
15 | 未定局的:充满不定或怀疑的;未决的 | Dubious:Fraught with uncertainty or doubt; undecided. | |
16 | 未定局的充满不定或怀疑的;未决的 | Fraught with uncertainty or doubt; undecided. | |
17 | 未来数月将充满重大的决定。 | The coming months will be fraught with fateful decisions. | |
18 | 我们的秘书刚刚辞职,下星期特别令人担心. | Next week will be particularly fraught as we’ve just lost our secretary. | |
19 | 我选择的道路充满机遇,也有辛酸与绝望.失败的同伴数不胜数,叠在一起,比金字塔还高。 | The career I have chosen is laden with opportunity yet it is fraught with heartbreak and despair and the bodies of those who have failed, were they piled one atop another, would cast a shadow down upon all the pyramids of the earth. | |
20 | 性爱是有挑动力的:充满着神秘性和戏剧性。 | erotic love is dynamic: fraught with mystery and drama | |
21 | 用不着那么愁眉苦脸的 | There’s no need to look so fraught ! | |
22 | 用不着那么愁眉苦脸的. | There’s no need to look so fraught ! | |
23 | 在平片上很难估计右心房的大小。 | estimation of right atrial size on plain radiography is fraught with difficulties | |
24 | 这次访问充满政治风险,非洲国家的期望很高。此前布莱尔形容非洲是全球良心上的一道伤痕,并坚称国际社会可以治好它。 | This is a trip fraught with. Political risk; expectations in Africa are running high after Mr. Blair memorably described the continent as a scar on the conscience of the world and insisted that the international community could heal it. | |
25 | 最初围绕着“借日”的种种迷信一直延续到19世纪。这3天是危险的,充满了禁忌和坏天气的凶兆。 | Originally superstitions surrounding the "borrowed days" endured well into the nineteenth century. They were dangerous days, fraught with taboos and the specter of bad weather. | |
26 | ||1:如此的论断正是皮博迪公司发起的新一轮公关活动的核心内容,而目前该公司是全世界最大的私人煤炭企业。||2:煤炭本该成为上帝的惠泽,而若不是因为这一个小小的问题:它的破坏性污染。||3:开采、运输、储存和燃烧使用的一系列过程中,不仅充满着问题,还具有相当的危险性。||4:深入地下的矿井意味着矿工们要在难以忍受的肮脏以及危险的条件下工作。||5:但目前大多数煤矿所进行的地表开采,不仅会使地表土壤流失,同时也消耗着大量的水。||6:煤炭的运输还会带来一系列的环境问题。 | ||1:Such arguments are the basis of a new PR campaign launched by Peabody, the world’s largest private coal company.||2:And coal would indeed be a boon, were it not for one small problem: it is devastatingly dirty.||3:Mining, transport, storage and burning are fraught with mess, as well as danger.||4:Deep mines put workers in intolerably filthy and dangerous conditions.||5:But opencast mining, now the source of much of the world’s coal, rips away topsoil and gobbles water.||6:Transporting coal brings a host of environmental problems. | |
27 | ||1:这本小说的故事开始于2007年12月,一年后结束在雷曼兄弟公司棘手的倒闭之后。||2:这本书讲的是伦敦的狂妄自大与傲慢,书中除了擅长花钱的主角罗杰·扬特外,还挤满了其它众多的人物。||3:每个人物都住在佩皮斯路,或是围绕着佩皮斯路而存在,他们的故事都充满了即将失去的感觉。 | ||1:The novel begins in December 2007 and ends a year later, after the unwieldy collapse of Lehman Brothers.||2:This is a London of swagger and hubris, and the story is cluttered with more characters than Roger Yount, the banker protagonist, knows ways to spend money.||3:Each character lives on Pepys Road or orbits it, and their stories are fraught with a sense of impending loss. | |
28 | ||1:这是令人深思的书籍《一个难对付的女人》的创作背景。艾丽斯·凯斯勒·哈里斯,美国哥伦比亚大学历史学家,如此开头本书向人们保证,“企图捕捉真实的丽莲是一件愚蠢的事,不管是谁”。||2:原因是海尔曼是如此的狡猾,如此的不可合作。||3:准确点说,这本传记主要是来回答海尔曼为什么是这样一位富有争议的人物,“是愤怒,恐惧与激情的避雷针”,在各种意识形态混杂的时代,让美国人四分五散。 | ||1: This is the backdrop of “A Difficult Woman”. Alice Kessler-Harris, an American historian at Columbia University, begins her thoughtful book assuring readers that “it would be folly to try to capture the ‘real’ Lillian, whoever that is”. ||2: Hellman is too slippery a subject and too unco-operative a source for that. ||3: Rather, this biography works to answer the question of why Hellman remains such a divisive figure, “a lightning rod for the anger, fear and passion” that divided Americans during an especially fraught ideological time. | |
29 | 但是改变的对你网购的一本书或者一台洗衣机的看法并不像改变对一个潜在的性伴侣那样令人担忧。 | But changing your mind about a book or a washing machine chosen over the internet is not as emotionally fraught as changing your mind about a potential sexual partner. | |
30 | 全球化的路非常难走,本刊在这周的商业板块花了大篇幅阐明这个道理。 | Globalisation, as we point out at length in our business section this week, is fraught with difficulties. |