1 | ( 二)完成规定的最低勘查投入; | (2)fulfillment of the specified minimum exploration and survey input; | |
2 | (六)审批机关认为应当履行审批手续的其他技术引进合同。 | 6. Other technology import contracts which need the fulfillment of the procedure for examination and approval in the view of the competent authority. | |
3 | 16)在全国人民代表大会闭会期间,如果遇到国家遭受武装侵犯或者必须履行国际问共同防止侵略的条约的情况,决定战争状态的宣布 | 16). to decide, when the NPC is not session, on the proclamation of a state of war in the event of an armed attack on the country or in fulfillment of international treaty obligations concerning common defence against aggression; | |
4 | 18、在全国人民代表大会闭会期间,如果遇到国家遭受武装侵犯或者必须履行国际间共同防止侵略的条约的情况,决定战争状态的宣布; | (18)to decide, when the NPC is not in session, on the proclamation of a state of war in the event of an armed attack on the country or in fulfillment of international treaty obligations concerning common defense against aggression; | |
5 | 白日梦醒时象梦的冥想或幻想,尤指期望或希望的实现 | A dreamlike musing or fantasy while awake, especially of the fulfillment of wishes or hopes. | |
6 | 百年大计,教育为本 | Education is of fundamental importance to the fulfillment of our great long-range mission. | |
7 | 保此道者,不欲盈。夫唯不盈,故能蔽而新成。 | The Master doesn’t seek fulfillment . Not seeking, not expecting, she is present, and can welcome all things. | |
8 | 保护期满前,软件著作权人可以向软件登记管理机构申请续展二十五年,但保护期最长不超过五十年。 | Prior to the fulfillment of the term of protection, the software copyright holder may apply to the software registration administration organization to extend the protection by 25 years, although the period of protection may not exceed 50 years at the longest. | |
9 | 被保险人严格地遵守和履行本保险单的各项规定,是本公司在本保险单项下承担赔偿责任的先决条件。 | The due observance and fulfillment of the terms and conditions of this Policy in so far as they relate to anything to be done or complied with by the Insured shall be a condition precedent to any liability of the Company under this Policy. | |
10 | 并在保险、旅游服务等领域实行了一定范围的提前开放。由于信守诺言,世贸组织总理事会顺利完成了对中国加入世贸组织后的第二次过渡性审议。 | In certain areas- such as insurance and tourism- areas were opened ahead of time. Because of the fulfillment of its promises, China′s approval by the WTO General Council at the second transitional examination went smoothly. | |
11 | 不合格(不符合):未满足要求 | Nonconformity: non-fulfillment of a requirement | |
12 | 采购订单的跟进,负责与相关的采购和供应商协调,确保订单的执行; | Purchase order execution and follow-up with buyers and suppliers, monitor the order fulfillment ; | |
13 | 成果难得与期望相符。 | Fulfillment seldom corresponds to anticipation | |
14 | 川陕苏区禁烟运动的实践及历史特点 | Fulfillment of Campaign against Opium-smoking in Sichuan-Shaanxi Soviet Area and Its Character | |
15 | 此种戒律的执行 | The fulfillment of such a commandment. | |
16 | 从仪式到表演-恩施三岔“还愿”仪式的人类学考察 | From Ceremony to Performance-Anthropology Investigation on the Ceremony for Promise Fulfillment in Sancha of Enshi | |
17 | 但是,那些呼吁继续努力把宇航员送上火星的人争论道,探险是我们人类充分实现自我所不可或缺的 | But those who call for continuing the drive to put astronauts on Mars argue that exploration is essential to the fulfillment of our humanity | |
18 | 但是,在一些关键领域仍需要更多的工作,以使我们结束谈判,实现我们在多哈做出的承诺。 | However, more work needs to be done in some key areas to enable us to proceed towards the conclusion of the negotiations in fulfillment of the commitments we took at doha | |
19 | 第三十五条商务部可以要求出口经营者定期提供履行其价格承诺的有关情况、资料,并予以核实。 | Article 35. MOFCOM may require the exporter from whom an undertaking has been accepted to provide periodically information and documentation relevant to the fulfillment of such an undertaking, and make verification on such information and documentation. | |
20 | 第十六条中华人民共和国境内的外资企业、中外合资企业以及外商,订购金银制品或者加工其他含金银产品,要求在国内供应金银者,必须按照规定程序提出申请,由中国人民银行审批予以供应。 | Article 16 Foreign-capital enterprises, Chinese foreign equity joint ventures and foreign businessmen within the territory of the PRC purchasing gold and silver articles or processing goods containing gold and silver thus wishing to acquire gold and silver supplies in China shall make application according to the specified procedures to the People’s Bank of China for examination and approval and fulfillment of the request. | |
21 | 第十四条 职务作品由作者享有著作权的,在作品完成两年内,如单位在其业务范展内不使用,作者可以要求单位同意由第三人以与单位使用的相同方式使用,单位没有正当理由不得拒绝。 | Article 14. Where copyright in a work created within the fulfillment of duties belongs to the author, the author may ask his institution to permit a third party to use the work in the same manner as the institution might have done. if the institution does not use the work in the course of its business within 2 years after the creation of the work. | |
22 | 第四十八条反倾销税的征收期限和价格承诺的履行期限不超过 5 年; | Article 48. The period for the levy of an anti-dumping duty and fulfillment of a price undertaking shall not exceed 5 years. | |
23 | 第四十四条海事请求人为保障其海事请求的实现,可以申请扣押船载货物。 | Article 44 A maritime claimant may apply to arrest the goods on board for ensuring the fulfillment of his maritime claim. | |
24 | 对自己的父母鼓吹自力完成的孩子们,现在自己已经做了父母。 | The children who were preaching self fulfillment to their parents are now parents themselves | |
25 | 发展绿色外贸促进湖北省少数民族地区实现全面小康―以湖北省长阳土家族自治县的高山蔬菜产业为例 | On the Fulfillment of an Overall Well-off Society in Ethnic Areas of Hubei Province by Developing Green Foreign Trade-Taking the High Hill Vegetable Industry in Changyang Autonomy County (Hubei Province)as an Example | |
26 | 分数傅里叶变换光学实现表达式的一种规范表示 | A Normative Expression for the Optical Fulfillment of a Fractional Fourier Transformation | |
27 | 高校开展大学生体育俱乐部的实践与研究 | The Research and Fulfillment on Student Sports Clubs in University | |
28 | 高校学生收费系统基于多数据库系统集成的一种实践 | The Fulfillment of College Students’ Charge System Based on the Integration of Multi-database System | |
29 | 高职数学教学改革的思考与实践 | Thought and Fulfillment about Teaching Reform of Mathematics in Higher Vocational College | |
30 | 高职数学教学实施因材施教的研究与实践 | The Research and Fulfillment of Teaching Students in Accordance of Their Aptitude in High Vocational Math Teaching |