1 | 个人的野心(包括你自己的野心),必须臣俯于执行以及达成智囊团共同目标之下。 | Personal ambitions must be subordinate to the fulfillment and successful achievement of the definite purpose of the alliance.This includes your own. | |
2 | 公民为完成法人或者非法人单位工作任务所创作的作品是职务作品。 | A work created by a citizen in the fulfillment of tasks assigned to him by a legal person or entity without legal personality shall be deemed to be a work created in the course of employment. | |
3 | 鼓励人们勇于承担责任不是让人们充当替罪羊,而是对人的良知的呼唤。虽然承担责任意味着牺牲个人利益,但是你能从中体会到一种更加深刻的成就感。 | Encouraging responsibility is not a search for scapegoats, it is a call to conscience. And though it requires sacrifice, it brings a deeper fulfillment . | |
4 | 关于高校深入落实科学发展观的战略思考-学习胡锦涛总书记在中央党校重要讲话 | Strategic Study on the Fulfillment of the Scientific Concept of Development in Institutions of High Learning-Learning the Important Speech of Secretary-General Hu at Party School of the Central Committee of C.P.C | |
5 | 国际履约与中国转基因生物安全管理 | International Promise Fulfillment and Safety Management of Transgenic Organisms in China | |
6 | 海上保险合同告知义务的履行 | Fulfillment of Duty of Disclosure in Marine Insurance Contract | |
7 | 好奇是这些人性能力的一种表现形式,哲学思考是自我完善的一个重要组成部分。 | Since curiosity is one expression of those essential human capabilities, philosophical reflection is an important part of self-fulfillment | |
8 | 合同未对所转让或许可的技术引起的产权争议及其他履约中出现争议的责任及其解决方法作出明确、合理规定。 | The contract fails to include clear and reasonable provisions on liability and measure for resolution of disputes which may arise over property rights of assigned or licensed technology or other disputes over the fulfillment of the contract. | |
9 | 很多年之后,他的计划实现了。 | after many years, his plans have come to fulfillment . | |
10 | 继续为实现党的基本路线和历史任务而奋斗 | Continue to strive for the fulfillment of the basic line and historic mission of the Party | |
11 | 建国以来党的民族经济政策在青海的实践 | The Fulfillment for the Party National Economic Policy in Qinghai since the Founting of Our Peoples Republic | |
12 | 建立生产计划执行情况的报告制度,按季度报省、自治区、直辖市卫生行政部门和同级医药管理部门,并报卫生部和国家医药管理局备案。 | They must make regular reports about the fulfillment of the seasonal production plan to the health administration department at the provincial,autonomous regional or municipal (directly under the Central Government) level and the administration department for medicine at the corresponding level and send copies of the reports to the Ministry of Public Health and the State Administration for Medicine for the record. | |
13 | 谨祝毕业之喜,愿你万事如意,顺利成功! | Congratulate you on your graduation, and may all your hopes and plans turn to fulfillment and success. | |
14 | 进城农民工需要满足的行为选择模型 | Behavior Selection Model of Demand Fulfillment for Farmer-workers in City | |
15 | 里根政府曾经预言自己将面临最严重的冷战,这个预言令人不安地实现了。上星期,它突然发觉自己在世界上三个地区同苏联或苏联支持的运动处于一触即发的状态。 | In an eerie fulfillment of its own worst Cold War prophecies, the reagan administration last week suddenly found itself at a flash point with the Soviet Union or Soviet-supported movements in three parts of the world | |
16 | 利用价格、信贷等经济杠杆确保国家的计划得以完成 | Use economic levers such as price, credit and the like to ensure the fulfillment of the state plans | |
17 | 履行契约权在规定时间内要求履行合同的特权 | The privilege of demanding fulfillment of a contract at a specified time. | |
18 | 那么我们就能取得别的生物所不能取得的满足感。 | Then we can achieve a fulfillment that no other living creature will ever know. | |
19 | 女人在诉说感情和彼此联系中获得满足。交流对于她们至关重要,分担私人感情比达到目的的重要得多 | They experience fulfillment through sharing and relating. Communication is of primary importance. To share their personal feelings is much more important than achieving goals or success. | |
20 | 女人最需要的也正是男人想得到的一切:成功,权力,地位,金钱,爱情,婚姻,儿女,幸福和心满意足。 | A Woman wants most everything a man wants: success, power, status, money, love, marriage, children, happiness, fulfillment | |
21 | 偶尔也有个把聪明、倔强的姑娘坚决要求履行合同上的规定。 | Occasionally a girl of intelligence and spirit would insist on the fulfillment of the terms of her indentures | |
22 | 契约,合同指钱、权利、契据或契约等暂交第三者保管,待某种条件实现后再交付受让人或权利人 | Money, property, a deed, or a bond put into the custody of a third party for delivery to a grantee only after the fulfillment of the conditions specified. | |
23 | 前一任务是为后一任务扫清障碍,创造必要的前提。 | The former task was set to remove obstacles and create essential prerequisites for the fulfillment of the latter task . | |
24 | 青年应树立社会责任感、时代幸福感和历史使命感 | Young People Should Develop Sense of Social Responsibility, Fulfillment of the Hour and Historical Mission | |
25 | 全面完成现代化建设的第二步战略部署 | the comprehensive fulfillment of the second-stage strategic plan for the modernization drive; comprehensively fulfill the second-phase strategic plan for the modernization drive | |
26 | 缺陷:未满足与预期或规定用途有关的要求 | Defect:non-fulfillment of a requirement related to an intended or specified use | |
27 | 让她们获得满足感的巨大源泉之一就是交谈与联系。 | Talking and relating to one another is a source of tremendous fulfillment . | |
28 | 人们在为一个共同目标而努力的过程中得到满足。 | People find fulfillment in working for a common goal. | |
29 | 如果你屈服于事实,不再抵制或试图控制生活,你将惊喜地发现生活变得非常轻松,而且你可以顺势而为,实现生活目标。 | If you surrender to the fact, you will be amazed how much easier life gets when you stop resisting and controlling it, and ride the waves toward the fulfillment of your destiny. | |
30 | 设立股份有限公司,应当具备下列条件 | Establishment of a company limited by shares shall be subject to fulfillment of the following conditions |