1 | 申请电讯检疫的船舶,首先向卫生检疫机关申请卫生检查,合格者发给卫生证书。 | The certificate of sanitary inspection can only be granted to the ship upon the fulfillment of all criteria of sanitary Inspection. | |
2 | 实现完成的行为;实现 | The act of consummating;a fulfillment . | |
3 | 适用的法规要求、经证实的人员能力以及满足质量管理体系要求所需证实的程度。 | The applicable regulatory requirements, the demonstrated ability of personnel, and the extent to which it is necessary to demonstrate fulfillment of quality management system requirements. | |
4 | 受益人故意不当地阻止基础义务的履行者 | Fulfillment of the underlying obligation has clearly been prevented by willful misconduct of the beneficiary | |
5 | 虽然承担责任意味着牺牲个人利益,但是你能从中体会到一种更加深刻的成就感。 | And though it requires sacrifice, it brings a deeper fulfillment | |
6 | 他同时指出,中国履行这些承诺首先有利于中国。 | More importantly, China’s fulfillment of these commitments will firstly benefit itself | |
7 | 探矿权人在完成规定的最低勘查投入后,经依法批准,可以将探矿权转让他人。 | A person with mineral exploration right may, upon fulfillment of the prescribed minimum exploration and survey input and approval in accordance with law, transfer the mineral exploration right to another person. | |
8 | 拖欠处于到期未能履行职责或到期未能付款的状态 | The state of being behind in the fulfillment of obligations or of being overdue in payment. | |
9 | 完成这个任务,必须紧紧依靠全党和全国各族人民的团结。 | The fulfillment of this mission inevitably depends on the solidarity of the Party and that of the Chinese people of all ethnic groups. | |
10 | 完成这个任务,必须紧紧依靠全党和全国各族人民的团结。团结就是力量,团结就是胜利。 | The fulfillment of this mission inevitably depends on the solidarity of the Party and that of the Chinese people of all ethnic groups. Solidarity means strength; solidarity means victory. | |
11 | 网络购物电子履约过程的消费者偏好分析 | Consumer Preference for E-fulfillment Processes in Internet Shopping | |
12 | 为履行本合同项下全部的义务,卖方应提供为买方所接受的银行依据附件六规定的格式开具的以买方为受益人金额相当于合同总价5%(百分之五)即1,113,433美元无条件不可撤销的履约保函。 | Seller shall provide the original of irrevocable and unconditional performance guarantee for fulfillment of all contractual obligations under this Contract, issued by the Bank accepted by the Buyer in favour of the Buyer in the form of Appendix 6 in the amount of 5% (five percent)of contract value, i.e. USD 1,113,433 | |
13 | 我国企业社会责任推行困境之伦理批判 | An Ethical Criticism of the Dilemma of CSR Fulfillment in China | |
14 | 我即将向新的国会的特别会议提出实施这些路线的具体措施,我还将要求各州立即提供支援。 | I shall presently urge upon a new Congress, in special session, detailed measure for their fulfillment , and I shall seek the immediate assistance of the several States | |
15 | 我们试图帮助每个学生发现获得知识的欢乐和充实。 | We seek to help every student discover the joy and fulfillment in the obtainment of knowledge. | |
16 | 我想写有关音乐、艺术、自然以及精神满足的重要性这几方面的文章。 | I would like to write about music art ,nature and the importance of spiritual fulfillment . | |
17 | 我要在特别会议上敦促新国会给予详细实施方案,并且,我要向18个州请求立即的援助。 | I shall presently urge upon a new Congress in special session, detailed measures for their fulfillment , and I shall seek the immediate assistance of the 48 states | |
18 | 我在世纪之交前就已加入军队,它满足了我孩童时所有的希望和梦想。 | When I joined the army even before the turn of the century, it was the fulfillment of all my boyish hopes and dreams | |
19 | 希望期待某些事情能够实现 | To wish for something with expectation of its fulfillment . | |
20 | 希望一种愿望或渴望,对其实现有自信的期待 | A wish or desire accompanied by confident expectation of its fulfillment . | |
21 | 献身于宗教的或履行宗教义务 | Devoted to religion or to the fulfillment of religious obligations. | |
22 | 消费与现代女性的自我实现-时尚杂志中的女性价值观念诉求 | Consumption and Self-fulfillment of Modern Female | |
23 | 信用证项下合同履行问题研究 | A Study of the Problems in the Fulfillment of Contracts under L/C | |
24 | 一个希望的突然失落会留下一处伤痕,即使那希望最终会实现,也决不能完全平复--托马斯·哈代 | The sudden disappointment of a hope leaves a scar which the ultimate fulfillment of that hope never entirely removes--Thomas Hardy | |
25 | 一所鼓励个人成材的学校 | A school which encourages individual fulfillment | |
26 | 已经给全国政治带来重大变化的进步运动,即将进入高潮,并完成其历史使命。 | The progressive movement, which had already brought important changes in federal policies, stood on the verge of culmination and fulfillment | |
27 | 因此,责任会计是把传统会计下以提供产品成本和财务报告为目的而归集数据转变为以确定管理者对计划执行和成本差异的责任为目的而归集数据。 | Therefore, responsibility accounting turns the data prepared for product cost and financial reports in conventional accounting into the data to fix manager’s responsibility for the fulfillment of the plan and cost differences. | |
28 | 有效调配公司资源,全面管理商品运营,确保高质量的顾客服务,确保商场达到销售预算等预期的经营目标; | Manage the overall operations, and ensure best-quality customer service and the business target fulfillment ; | |
29 | 有一个问题需要提一下,我们一般都要求租方签订租赁合同时,支付相当于三个月租金的现金,作为履行合同义务的保证金。 | There is one point I’d like to mention here. We usually require the Lessee to pay an amount of cash equivalent to 3 months’ rental at the time of signing the Leasing Contract as a cash deposit to ensure its fulfillment of obligations. | |
30 | 逾期不履行的,由工商行政管理机关限期履行; | In case of failure to do so within the prescribed time, the administrative authorities for industry and commerce shall set another time limit for the fulfillment of such obligations; |