属类:文学表达-外国名著-Pride and Prejudice
1 | “而且,这些偏见扩大到智力和个人价值等核心特征。” | "”Furthermore , these biases extend to core characteristics of intelligence and personal worth.”" | |
2 | 〞此外,他觉得自己并不真正是预防医学的权威。〞 | Furthermore , he felt that he wasn’t really an authority on preventive medicine. | |
3 | 〞他办事效率很低,而且没有丝毫责任感。〞 | He is inefficient, and furthermore he is innocent of any sense of responsibility. | |
4 | 92 .中国代表确认,自加入时起,中国将加入《信息技术协定》( " ITA "),并将取消中国减让表所列所有信息技术产品的关税。此外,自加入时起,中国将取消 ITA 产品的所有其他税费。工作组注意到这些承诺。 | The representative of China confirmed that upon accession China would participate in the Information Technology Agreement (""ITA"")and would eliminate tariffs on all information technology products as set out in China’s schedule. Furthermore , upon accession, China would eliminate all other duties and charges for ITA products. The Working Party took note of these commitments." | |
5 | 本文重点阐述了哈萨克民族在历史演变以及当代哈萨克成语的特点,使用及作用.除此之外本文还介绍了具有浓厚西域风情的哈萨克饮食文化. | In this article, the features , use and functions of Kazak idioms in both contemporary era and the history are highlighted Furthermore , Kazak culinary culture with extensive west China features are introduced. | |
6 | 必须给予时间,必须有调查纲目,还必须自己口问手写,并同到会人展开讨论。 | Ample time must be allowed and an outline for the investigation must be prepared; furthermore , one must personally ask questions, take notes and have discussions with those at the meeting | |
7 | 不是今天提出来的,更不是某一个人提出来的,是中日双方提出来的。 | Furthermore , it was proposed not by one individual but by both the Chinese and Japanese. | |
8 | 除此之外,我还给初中的学生当家教,因此有机会广泛接触各种教材和教参。我想这对我从事教育方面的编辑工作很有帮助。 | Furthermore , my experience tutoring junior high school students gave me exposure to textbooks and teachers’ material, a background that I feel would be helpful in working for an educational publisher. | |
9 | 此外,把有关n-3FA与改善心血管健康联系起来的数据表明,它不仅有预防的作用,而且有治疗的作用。 | Furthermore , data linking n-3 FA with improved cardiovascular health focus not only on disease protection but also on therapy. | |
10 | 此外,本书在教学方法上有许多重要革新。 | Furthermore , the book incorporates a number of important pedagogical innovations | |
11 | 此外,得到这瓶香水还治好了他多年的一个坏习惯。 | Furthermore , the acquisition of this bottle cured him of a bad habit he had been developing for years. | |
12 | 此外,各成员同意,向秘书处尽早提供对优惠原产地规则所作的任何修改或新的优惠原产地规则,秘书处应将其收到的和可获得的信息清单向各成员散发。 | Furthermore , Members agree to provide any modifications to their preferential rules of origin or new preferential rules of origin as soon as possible to the Secretariat. Lists of information received and available with the Secretariat shall be circulated to the Members by the Secretariat. | |
13 | 此外,根据对作业的分析,管理当局也能发现哪些作业和成本是不增值的,从而可以采取措施来消除它们。 | Furthermore , based on the activity analysis, the management can identify the non-value-added costs and activities, and take steps to eliminate them. | |
14 | 此外,古典自然法学家逐渐发现,法律应当是抵制无政府状态和专制主义的堡垒。 | Furthermore , the classical philosophers found out, by successive steps, that law must be a bulwark against anarchy as well as against despotism | |
15 | 此外,过去两年来,我曾为上海市的几家公司当过业余英语口译员,因而获得了一些英语口译工作的实际经验。 | Furthermore , I have gained some actual experience in English interpretation over the past two years when I worked as a part-time English interpreter for a few companies in Shanghai. | |
16 | 此外,哈塔米也重申德黑兰当局反对美国攻击其邻国伊拉克的立场。 | Furthermore , Khatami also reiterated tehran’s stance against any U.S. attack on its neighboring country, Iraq | |
17 | 此外,加强药品零售价格管理。 | Furthermore , price regulation will be strengthened in drug retails. | |
18 | 此外,美国也大力推动改善公司财务报告的措施,加重公司的责任,并强化会计独立制度。ⅹ | Furthermore , United States is also putting in great efforts to improve the financial reporting system for corporations, including more rigid duties to corporations, and is also strengthening the independence of the accountancy system | |
19 | 此外,如保障措施实施超过1年,则适用水平应在实施期内定期逐步放宽,在此类情况下,有关出口成员不得根据GATT1994第19条第3款(a)项行使中止实质相等的减让或其他义务的权利。 | Furthermore , when the safeguard measure is applied for more than one year, the applicable level shall be progressively liberalized at regular intervals during the period of application. In such cases the exporting Member concerned shall not exercise the right of suspending substantially equivalent concessions or other obligations under paragraph 3(a)of Article XIX of GATT 1994 | |
20 | 此外,如果法院以正当司法权裁决我为无行为能力人,这些律师权利也不可取消,直到该法院作出我不再是无行为能力人为止。 | FURTHERMORE , upon a finding of incompetence by a court of appropriate jurisdiction, this power of attorney shall be irrevocable until such time as said court determines that I am no longer incompetent. | |
21 | 此外,社会上假劣药品事件时有发生。 | Furthermore , incidents of counterfeit and low-quality drugs occur from time to time. | |
22 | 此外,随着大型变电站的负荷增长,变压器的容量也必须增加。 | Furthermore , as the load on a large substation grows, transformer capacity has to be added. | |
23 | 此外,他觉得自己并不真正是预防医学的权威。 | Furthermore ,he feels that he is not really an authority on preventive medicine. | |
24 | 此外,它的各种语言还都表现了显著的性能,惯于借用词头,词尾和加词来衍生新词。 | Furthermore , its separate languages have shown a remarkable faculty for derivation by way of prefixes, suffixes and infixes | |
25 | 此外,我们样本中的价格仅仅用作选型指南,如果您需要适用于出口产品的更好的折扣,请与我们联系。 | Furthermore , the prices in our catalog should only be used as a guide and you should contact me for better discounted export quotations. | |
26 | 此外,因为有普通合伙人的无限责任,合作企业的信贷规模可以扩大。 | Furthermore , because of the unlimited liability of each general part net, the partnership may be extended greater amounts of credit. | |
27 | 此外,英国的档案还显示,伊拉克可在四十五分钟内完成生化武器部署。 | Furthermore , the British dossier also indicated that Iraq could deploy chemical and biological weapons within 45 minutes | |
28 | 此外,由于美国好施集团具有规模经营的优势,且价格结构合理,,所以和制造商相比,我们能够提供一样的价格和更好的服务。 | Furthermore , due to the size of Hirsch Pipe & Supply and our pricing structure, we can offer prices comparable to the manufacturer and better service than the manufacturer. | |
29 | 此外,中国将加速对现有的自愿性国家、地方和行业标准的修订工作,以便使之与国际标准相协调。 | Furthermore , China would speed up its process of revising the current voluntary national, local and sectoral standards so as to harmonize them with international standards | |
30 | 但他坚决否认他曾对不起韦翰,并驳斥了那个军官所谓的韦翰被骗去一份遗产的说法。而且,他还告诉伊丽莎白,韦翰过去一直同他妹妹乔治亚娜有私通关系。 | He strongly denies having wronged Wickham, however, and demolishes the officer’s claim that he has been cheated out of an inheritance. Furthermore , he informs Elizabeth, Wickham had been carrying on an intrigue with Darcy’s sister Georgiana. |