属类:自然科学-Technology Report 科技报道-Working With Clay: A How-to Guide
1 | 英国人生下地便朝魔鬼那儿跑,可是等到年纪大了,他们几乎总是换骑徐辔缓行地朝尊荣走去。 | Englishmen start galloping to the devil, but as they grow older, they nearly always change horse and amble along gently to respectability | |
2 | 在草原上奔驰的那匹马突然转变方向,朝一个男人跑去。 | The steed galloping on the grassland chopped about and ran toward a man. | |
3 | 政府机构臃肿,效率低下,他的政策又加剧了通货的恶性膨胀,这些都损害着政府的稳定和社会的团结。 | The massive inefficiency of his administration and the galloping inflation promoted by his policies were eroding governmental stability and social cohesion | |
4 | ||1:分歧在人意料之中。||2:教师工会希望工资涨幅超过阿根廷奔腾的通货膨胀率。||3:从今年年初开始,政府已经将阿根廷比索贬值超过20%,导致通胀预期异常强烈。||4:据一家名为Elypsis的咨询公司的员工Eduardo Levy Yeyati说,今年物价预期将增长32%。||5:政府已不能简单的把物价上涨的问题当做不存在,目前正着手出版更真实的数据。 | ||1:Tension had been expected.||2:The teachers’unions want salary rises above Argentina’s galloping inflation rate.||3:Since the start of the year the government has devalued the Argentine peso by over 20%, causing inflation expectations to spike.||4:According to Eduardo Levy Yeyati of Elypsis, a consultancy, prices are expected to jump by 32% this year.||5:And now that the government has started publishing more realistic data, it cannot simply pretend the problem of rising prices does not exist. | |
5 | ||1:高速的放射性电影照相术加上踏车和风洞使他找到了研究动物运动方式的新角度:散步、慢跑、疾驰、飞翔以及用臂膀吊荡树枝前进。||2:他骄傲地说,他通过努力达到了“马戏团一般的”规模。||3:“树鼩在我的书架和书桌上跳来跳去”,他回忆道。||4:学校里的领导为此而震惊,他的学生和同事却因此而着迷。 | ||1: High speed cineradiography, plus treadmills and a wind tunnel gave him new insights into how animals move: walking, trotting, galloping , flying and brachiating (the way monkeys swing). ||2: His efforts reached, he said proudly, “circus-like” proportions. ||3: “Tree shrews ricocheted across my bookshelves and desk,” he recalled. ||4: University bosses were appalled. His students and colleagues were captivated. | |
6 | 他画的奔马栩栩如生。 | The galloping horses he painted are extremely lifelike. | |
7 | “听起来就像奔驰的骏马一般,”心脏外科博士、辛卡迪亚的共同创建人JackCopeland说。 | "It sounds like galloping horses, " says SynCardia cofounder and heart surgeon Dr. Jack Copeland. | |
8 | 不要紧,利用从驱动器带来的动力,他现在可以绕着镇子里骑自行车了,而他的人工心脏已经伴随着他跳动超过了3年。 | He rides his bike around town carrying the power supply for his heart. The device has been galloping along for more than three years. | |
9 | 阐述了桥塔在自立状态下可能发生的风致振动,包括抖振、驰振以及涡激共振; | Meanwhile, the wind-induced response of self-supporting pylon, including the buffeting galloping and vortex-induced vibration was analysed. | |
10 | 长期以来,对于杰瑞来说,让自己乘风飞奔,鬓毛飞扬,就是一个梦。 | For a long time, the idea of galloping with the breeze in his mane was just a dream for Jerry. | |
11 | 但是,在叶利钦先生的热心帮助下,由于波罗的海诸国争取到了自由。 | But as the Baltic republics started galloping towards freedom, with Mr Yeltsin’s enthusiastic support, that changed. | |
12 | 当年龄较长族的人贷款买房的时候,这就避免了通货膨胀现象严重,但此后通货膨胀的速度会放缓。 | It helped that inflation was galloping when the older group was borrowing to buy homes, but slowed thereafter. | |
13 | 导线舞动稳定性机理及其在输电线路上的应用 | Stability Mechanism of Conductor Galloping and Its Application on Transmission Line | |
14 | 而此时此刻,却又一阵奔驰的马蹄声自舞者间疾奔了过去,但却看不见什么马匹。他不觉恐惧起来。 | Then right across the dancers came the sound of the galloping of a horse, but no horse was to be seen, and he felt afraid. | |
15 | 发生尾流驰振时,有多个模态共同参与振动,且各模态参与程度随风速增加规律性变化。 | The wake galloping is a multiple-modes vibration and the mode participating levels vary regularly as wind velocity changes. | |
16 | 高层建筑驰振临界风速研究 | Critical Wind-velocity of Galloping Instability on Tall Buildings | |
17 | 更重要的是Alcon公司的销售额一年之内大涨了13%。 | More important, Alcon’s sales are galloping ahead by around 13% a year. | |
18 | 好家伙,已经超过三美元一加仑,而且还在继续上升,看不到停滞的迹象。 | Hoo boy. It had passed $3 a gallon and was galloping upward, no limit in sight. | |
19 | 基于遗传算法的扰流防舞机理研究 | A Study on Anti-Galloping Mechanism of Air Flow Spoiler Using Genetic Algorithm | |
20 | 架空输电线防舞动阻尼器的模型试验 | Model test of a damper for galloping prevention in overhead transmission line | |
21 | 今天将举行的有关非洲发展的商谈,若没有中国介绍其在非洲的高昂雄心,也许会让人感到不完整。 | Today’s talks about African development could feel incomplete without a briefing from China on its galloping ambitions there. | |
22 | 尽管拥有健全的经济和急遽增加的税收,但政府开支的增加速度甚至比收入更快。 | Despite a strong economy and galloping tax receipts, the government’s spending is rising even faster than its income. | |
23 | 每当我听到她的心跳如一群飞驰的骏马,它就显得更加真实。 | Every time I heard her heart go galloping like a herd of horses, it made her more real. | |
24 | 目前,食品价格正以每年11.5%左右的速度上涨。 | Food prices are galloping along at about 11. 5 per cent annually. | |
25 | 目前的金融危机可以归因于失去控制的政府借贷、糟糕的银行信贷控制和膨胀的贪欲。 | The current financial crisis is due to runaway government borrowing, poor banking credit controls, and galloping greed. | |
26 | 那时,租房给人们,尤其是年轻人,提供了一个房价飞涨的避难所; | Then, renting offered the young, especially, a haven from galloping house-price inflation. | |
27 | 然而,拜其飞速发展的经济增长所赐,即使中国达到了其能源强度降低的目标,其排放量仍将会持续增加。 | Thanks to China’s galloping economic growth, however, its emissions will continue to increase even if it meets its energy-intensity target. | |
28 | 然而,疾速增长的能源需求引出了其它两个重要问题。 | Such galloping energy demand, however, raises two other important questions. | |
29 | 如果说沃尔科特像乡下不羁的奔驰小马,埃弗顿时的鲁尼简直是英格兰足球的另一个传统模板:城市弃儿。 | Where Walcott is rustic and galloping , the Everton-era Rooney was squarely in English football’s urban foundling tradition. | |
30 | 如果说在政界,一周已算漫长,那么,在飞速变化的中国股市,7个月就宛若隔世了。 | If a week is a long time in politics, seven months is an eternity in the world of China’s galloping stock markets. |