1 | 苏州园林数量之众多,环境之清幽,结构之雅致,艺术之精湛,为世界各地所罕见。 | Suzhou is unique in the world in number of gardens , their tranquil and serene environment, refined layout and exquisite building skills. | |
2 | 俗话说,“江南园林甲天下,苏州园林甲江南”。 | An old saying goes, "the gardens south of the Yangtze River are the best under Heaven, and among them the gardens of Suzhou are the best." | |
3 | 虽然在古时候就有宏伟的花园,但小型的庭园到19世纪才普遍流行。 | Though palatial gardens existed in ancient times, small home gardens became prevalent only in the 19th century. | |
4 | 他的三角帽上垂下一长条蓝白色丝带结成的穗子;拄着一根雕刻得很奇特的手杖。 | Thus he came along, supporting himself on a curiously carved stick, his aged countenance lit up with happiness, looking for all the world like one of the aged dandies of 1796, parading the newly opened gardens of the Tuileries and Luxembourg | |
5 | 他说:“当局没能成功保护城市建筑,一个典型例子就是向公众开放前私人别墅的花园。这些地方几个世纪以来布满了纪念性建筑、雕像和古代遗物。” | "The classical example of the failure of the authorities to protect the city fabric was the opening to the public of the gardens of former private villas, which had been filled for centuries with monuments, statuary and antiquities," he said. | |
6 | 它是仿照中国南方园林建造的。 | It’s built with the gardens in South China as models. | |
7 | 特别是男人,常利用空闲时间安装壁炉、布置花园、建造车库、制作家具。 | Men of all ages spend hours of their leisure time installing their own fireplaces, laying out their own gardens ; building garages and making furniture. | |
8 | 威利格林许多别墅花园里红醋栗树绽出了嫩叶。 | And in the cottage gardens of Willey Green, currant-bushes were breaking into leaf | |
9 | 围绕鸟澡盆的花园 | Gardens girdling a Bird Bath | |
10 | 位于市中心,可以看见Borghese花园 | Located in the heart of the city with view of the Borghese gardens | |
11 | 我们慢悠悠地穿过花园。 | We took a leisurely walk through the gardens . | |
12 | 屋顶花园;屋顶瓦 | rooftop gardens ;rooftop tiles. | |
13 | 现在是最适合逛花园的时候. | Now is the best time to visit the gardens . | |
14 | 一天,年轻的王子来到囚禁妖怪的花园。 | One day the young prince came into the gardens where the sprite sat in jail | |
15 | 一天的庆典随着最后的街道派对落下帷幕。尽管下着雨,数千名巴黎人穿着40年代样式的衣服,在巴士底狱广场和卢森堡花园举行集会。 | The day ended with street parties. Despite the rain, thousands of Parisians donned 1940s-style clothes and converged on the place de la Bastille and the Luxembourg gardens . | |
16 | 一位漂亮花园的资深培育者;进行有价值的公司联络的人 | An inveterate cultivator of beautiful gardens ; a cultivator of valuable corporate contacts | |
17 | 游瘦西湖,那潋滟的湖光,雅致的园林,浮动的山景,逶迤的长堤,飞舞的彩桥,五颜六色的花卉,无不引人入胜 | Slender West Lake is attractive for its ripping lakes, tasteful gardens , picturesque hills, winding dikes, dancing colored bridges as well as beautiful flowers of diverse colors | |
18 | 有公园及花园,大规模的华丽皇家建筑体;包括浴场及附属建筑、图书馆、带雕刻的花园、剧场、室外餐厅、亭榭和住宅。 | A sumptuous imperial complex with parks and gardens on a grand scale, it included baths, libraries, sculpture gardens, theaters, alfresco dining areas, pavilions, and private suites. | |
19 | 与典型的西方建筑模式相比,东亚的建筑则多由一系列的宫殿(大多数是装饰华丽的低层木亭台)和带围墙的广阔园林组成,如日本的皇宫和北京的紫禁城。 | In contrast to the typical Western format, East Asian palaces, such as the imperial palaces of Japan and those in Beijing’s Forbidden City, consist of many buildings (in these cases, low pavilions mostly of highly decorated wood construction)within vast walled gardens . | |
20 | 郁金香的价值达到这个地步,已没有多少人是买它来种在庭园里。 | When the prices of tulips reached such an exorbitant level, few people bought them for planting in their gardens | |
21 | 园中四处冒出野草 | In all gardens the weeds crop out. | |
22 | 在一封写给一个小女孩的迷人信件中,他写道:“如果有人能使我做有史以来最伟大的国王,拥有宫殿、园林、美酒、佳肴、马车、华服和上百名仆从 | In a charming letter to a little girl, he says: “if any one would make me the greatest king that ever lived, with palaces and gardens and fine dinners, and wines and coaches, and beautiful clothes, and hundreds of servants | |
23 | 在一些公园和花园间,群芳吐艳--玫瑰、丁香、杜鹃、蝴蝶花竞相开放--空中弥漫着浓郁的香气。 | In public parks and gardens a multitude of flowers-roses, lilac, azaleas, irises filled the air with fragrance | |
24 | 在英国公使馆里,几个武装士兵在 | Inside the British legation a few armed soldiers walked about the gardens | |
25 | 这是一个让人感到愉快、舒适的农庄,花园色彩缤纷,草坪上绿树成荫。 | It was a pleasant, comfortable farm with gardens of rich colour and large shady green trees and lawns | |
26 | 这是一所美丽的学校,此在这所学校里有小湖泊、漂亮的花园和一个大的足球场。 | This is a beautiful school, a school where there are small lakes, nice gardens and a big football play round. | |
27 | 这些房子的前面都有漂亮的花园 | Attractive gardens fronted the houses. | |
28 | 这些花园已恢复了昔日的辉煌。 | The gardens have been restored to their former grandeur. | |
29 | 这些花园于18世纪90年代向公众开放,但仅在星期日,而且,只许穿合乎礼仪服装的人士进入。 | The gardens were opened to the public in the 1790s, but only on Sundays, and only to people in the correct clothes | |
30 | 这些园林把山、水、建筑和草木巧妙地组合起来。 | These gardens ingeniously combine hills, waters, buildings, trees and flowers. |