1 | 这一切都足以使我们保持警惕,打破驻防生活一向的沉闷。 | All this had a tendency to keep us awake, and knock the traditional dullness out of garrison life | |
2 | 这支部队隶属市警备区。 | This unit is under the command of the municipal garrison . | |
3 | 正因为滨海蒙特勒伊是一个驻扎军队的城市,腐化堕落的机会多,他有足够的理由提出这种要求。 | He was all the more firmly set on this severity, since M. sur M., being a garrison town, opportunities for corruption abounded | |
4 | 执行职务的行为引起的民事侵权案件,由中华人民共和国最高人民法院管辖,侵权行为的损害赔偿适用香港特别行政区法律。 | cases of tort arising from acts committed by members of the Hong Kong Garrison when performing their official duties shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the Supreme People’s Court of the PRC , and compensation for any loss or injury incurred by acts of tort shall be governed by the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. | |
5 | 只要是别的一个地方,我就不在乎我是从哪儿来的(加里森·谢勒)参见 | I didn’t care where I was from so long as it was someplace else(Garrison Keillor)See Usage Note at everyplace | |
6 | 中央人民政府派驻香港特别行政区负责防务的军队不干预香港特别行政区的地方事务。香港特别行政区政府在必要时,可向中央人民政府请求驻军协助维持社会治安和救助灾害。 | Military forces stationed by the Central People’s Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region for defence shall not interfere in the local affairs of the Region. The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region may, when necessary, ask the Central People’s Government for assistance from the garrison in the maintenance of public order and in disaster relief. | |
7 | 驻军费用由中央人民政府负担。 | Expenditure for the garrison shall be borne by the Central People’s Government. | |
8 | 驻军共有八十名。 | The garrison musters eighty men. | |
9 | 驻军击退了袭击者。 | The garrison fought off the attackers | |
10 | 驻军人员除须遵守全国性的法律外,还须遵守香港特别行政区的法律。 | In addition to abiding by national laws, members of the garrison shall abide by the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. |