1 | 当年大诗人苏东坡路过高邮,曾与王巩、孙觉、秦观在这里饮酒赋诗、品评文章,自此开启了高邮的文人雅集之风 | At that time the famous poet, Su Dongpo, passed by Gao You and composed poems over drinks as well as appreciated proses with Wang Gong, Sun Jue, and Qin Guan, which initiated the practice of elegant literati gatherings in Gao You. | |
2 | "常换衣服,勤洗手,多锻炼,少聚会",这些都是耳熟能详的建议。 | "Change clothes and wash hands more often, take more physical exercise and organize fewer gatherings "" were commonly-heard pieces of advice." | |
3 | "花儿"的传唱分平时和"花儿会"两种 | Hua’er are sung both on ordinary occasions and at "hua’er gatherings ". | |
4 | "花儿会"’年四季都有,但主要集中在农历五六月间。届时,"花儿会"与传统庙会、交易会汇为一体。 | Hua’er gatherings can be held at any time of the year, but they are mostly held in the fifth and sixth months by the lunar calendar, usually coinciding with temple fairs and trading fairs. | |
5 | "人们在家庭聚会中感到失望、疏远,实际上他们已认识到"幻想不能实现"。 | "The disappointment and sense of alienation that often results from family gatherings , he adds, is actually a realization that "the fantasy is not met." | |
6 | (二)违反当地公安机关的规定,在城市市区街道、广场、公园等公共场所组织娱乐、集会等活动,使用音响器材,产生干扰周围生活环境的过大音量的; | (2)Using, in violation of the regulations of the local public security organ, audio apparatus which produce such excessive sound volume as to impair the living environment of the neighbourhood when offering entertainment or holding gatherings in such public places as streets, squares or parks in urban areas; or | |
7 | (四)经营旅馆、饭店、影剧院、娱乐场、运动场、展览馆或者其他供群众聚集的场所,违反安全规定,经公安机关通知不加改正的; | (4)running hotels, restaurants, theatres, entertainment centers, sports grounds, exhibition halls or other public places for mass gatherings in violation of safety provisions and refusing to improve after notification by the public security organs; | |
8 | (五)组织群众集会或者文化、娱乐、体育、展览、展销等群众性活动,不采取相应的安全措施,经公安机关通知不加改正的; | (5)organizing mass gatherings , exhibitions, fairs, or other public activities in the fields of culture, entertainment, or sports without appropriate safety precautions and refusing to improve after notification by the public security organs; | |
9 | “如果你知道朋友中谁对蚊子有吸引力,务必邀请他参加你的户外集会活动,你就可能免去其他客人受蚊子叮咬之苦。”布特勒说。 | If you can figure out who among your friends is attractive to mosquitoes and be sure to invite that person to all your outdoor gatherings , you might be able to spare your other guests from mosquito bites, Butler said | |
10 | 被捕学生倘若证实有参与非法集会,可能会被监禁五年之多。而阻差办公的学生可能会被监禁两年。 | The students face up to five years in jail for being involved in unauthorised gatherings and two-year terms for obstructing police. | |
11 | 从波士顿百年马拉松及亚特兰大奥运看台湾办大型活动的紧急医疗救护 | From the Boston Centennial Marathon and the Atlanta Olympic Games to EMS Preparation for Mass Gatherings in Taiwan | |
12 | 第十三条 举办大型集会、焰火晚会、灯会等群众性活动,具有火灾危险的,主办单位应当制定灭火和应急疏散预案,落实消防安全措施,并向公安消防机构申报,经公安消防机构对活动现场进行消防安全检查合格后,方可举办。 | Article 13 For mass activities with fire danger, such as large gatherings , fireworks evening party and lantern party, the host unit shall formulate preproposal on fire fighting and emergency evacuation and put into effect relevant fire control security measures, and report to public security fire control institutions which will conduct fire control security check. The activities can only be held when qualification check is granted. | |
13 | 第四十一条 违反本法的规定 , 擅自举办大型集会、焰火晚会、灯火等群众性活动,具有火灾危险的,公安消防机构应当责令当场改正; | Article 41 Those who, in violation of this law, arbitrarily hold mass activities like large gatherings , fireworks evening party, lantern party with risk of fire disaster, shall be ordered to make corrections by public security fire control institutions; | |
14 | 对酒类消费的厌恶感使她避开所有可能卖酒的社交活动场所 | Her aversion to alcohol consumption caused her to shun all social gatherings where such beverages would be served. | |
15 | 高地风笛与利尔舞揭开了苏格兰高地运动盛会的序幕。 | bagpipes and dancing open the competitions of local sporting events, which are called Highland Gatherings | |
16 | 画像石题材多样,内容丰富,有反映庄园、车行、聚会、宴饮、战争、手工作坊等现实生活场面 | The relief are rich in content and theme, depicting manors, vehicles, social gatherings , hunting and war scenes as well as views of workshops. | |
17 | 举行社交聚会,这样的人请也不是,不请也不是,令我煞费周章。 | It’s a dilemma for me when I have to decide whether to include such people in my social gatherings . | |
18 | 科林不喜欢多喝酒,而且不能忍受好莱坞经常集会时那种酒后胡言和信口开河的谈话。 | Colin didn’t like to drink much and he found the boozy, aimless conversation of the usual Hollywood gatherings intolerable | |
19 | 联合国大会的各种世界性集会. | The cosmopolitan gatherings at the United Nations Assembly | |
20 | 目前,美国每年举行大约300个类似的聚会。 | And there are now about 300 such gatherings held each year across the country. | |
21 | 取一个容易记,符合整体感觉的名字,以便能在社交场合与人沟通,进出别人记忆的门窗,是命名的出发点。 | Picking one that is easy to remember, sounds right, helps facilitate communication at social gatherings and others to recall you will be the factors to consider. | |
22 | 他的幽默在几次记者会与庆祝聚会中表露无遗,令中外媒体的记者与斯大的青年学子们为之倾倒。 | During the many press conferences and congratulatory gatherings , his peerless wit and humor overwhelmed the participants, including members of the Chinese and foreign media, and the Stanford co-eds | |
23 | 他在社交聚会上的表现引起许多闲话。 | His conduct at social gatherings created a lot of comment. | |
24 | 我的一个妹妹最近已经结婚,如今家庭团聚是获得幸福与焕发精神的所在。 | One of my sisters has recently married, and family gatherings are now occasions of happiness and renewal | |
25 | 我看到有些人一心想讨好朝廷,在宫廷聚会上浪费时间,放弃了休息,牺牲了自由、美德、甚或自己的朋友,惟求朝廷恩泽,我就对自己说,“这人为一只哨子花费过多了。” | When I saw some men too eager for court favour, wasting his time at court gatherings , giving up his rest, his liberty, his virtue, and perhaps his friends, for royal favour, I said to myself--"This man gives too much for the whistle. " | |
26 | 我们互相回避,除非绝对必须出席圣诞节聚会或其他的家庭聚会。但甚至在那些场合,我们彼此几乎也不说一句话。 | We avoided seeing each other unless we absolutely had to at Christmas or other family gatherings . But even then, we hardly spoke to each other. | |
27 | 我认为这样的集会毫无价值。 | I feel that such gatherings are worthless. | |
28 | 一人积了多年经验会成为自己这种爱好的权威,很可能应邀在小型集会上作非正式的讲话。如果讲得好,可能向更多的人发表演说。 | Over the years one may well become an authority on one’s hobby and will very probably be asked to give informal talks to little gatherings and then, if successful, to larger audiences. | |
29 | 艺妓日本职业妇女的一种,从儿童时起就被训练招待、跳舞、唱歌,为了男子制造一种欢乐愉悦的气氛的职业或社会聚会 | One of a class of professional women in Japan trained from girlhood in conversation,dancing,and singing in order to lend an atmosphere of chic and gaiety to professional or social gatherings of men. | |
30 | 有两个小小的集会,每一个都有一些学生参加。 | There were two small gatherings , each attended by some students. |