属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-欧元危机——计划无力 前景渺茫
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-印度的公益创业 开辟出另一片天地
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-公司校友 离开但不会被忘记
1 | 在城市市区街道、广场、公园等公共场所组织娱乐、集会等活动,使用音响器材可能产生干扰周围生活环境的过大音量的,必须遵守当地公安机关的规定。 | Where audio apparatus that might produce such excessive sound volume as to impair the living environment of the neighbourhood are used for entertainments arranged or gatherings held at such public places as streets, squares or parks in urban areas, the regulations of the local public security organ must be observed. | |
2 | 在朋友聚会时过过当明星的瘾,让人人刮目相看 | During friends gatherings I can satisfy my craving of wanting to be a musical star, let people see me in a new light. | |
3 | 在七十和八十年代拥有数千万热心观众的英国幽默电视连续剧Monty Python Show常常以一拨儿北欧海盗为主角,在公共集会中,他们对每一个问题都用吟唱"spam"来做回答以压制别人, | The Monty Python Show, a TV comedy series with tens of millions of viewers during the 1970s and 1980s, frequently featured a group of Vikings who at social gatherings would sing ’spam!’ in answer to every question | |
4 | 政治和社交集会 | Political and social gatherings | |
5 | 中国文坛和艺坛的精英分子也定期在国内和国外参加国际性的交流活动。 | The creme de la creme of the Chinese literary and artistic community regularly attend cultural gatherings at home and abroad with active international participation. | |
6 | 做学生的时候,开联欢会还有点男女社交的作用,我在美国,人家就把留学生的夏令会,说是‘三头会议’:出风头,充冤大头,还有--呃--情人做花头--” | For students, social gatherings provide a chance for men and women to meet.When I was in America, people used to call the Foreign Students Summer Club the `Big Three Conference’: the show-offs, the suckers, and the-uh-the girl-snowers." | |
7 | ||1: 领导人们在法兰克福和布鲁塞尔的聚会并没有达成一项“综合性的”方案来解决议案中陈述的欧元面临的弊病, 但是, 仍有乐观者认为会议还是举得了一定的进展.。 ||2: 欧央行(ECB)已经将其基准利率从1.25%降低到1%以缓和即将到来的经济衰退, 这是欧央行在进几个月内第二次下调基准利率1/4百分点。 ||3: 欧央行已经同意在其主利率水平上为商业银行提供期限可达3年的无限量的现金供应, 以帮助银行替换掉那些私人投资者不愿意再延期的中期借款。 ||4: 同时, 欧央行现在已经开始接受高风险的资产抵押债券和为现金作抵押的贷款, 并且调低了存款准备金率以帮助银行缓解融资压力。 | ||1: The gatherings in Frankfurt and Brussels did not deliver the “comprehensive” solution to the euro’s ills that was billed, but optimists point to some modest progress. ||2: The ECB lowered its benchmark interest rate from 1.25% to 1%, the second quarter-point cut in as many months, to try to mitigate the coming recession. ||3: It agreed to provide unlimited cash to commercial banks for up to three years, at its main interest rate, to replace the medium-term funding that private investors are unwilling to extend. ||4: The central bank will now accept higher-risk asset-backed bonds as well as loans as security for cash, and it has lowered its reserve requirements for banks to ease their funding pressures. | |
8 | ||1:对于很多人而言,主要就是目标就是玩乐。||2:值得注意的是抗议者们认真遵循着美国编年史作家法国人Alexis de Tocqueville所推崇的民主观。||3:他们每天召开两次大会讨论劳动群体的提议。||4:政客们在起诉这些纪律严明的机会方面十分谨慎,警察们大部分时间都放手不管。||5:抗议者们喜欢表现的活跃。 | ||1:For many, the main aim may be to have fun.||2:But the protest is also notable for scrupulous adherence to the sort of democratic values that Alexis de Tocqueville, a French chronicler of America, loved.||3:A general assembly meets up to twice a day to discuss proposals from working groups.||4:Politicians are wary of persecuting such well-disciplined gatherings and the police have largely stayed their hand.||5:They are happily earning overtime. | |
9 | ||1:这一切原本可以让他发笔大财,但施瓦茨对此并无兴趣。||2:他想要的是一个更加美好、更加自由、更加进步的世界。||3:他没有念完中学,此后又从斯坦福辍学。他的自学途径是阅读大量的书籍,多半是哲学书。||4:他结交了一些朋友,又和他们吵得面红耳赤,因为他们无法像他一样追求完美。||5:他会带着乱蓬蓬的头发和没刮净的胡子出现在聚会上,看上去像个痴迷技术的书呆子;但深邃的目光,以及突然绽放、充满自信的笑容,却正是一个试图倒转乾坤的青年所有。 | ||1:All this could have made him a fortune, but he had no interest in that.||2:He wanted a world that was better, freer and more progressive.||3:He dropped out of high school, then out of Stanford, educating himself instead by reading prodigious numbers of books, mostly philosophy.||4:He made friends and fell loudly out with them because they couldn’t be as perfectionist as he was.||5:At gatherings he would turn up messy-haired and half-shaven, the shy nerd’s look, but with the intense dark gaze and sudden, confident grin of a young man out to turn society on its head. | |
10 | 它还会请当地医师和保健部门的工作人员在工作间及每月的村庄集会时推广卫生护垫产品,借此提高公众的卫生意识。 | It will also promote awareness by asking local doctors and health-care workers to push the pads at workshops and monthly village gatherings . | |
11 | 在众多银行中,自项目2011年启动以来,花旗已经举办了超过150场公司校友聚会,包括高尔夫锦标赛和红酒品酒会。长久以来高盛一直把它的校友公共服务看作是一项品牌竞争力—最近的五位前任老板包括两位财政部长和一位参议员。 | Among the banks, Citigroup has held more than 150 alumni gatherings since its programme started in 2011, including golf tournaments and wine tastings. Goldman Sachs has long touted its alumni’s public service as a branding tool—its five most recent ex-bosses include two treasury secretaries and a senator. | |
12 | 27国财长的聚会(欧盟经济财政理事会)不敌由17个欧洲强国组成的欧元集团,这个集团有自己的主席——让-克劳德容克。 | Gatherings of the 27 finance ministers (Ecofin) are secondary to the 17-strong Eurogroup, which has its own president, Jean-Claude Juncker. | |
13 | EidGah清真寺建于1893年,其门前的仪式广场常常是人们举行集会和庆典的场所。 | Built in 1893, Eid Gah’s ceremonial square is a popular location for large gatherings and celebrations. | |
14 | 阿卜杜拉还说他已经告诉他的支持者们要保持平静、不要抗议,甚至不要聚集起来举行大的集会。 | He also said he had told his supporters to remain calm and not to protest, or even to come together in large gatherings . | |
15 | 安德森回到了她最开始演唱的地方----教堂和小型聚会场所。 | Anderson was back where she began -- singing at churches and small gatherings . | |
16 | 保证一个星期里大部分时间都吃得很健康,然后你就可以在聚餐时放松一会了。 | Just try to eat healthy most of the week, and relax when you are at social gatherings . | |
17 | 不过相对于每一个你知道的聚会,都有至少上千个排他性的,你没听说过的。 | But for every one of these you’ve heard of, there’s certainly at least a thousand more equally as exclusive gatherings you haven’t. | |
18 | 从山上旅行回来,在闺房的凉台上,有我母亲召集的晚间露天集会,我成了主讲人。 | After my return from the hills I was the principal speaker at my mother’s open air gatherings on the roof terrace in the evenings. | |
19 | 达沃斯也许是这类全球大佬聚会中最引人瞩目的一个。 | Davos is perhaps the glitziest of these globocratic gatherings . | |
20 | 大多数大学都提供了各种各样的课外活动如体育比赛、演讲以及其它的社会活动 | Most universities offer a variety of extracurricular activities such as sports events, contests, and other social gatherings | |
21 | 但是这不是重点,重点是我真的几乎没有几件衣服适合“成年人”的聚会场合。 | But that’s not the real point, here; the real point is that I have few clothes suitable for "adult" gatherings . | |
22 | 当局企图用压制数字通信的方法控制集体骚乱大都事与愿违。 | Attempts by authorities to squelch digital communications as a way of managing unruly gatherings have largely backfired. | |
23 | 喋喋不休的学生集合对于注重安静的图书馆是不受欢迎的 | Garrulous gatherings of students are unwelcome in a library that values silence. | |
24 | 而近几十年来,这个模式已经很大程度为散漫的聚会所代替。 | In recent decades, that pattern has largely been replaced by casual gatherings of teenagers. | |
25 | 感恩节大餐,派,奶奶做的饼干,以及家庭的聚餐都会增加你的卡路里摄入量。 | Thanksgiving dinner, pies, grandma’s cookies, and family gatherings all lead to some serious calorie intake. | |
26 | 即使在小型聚会中也足够尴尬了,公开演说则更成了严重的折磨。 | Embarrassing enough in small gatherings , it turned public speaking into a major ordeal. | |
27 | 计划每年一次的集会,在集会上,部分成员可以相聚在一起。 | Plan annual gatherings where some or all of the members can gather | |
28 | 记住这句话,因为参加工作聚会中在过去一贯采用的那些规则今年一样有作用。 | Remember those words, because the same rules that have always applied for attending work gatherings apply this year, too. | |
29 | 家庭聚会是了解家族病史的好机会 | Family Gatherings Are Opportunities for Medical Detective Work | |
30 | 假日,和一大家子有聚在一起,是危机隐藏的时刻,要小心自己的言语。 | The holidays, with all their extended-family gatherings , can be a verbal minefield. |