属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-NF Q12-007-1996
1 | 有一种盛行于唐代的陶器,以黄、褐、绿为基本釉色 | A type of glazed pottery with the dominant colors of yellow, brown and green was very popular in the Tang Dynasty. | |
2 | 与此同时,海丝特·白兰始终带着一种疲惫的淡然神情,在她的耻辱台上凝眸端立。 | Hester Prynne, meanwhile, kept her place upon the pedestal of shame, with glazed eyes, and an air of weary indifference. | |
3 | 在墓葬中还发现大量祭祀用品,包括绿轴陶器斗,玉雕和石雕残片,大型的圆鼎两具,玉雕簋和嵌松象牙杯等 | A lot of ritual objects were also found in the tombs, they include fragment of green-glazed pottery dou food vessels, pieces of carved jade and stone, the two large square ding caldrons, carved jade gui food containers, ivory cups inlaid with turquoise. | |
4 | 在唐右卫大将军墓中出土了一件骆驼载乐俑。 | A tri-colored glazed pottery of a camel and a dancing group was unearthed in a Tang general’s tomb. | |
5 | 在文化方面,宋朝在过去几百年的基础上又发展了,这些发展不仅包括唐朝的思想、还包括历史文献、绘画、书法、及坚硬光滑的瓷器等。 | Culturally, the Song refined many of the developments of the previous centuries. Included in these refinements were not only the Tang ideal but also historical writings, painting, calligraphy, and hard-glazed porcelain. | |
6 | 在中午的几个小时里,他就面无表情地呆坐着,旁边放着一瓶酒,听着电幕。 | Through the midday hours he sat with glazed face, the bottle handy, listening to the telescreen | |
7 | 这房子前后窗都是双层的. | The house is double-glazed back and front. | |
8 | 这是一些唐三彩工艺品。 | Here are some exhibits of tricolored glazed pottery of the Tang dynasty. | |
9 | 整座大楼造型新颖,风姿独具,外观采用茶色玻璃幕墙,高级瓷砖贴面和花岗石装饰,富丽堂皇,光彩照人。 | The whole building is designed with the latest and unique style, and its outside is glazed with bronze curtain walls and decorated with top-grade ceramic tiles and granite. It’s really magnificent and brilliant. | |
10 | 纸和纸板.包装用磨光牛皮纸特性 | Paper and board. Friction-glazed kraft paper for packagings. Characteristics. |