1 | “总会有需要,但我们会有办法的。”她的手指在闪光的长笛上滑动。 | There always will be.But we′ ll manage. She ran her finger over the gleaming flute. | |
2 | 玻璃制品,光亮剔透,给人洁净之感。 | The shining and gleaming glassware engenders a feeling of cleanliness. | |
3 | 带着灿烂的微笑,土耳其小姐阿兹拉·阿金优雅地鞠了一躬,接过了闪耀夺目的桂冠和15.6万美元奖金。 | With a gleaming smile and a graceful bow, Miss Turkey, Azra Akin accepted the glittering tiara and the 156,000 prize | |
4 | 灯光点点的巴格达国际机场候机大厅装修一新,美国公民为此花费了近3900万美元。 | Baghdad’s gleaming international airport terminal has been renovated by U.S. taxpayers at a cost of nearly $39 million dollars. | |
5 | 登上碣石仙台,方圆百余里景物尽收眼底,渤海清波帆影,历历在目。 | Standing on Fairy Summit and casting one’s eyes all around, one commands an unobstructed view of the mighty sea below extending for tens of miles with gleaming , rippling waves and an occasional sail or two | |
6 | 翻腾着的波浪就象一锅喷着雪白水泡的沸水,而簇拥在一起的浪尖,简直就是地狱里白森森的獠牙了。 | There the waves were, boiling up in snowy spouts of spray, smiting and gnashing their crests together like the gleaming teeth of hell | |
7 | 该厂的仿大理石像真大理石一样光亮剔透。 | This factory’s artificial marble is as gleaming as genuine marble. | |
8 | 光辉的,杰出的以或仿佛以亮光闪耀的;光辉的 | Gleaming with or as if with brilliant light; radiant. | |
9 | 海水拍击着礁石周围,水藻上下左右地飘动,像皮面般滑溜发亮。 | In the surge at the rim of the ledge the dark fronds of oarweeds swayed smooth and gleaming as leather. | |
10 | 她不停地晃着脑袋,不让那又黑又厚的头发遮住她那双闪闪发光的黑眼睛。 | She was incessantly tossing her head to keep the dark heavy hair out of her gleaming black eyes. | |
11 | 她点点头,眼睛调皮地闪动着。 | She nodded, her eyes gleaming mischievously. | |
12 | 口外江面泊着三四条外国兵舰,主桅上的顶灯在半空中耀亮,像是几颗很大的星。 | Three or four foreign warships were moored in the river, the lights on top of their mainmasts gleaming against the sky like unusually bright stars | |
13 | 乐曲以湖光山色落日为背景,充分展示了筝上滚奏的特点。 | The rolling sound which is characteristic of the zheng is particularly suited to express the background setting of a shimmering lake and mountains gleaming in the setting sun. | |
14 | 流露着期待、激动等神情的眼睛. | Eyes gleaming with anticipation,excitement,etc | |
15 | 猫的眼睛在黑暗中闪闪发光。 | The cat’s eyes were gleaming in the dark. | |
16 | 猫的眼睛在黑暗中闪烁。 | The cat’s eyes are gleaming in the darkness | |
17 | 然而在当年,这样的宅邸,外观上仍保持着初建年代的清新,从洒满阳光的窗中闪烁着人丁的欢乐,家中还没有人去世。 | Then, however, there was the freshness of the passing year on its exterior, and the cheerfulness, gleaming forth from the sunny windows, of a human habitation, into which death had never entered. | |
18 | 水晶、钻石饰品,光亮剔透。 | Ornaments made of crystal and diamond are shining and gleaming . | |
19 | 索尔常常邀请我到他家吃晚饭。他们家有一个身穿白色制服的厨师,厨房里铬钢的厨具光洁锃亮。 | Often Sol invited me to his home for dinner. The family had a cook in a white uniform who worked in a kitchen of gleaming chrome and shining utensils. | |
20 | 他穿上战服时雄姿勃勃---头戴插翎的盔甲,臂上套着皮护袖,手持的铜矛咄咄逼人。 | In battle array he is resplendent,-on his head the gleaming helmet and floating plume, on his are the leather shield, in his had the redoubtable spear of bronze | |
21 | 他们走到新世界饭店的大门前就站住了。三个一队的骑巡,正从他们面前过去,早晨的太阳光射在骑巡肩头斜挂着的枪管上,发出青色的闪光来。 | When they reached the New World Restaurant, they, stopped to gaze at a mounted patrol of three policemen trotting pasts the barrels of the rifles slung on their backs gleaming in the morning sun | |
22 | 他那双眸子炯炯有神。 | He has a pair of gleaming , penetrating eyes. | |
23 | 他喜欢上高脚餐具锃亮锃亮的而且完整无缺。 | He liked to have the stemware gleaming and perfect | |
24 | 突然之间,天空似乎一下子绽出微笑,立时阳光四射,将灿烂的光芒洒向膝腕的树林,使每一片绿叶都兴高采烈,把所有枯黄的落时染成金黄,连肃穆的树木的灰色树干也闪出亮光。 | All at once, as with a sudden smile of heaven, forth burst the sunshine, pouring a very flood into the obscure forest, gladdening each green leaf, transmuting the yellow fallen ones to gold, and gleaming adown the grey trunks of the solemn trees. | |
25 | 我们脚下延伸着色彩缤纷的玉米地、大豆地和番茄地。 | Corn, soybeans, and tomato fields stretched out below us in gleaming patterns of color | |
26 | 我们看见了鳄鱼的长嘴巴,口中那一排寒光闪闪的长牙以及后面爬行的身驱。 | We could see the long snout of the crocodile with its gleaming lines of teeth and the reptile body behind | |
27 | 镶木地板洁如明镜,擦得发亮的银器陈列在明亮的玻璃柜里,连姑夫的大量藏书也保存得很好,奇迹般地一尘不染 | The parquet floors shone like mirrors; highly polished silver was displayed in gleaming glass cabinets; even my uncle’s huge collection of books was kept miraculously free from dust. | |
28 | 镶木地板亮得象镜子;精心擦拭的银器陈列在亮灿灿的玻璃柜子里 | The parquet floors shone like mirrors;highly polished silver was displayed in gleaming glass cabinets | |
29 | 小珠儿就象她刚才对宅瞪闪光的前脸大为高兴一样,此时对那明晃晃的盔甲也兴奋异常,她在擦得缀亮的护胸镜前照了好长时间。 | Little Pearl-who was as greatly pleased with the gleaming armour as she had been with the glittering frontispiece of the house-spent some time looking into the polished mirror of the breastplate. | |
30 | 岩内壁上有一石龙,蜿蜒90米,鳞甲飞动有光,后有十余条小龙尾随,活灵活现。 | On the rocky wall of the cave is a sinuous something, about 90 metres long, that looks like a dragon. With gleaming scales, it is followed by some dozen dragonlings, all looking very vivid |