属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-自由民主党 他们必胜
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-律师事务所 砰然毁灭,轻轻消亡?
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-杜威路博国际律师事务所 砰然毁灭
1 | ||1:该党也有一段相当长的历史。||2:在被问及该党面临的困境时,资格较老的党员说他们之前都见识过了。在1989年欧洲议会选举中自由民主党仅赢得了6%的选票,没有获得席位。||3:阿什道恩展现了该党重振雄风的能力,这位领导人曾让该党绝地重生,现拥有保皇派、主教、党内治疗师多重身份。||4:10月7号,在合唱团(每年会议期间举行的畅饮歌会)上,前特种部队队长带领队员演唱了《我们必胜》这一首民权老歌,还附有克莱格远眺的硬纸板图样。 | ||1:The party also has a long memory.||2:Asked about its troubles, older members say they have seen it all before; at the 1989 European Parliament election the Lib Dems won 6% of the vote and no seats.||3:Their ability to rebound is embodied by Paddy Ashdown, the leader who led the party back from the brink and today serves as a mixture of loyalist, high priest and party therapist.||4:On October 7th at the Glee Club (a boozy singsong held every year at conference) the former special-forces captain led members in a rendition of “We Shall Overcome”, an old civil-rights song, a cardboard cut-out of Mr Clegg looking on. | |
2 | ||1:与此同时Miller先生指出,HRO并未像杜威那样承担大量的银行债务。||2:华尔街日报称,直到四月底杜威才与银行协商扩大信用额度。||3:领导层必须在随后的几星期内果断采取行动,已经走过了一个世纪的杜威才可能走得更远。||4:其他律师事务所也紧张的关注着事态发展,他们无法幸灾乐祸,——毕竟一次小小的不走运足以把他们也推向危机的边缘。 | ||1: But Mr Miller points out that his firm did not take on big bank debts, as Dewey did. ||2: According to the Wall Street Journal, the firm has until the end of April to negotiate the extension of a credit line. ||3: Dewey’s lineage goes back a century. It may survive for another century, but only if its leaders act decisively in the coming weeks. ||4: Other firms watch not with glee but with nervousness, knowing that a short run of bad luck could put them on the same wobbly precipice. | |
3 | 其他律师事务所也紧张的关注着事态发展,他们无法幸灾乐祸,毕竟一次小小的不走运足以把他们也推向危机的边缘。 | Other firms watch not with glee but with nervousness, knowing that a short run of bad luck could put them on the same wobbly precipice. | |
4 | “你真幸运!”他兴高采烈地和马莎打招呼。 | "Lucky for you! " he greeted Martha with boisterous glee . | |
5 | “趋势电视”建立的时候,传统的有线电视台都搞不懂,还嘲笑它。 | When Current TV was launched, the traditional cable channels "didn’t get it" and sneered, Mr Hyatt recalls with glee . | |
6 | 《电视指南》报道自从《欢乐合唱团》2009年5月首演以来,已经售出1150万的下载以及280万张专辑。 | TV Guide reports that since ’Glee ’ debuted in May 2009, it’s sold 11. 5 million downloads and 2. 8 million albums. | |
7 | 《欢乐合唱团》绝对是美国当今最炙手可热的音乐喜剧了。 | Glee is an extremely popular American musical comedy-drama television series. | |
8 | 2010年最佳土豆奖:《吸血鬼日记》、《豪斯医生》、《欢乐合唱团》胜出 | Tater Top Awards 2010 Winners: The Vampire Diaries, House and Glee Score Big! | |
9 | Jim就是那个让我嘲笑又幸灾乐祸的男孩。 | Jim is the boy I took the greatest glee in publicly ridiculing. | |
10 | JosephEpstein在他的一篇文章中描述了一个陌生人在读他的文章时他既高兴又焦急的心情。 | I once read an essay by Joseph Epstein in which he describes the glee and suspense in watching a stranger read his essay. | |
11 | 比起Ha小姐的高兴来说,更重要的是因有优质自来水供应所带来的健康价值。 | More important than Miss Ha’s glee are the health benefits of a good water supply. | |
12 | 不过他们高兴得太早:印度的经济正像这星期德里的天气依然太过炙热。 | Their glee is premature: India’s economy, like Delhi this week, remains far too hot. | |
13 | 不会有人比我对自动检测拼写发明更加高兴了。 | There are few people who welcomed the invention of automatic spell-check with more glee than I. | |
14 | 此话在一定程度上可以解释,在几乎所有竞争对手都忙着寻求庇护之际,他却对收购了雷曼业务感到欣喜不已。 | It is a phrase that goes some way towards explaining his glee at buying Lehman when practically all his rivals are running for cover. | |
15 | 但是《欢乐合唱团》还有一季要播出,因此到年底要超过这些偶像级的歌手也并不是不可能的。 | With almost a whole season to go, ’Glee ’ may overtake those iconic performers by year’s end. | |
16 | 但是产品制造商们可以握手欢呼了。 | But producers of products can rub their hands together with glee at this future! | |
17 | 该剧讲述了一个高中合唱团的故事。 | It’s about a glee club in a high school. | |
18 | 该剧描述了某高中校园合唱团里的一群学生的故事。 | It depicts the lives of a group of students in their high school’s ’Glee Club. | |
19 | 公众对于张茵的“不幸”拍手称快,因为对于很多中国人来说,张茵是他们无法接受的资本主义的代言人。 | There has been public glee at her misfortune because, to many Chinese, she is the unacceptable face of capitalism. | |
20 | 婚姻纠纷不断、与伦敦有一定联系的有钱夫妇看到这个,真不知是该幸灾乐祸还是不寒而栗。 | Rich couples with troubled marriages and a London connection are watching with a mixture of glee and foreboding. | |
21 | 即使是表现最慈祥的母亲,也会暗自窃喜并无休止地对孩子说“如果你不想去你爸爸那,那就不用去。” | Even the most equable of mothers can tell querulous children with sly glee : "You don’t need to go to Daddy’s if you don’t want to. " | |
22 | 接着是有关寻找一位女演员参与拍摄一个讽刺《欢乐合唱团》的小品的最新信息:梅丽尔·斯特里普说不。 | Then an update on the search for a female star to make a cameo in their upcoming Glee takeoff: Meryl Streep said no. | |
23 | 她是一位美得罕见的姑娘,她欢快活泼,可爱得无与伦比。 | She was a maiden of rarest beauty, and not more lovely than full of glee . | |
24 | 尽管一项新的研究表明,一种神秘的悲伤或者快乐的形式正遍布全美,但是其背后的原因我们却知之甚少。 | While the new study identifies an intriguing pattern of gloom and glee across the country, the factors behind the pattern are less clear. | |
25 | 就是那个让我公开嘲笑又幸灾乐祸的男孩。 | Jim is the boy I took the greatest glee in publicly ridiculing. Jim | |
26 | 据福克斯,《欢乐合唱团》已经由非独唱表演打破了Billboard最热一百首歌曲记录。 | According to Fox, ’Glee ’ has broken the record for the most songs on the Billboard Hot 100 by a non-solo act. | |
27 | 看了啊,我喜欢Charlie在和Alan看合唱团时最后的那句评论,就是那句关于“穿着田径服的高个金发尤物”的。 | I did. And I liked Charlie’s comment at the end while watching Glee with Alan, about the "tall blonde in the track suit. " | |
28 | 看着可爱的白日渐渐降临,一种庄严的欢乐充斥着我的心。 | A solemn glee possessed my mind at this gradual and lovely coming in of day. | |
29 | 科学家们说,有两种笑:一种来自纯粹的高兴,另一种则意味着发出了一种社会信息。 | Scientists say there are two types of laughter: the kind that comes from pure glee , and the kind that’s meant to send a social message. | |
30 | 利比亚外交部宣布胜利,喜悦之情是可以理解的。 | Libya’s foreign ministry declared victory. Its glee was understandable. |