1 | 奥巴马总统反对不平等的思想来源于清教徒传教士和社会福音派,而不是来自社会主义。 | And his opposition to inequality stems from Puritan preachers and the social gospel rather than socialism. | |
2 | 保罗既看见这异象,我们随既想要往马其顿去,以为神召我们传福音给那里的人听。 | After Paul had seen the vision, we got ready at once to leave for Macedonia, concluding that God had called us to preach the gospel to them. | |
3 | 被习惯上称为福音传道者的人,首先,应该在教导别人之前净化自己,这是最要紧的。 | A preacher of the gospel , being regularly called, ought, above all things, first, to purify himself before he teaches others. | |
4 | 并且你们若不是徒然相信,能以持守我所传给你们的,就必因这福音得救。 | By this gospel you are saved, if you hold firmly to the word I preached to you. Otherwise, you have believed in vain. | |
5 | 不要因为事情总是这么做就将之作为标准。 | Don’t take things as gospel just because that’s how they’ve always been done. | |
6 | 出于这样的担心,耶鲁没有买下这份福音书。 | Yale passed on purchasing the Gospel because of such concerns. | |
7 | 从1970年代起,这本福音书一直被大英图书馆长期租借。 | Since the 1970s the gospel has been on long-term loan to the British Library. | |
8 | 从格利高里合唱团到福音音乐,音乐有着不可否认的精神层面的影响。 | From Gregorian Chants to Gospel Music, there is a spiritual aspect to music that is undeniable. | |
9 | 从印度的大城市钦奈到中国农村,这些快速植根当地的宗教每年吸引上万人归信。 | The world’s largest megachurch is the Yoido Full Gospel Church in South Korea, which claims a membership of 830, 000 people. | |
10 | 单凭自己,我们无法开启与主和天国的关系,这是整个福音的主旨。 | The whole point of the gospel is that we incapable of beginning with God and his kingdom. | |
11 | 但福音没有提到交通规则,非法移民,石油价格或伊拉克战争。 | But the Gospel has nothing to say about traffic rules, illegal immigration, the price of gasoline, or the Iraq war. | |
12 | 但福音是为那些讲道理的人的,他们真诚地听,可以为真理所劝。 | But the gospel was intended for those who are reasonable, who listen with sincerity, and who can be persuade by the truth. | |
13 | 但是随着他在公司职位上越爬越高,他越来越渴望与他人分享自己的饮食准则。 | However, as he’s climbed the corporate ladder, he’s become increasingly eager to share the gospel of his eating ethics. | |
14 | 但是所宣称的相反,它并不是对圣约翰的福音书的字面解读而却是以19世纪的一个神秘主义者的“启示录”为基础的。 | It is not, contrary to claims, a literal interpretation of St. John’s Gospel but is based on the "revelations" of a 19th-century mystic. | |
15 | 但是许多人争论说对于摩尔的福音激进主义感到惊讶是错误的。 | But many argue that the astonishment at Moore’s gospel radicalism is misplaced. | |
16 | 当然能有这样的荣幸服事神、传福音,一切感恩和荣耀都归给主! | Of course to have such an honour to serve God and spread the Gospel , all thanks and glory be unto God alone! | |
17 | 当然他们中许多人还是会返回故乡,并在那里传播创业精神的福音。 | And many of them then return home and spread the gospel . | |
18 | 弟兄们,我告诉你们,我素来所传的福音,不是出于人的意思。 | But I certify you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached of me is not after man. | |
19 | 弟兄们,我如今把先前所传给你们的福音,告诉你们知道,这福音你们也领受了,又靠着站立得住。 | Now, brothers, I want to remind you of the gospel I preached to you, which you received and on which you have taken your stand. | |
20 | 第三,这意味着相信福音,向所有的人宣讲福音的使命,是更加迫切了。 | Third, it means that the mandate to believe and to proclaim the gospel to every person is all the more urgent. | |
21 | 而福音正是这样回答我的文化所提出的问题的。 | The Gospel answers the questions of my culture like nothing else. | |
22 | 风投花很多时间与记者打交道,因此有机会推销他们的投资组合公司,他们也应该这样做。 | VCs spend lots of time with journalists and have the opportunity to spread the gospel of their portfolio companies and they should. | |
23 | 福尔韦尔随后又发布了一个续集《克林顿编年史》,并在他的电视节目“旧时福音时光”中播放。 | Then came Falwell’s sequel, The Clinton Chronicles, which he promoted on his television show, The Old Time Gospel Hour. | |
24 | 福音的中心主题就是神使罪人通过信耶稣基督而与神和好。 | The central theme of the gospel is that God is reconciling sinners tohimself through faith in Jesus Christ. | |
25 | 福音可以劝讲道理的人。 | Acts 18: 4 The gospel can persuade reasonable men. | |
26 | 福音引导信徒的理由是现世的追求,而不是打算成为他们家的一本老皇历。 | The Gospel can illume the believer’s reason in his secular pursuits but is not meant to be a script for them. | |
27 | 共和党候选人是StephenFincher,他是农民和福音歌手出身,获得了鲤鱼跳龙门的好机会。 | The Republicans’ man is Stephen Fincher, a farmer and gospel singer who hails from near Frog Jump. | |
28 | 很显然《犹大福音》比一个空盒子更来得像假货,但是到目前为止所有的测试都表明它确实是一件古物。 | A Gospel of Judas is clearly more enticing than an empty box, but so far every test confirms its antiquity. | |
29 | 后来,在黑暗的大西洋上空,Tchacos才开始意识到她实际上拥有了传说中的《犹大福音》。 | Only later, in the long hours over the dark Atlantic, did Tchacos begin to appreciate that she actually owned the fabled Gospel of Judas. | |
30 | 惠特尼·休斯顿从小接受福音音乐的训练,但她的歌路亦游刃于节奏布鲁斯(R&B)、流行乐及民谣之间,左右逢源。 | Houston was gospel -trained, but her voice also lent itself to R&B, pop and ballads, and she was adept at each style. |