1 | 如今她聆听着那低低的音调,犹如大风缓吹,逐渐平患一般;然后,她又随着那步步上升的甜美和力量飞腾,直到那音量似乎用敬畏和庄严的宏体氛围将她包裹起来。 | She caught the low undertone, as of the wind sinking down to repose itself; then ascended with it, as it rose through progressive gradations of sweetness and power, until its volume seemed to envelop her with an atmosphere of awe and solemn grandeur . | |
2 | 瑞士阿尔卑斯山的壮丽景色. | The grandeur of the Swiss alps | |
3 | 山高水急,飞流急湍,惊涛拍岸,掀起堆堆雪浪,气势磅礴,蔚为壮观。 | The waters of the Yangtse, struggling between towering wall-sided cliffs, rushes down in whirlpools, rapids or eddies and pounds on the banks in desperate rage, throwing up surging white foam and creating a sight of spectacular grandeur | |
4 | 生存的艰难与平凡的伟大-简评傅恒的长篇小说《天地平民》 | Hardships of Survival and Grandeur of Commonness-Briefly Reviewing Fu Heng’s Full-length Novel The Common People in the World | |
5 | 世界屋脊喜马拉雅山脉以其无与伦比的宏伟壮丽及超凡之美令世人叹为观止,任何图景都无法展现其原貌,任何语言都无法描述其威武和壮观。 | The Himalaya, the roof of the world, will take your breath away with its transcendental majesty and supernatural beauty. No picture can ever do them justice, and no words can describe their power and grandeur . | |
6 | 他的财富令他地位显赫。 | His wealth gave him grandeur . | |
7 | 他们的建筑风格保证了一种坚实壮观的气派。 | Their manner of building secured a certain air of solidity and grandeur . | |
8 | 他愉快而愤恨地用脚跟踏着罪恶、丑行、叛逆、堕落、地狱,他发出万丈光芒,他杀人从不眨眼,他满脸堆着笑容,在这威猛天神的身上,确有一种无比伟大的气概。 | happy and indignant, he held his heel upon crime, vice, rebellion, perdition, hell,he was radiant, he exterminated, he smiled, and there was an incontestable grandeur in this monstrous Saint Michael | |
9 | 他自以为很了不起。 | He has delusions of grandeur . | |
10 | 它是景颇族一年一度盛大的民俗活动,届时全体村民都着盛装参加,尽情歌舞。 | It is an annual grandeur folk ceremony, when all villagers, in rich dresses, sing and dance to their full satisfaction. | |
11 | 天下第一奇山,集中国名山之大全,兼收了泰山的雄伟、华山的峻峭、衡山的烟云、庐山的飞瀑、雁荡山的怪石、峨眉山的清凉。 | The most fantastic mountain under heaven, blending the grandeur of mount Tai, the steepness of Mount Hua, the mists of Mount Heng, the waterfalls of Mount Lu, the rocks of Yandang Mountain, and the recesses of Mount Emei. | |
12 | 妄想狂,偏执狂一种通常用表面的逻辑和道理来设想的具烦扰或夸大妄想特征的精神错乱症 | A psychotic disorder characterized by delusions of persecution or grandeur ,often strenuously defended with apparent logic and reason. | |
13 | 我必须去消除你的傲气 | I must disabuse you of your feelings of grandeur . | |
14 | 我很荣幸,20年来一直和居里夫人保持高尚而纯洁的友谊。我对她高贵品德的敬佩与日俱增。 | It was my good fortune to be linked with Mme. Curie through twenty years of sublime and unclouded friendship. I come to admire her human grandeur to an ever growing degree. | |
15 | 我们党领导人民奋斗八十年的峥嵘岁月和光荣业绩,如同一幅逶迤而又气势磅礴、雄浑而又绚丽多彩的画卷,展现在世人面前。 | The memorable days and glorious achievements of the 80 years of our Party leading the people to fight are like a huge picture scroll unfurled before the people of the world, meandering yet full of power and grandeur , vigorous yet bright and colorful. | |
16 | 我们赞美这山脉的雄伟壮观。 | We admired the grandeur of the mountains. | |
17 | 无数石峰拔地而起,千峰竞秀,巍峨峥嵘,气势磅礴,姿态万千,形象生动。 | Countless stone peaks seem to have sprung from the ground, assuming a thousand different shapes, all fanciful and picturesque, as if vying with each other in their sublimity and grandeur . | |
18 | 现在只剩她一人孤芳自赏,甚至认为大家不邀请她是一恭维,那也只不过是聊以自慰。 | And her being left in solitary grandeur , even supposing the omission to be intended as a compliment, was but poor comfort | |
19 | 写尽了西山的风光,堪称传神之笔。 | The couplet has captured in a few vivid words all the grandeur of the surrounding scenery | |
20 | 新古典建筑的特色是宏伟的规模;几何形式的素朴性;希腊(尤其是多利斯型的)和罗马的细节;采用引人注目的圆柱;对于空白墙壁的偏好。 | Neoclassical architecture is characterized by grandeur of scale; simplicity of geometric forms; Greek, especially Doric, or Roman detail; dramatic use of columns; and a preference for blank walls. | |
21 | 炫耀排场. | vaunt one`s grandeur in public | |
22 | 由近两千个红色人形构成的巨大场面,造成随时有可能压迫过来的沉重感。 | The 2,000 red human figures form an immense scene, creating a feeling of grandeur . | |
23 | 在历史的破晓时分,印度开始踏上永无休止的征途,无数个世纪充满着印度的奋斗、辉煌的成功和失败。 | At the dawn of history India started on her unending quest, and trackless centuries are filled with her striving and the grandeur of her success and her failures | |
24 | 在婆罗门时期及其之后,因陀罗逐渐失去了许多原来的荣光。 | In Brahamanic and later times, indra slowly lost much of his grandeur | |
25 | 在这场卑劣的争吵中,是什么给了《伊利亚特》里英雄人物那种宏伟的气魄呢? | In this squalid quarrel, what gives the heroes of the iliad their grandeur ? | |
26 | 在这壮观的景物对面,在萨里这一边,是兰贝斯的脏污的栈房和一家家工厂。 | Opposite this grandeur , on the surrey side, were the dingy warehouses and factories of Lambeth | |
27 | 这就是我们和一个胸襟开阔的人相处之道。 | That is the way one has to do with a man who possesses grandeur of soul | |
28 | 这些古迹的巨大规模和建筑成就是爪哇1200年前高度文明的见证。 | The vastness and architectural grandeur of these monuments bear witness to the advanced civilization which must have existed in Java about 1,200 years ago | |
29 | 这些花园已恢复了昔日的辉煌。 | The gardens have been restored to their former grandeur . | |
30 | 这些遗迹充分证明此处昔日的宏伟。 | These ruins sufficiently attest the former grandeur of the place. |