1 | “昆山统万”本着“国际化”和“多元化”的经营方针,充分运用“龟甲万”300多年的酱油酿造经验和最新的酿造技术,以及行销100多个国家的经营理念 | Guided by the management principle of internationalization and diversification, 300 years of seasoning brewing experiences, latest brewing technology, and over 100 countries of marketing practice, we can easily exploit the soy sauce market potentials in China . | |
2 | “嗯,我正是这样想的,我一定接受象您这样的一位顾问的指导,”他伸手给基督山说道。 | "Well, that is all that I wanted, and I will be guided by a counsellor such as you are," said he, extending his hand to Monte Cristo | |
3 | 布什政府周一表示与俄罗斯的分歧越来越大,俄罗斯把反坦克导弹、电子干扰设备和夜用镜出售给伊拉克政府,增加了美国军队在伊拉克作战的风险。 | Russia is putting U.S. troops at risk in Iraq by selling antitank guided missiles, jamming devices and night-vision goggles to Baghdad, the Bush administration said Monday in a growing rift with Moscow | |
4 | 除本协定或多边贸易协定项下另有规定外,WTO应以GATT1947缔约方全体和在GATT1947范围内设立的机构所遵循的决定、程序和惯例为指导。 | Except as otherwise provided under this Agreement or the Multilateral Trade Agreements, the WTO shall be guided by the decisions, procedures and customary practices followed by the CONTRACTING PARTIES to GATT 1947 and the bodies established in the framework of GATT 1947. | |
5 | 传统和习俗的牢固延续,曾经引导这些可畏的远东岛民度过许多世纪。 | A strong continuity of tradition and custom had guided the redoubtable islanders of the Far East across the centuries | |
6 | 春节前各村即组织青年参加学习和排练,并请有名望的老艺人指导。 | When the Spring Festival is coming, each village organizes the youth to learn and rehearse, guided by prestigious artists. | |
7 | 当计划杂交工作时,最好利用这种专著中的分组作指导。 | When planning crossing work, it is desirable to be guided by the groupings in such a monograph | |
8 | 导弹:脱离发射装置后能够变换方向的射弹。 | Guided missile: Projectile provided with means for altering its direction after it leaves its launching device. | |
9 | 灯光引导他们驶回港口。 | The light guided them back to harbor. | |
10 | 第二十二条 政府价格主管部门和其他有关部门制定政府指导价、政府定价,应当开展价格、成本调查,听取消费者、经营者和有关方面的意见。 | Article 22 In fixing government-set and guided prices, price departments and other related departments shall carry out investigations into prices and costs and hear views from consumers, business operators and other quarters. | |
11 | 第二十四条 政府指导价、政府定价制定后,由制定价格的部门向消费者、经营者公布。 | Article 24 After the government-set and guided prices are determinded, they shall be made public by the price departments. | |
12 | 第二十五条 政府指导价、政府定价的具体适用范围、价格水平,应当根据经济运行情况,按照规定的定价权限和程序适时调整。 | Article 25 The scope and level of the government-set and guided prices shall properly be adjusted in the light of the operation of the national economy. | |
13 | 第二十一条 制定政府指导价、政府定价,应当依据有关商品或者服务的社会平均成本和市场供求状况、国民经济与社会发展要求以及社会承受能力,实行合理的购销差价、批零差价、地区差价和季节差价。 | Article 21 Government-set and guided prices shall be fixed according to the average cost and market supply and demand of related marchandises or services, the economic and social development and the affordance of the people, allowing rational price differentials between buying and selling, between wholesale and retail sale, among different regions and different seasons. | |
14 | 第三条 国家实行并逐步完善宏观经济调控下主要由市场形成价格的机制。价格的制定应当符合价值规律,大多数商品和服务价格实行市场调节价,极少数商品和服务价格实行政府指导价或者政府定价。 | Article 3 The State shall introduce and gradually improve the mechanism of regulation of prices mainly through market force and under a kind of macroeconomic control. Under such a mechanism, pricing should be made to accord with the value law with most of the merchandises and services to adopt market regulated prices while only a few of them to be put under government-set or guided prices. | |
15 | 法院做出这些结论更多地是受理性判断的影响,而不是严格地遵循立法机关的立法意图。 | In reaching these conclusions the court may have been guided more by its sense of reasonableness than by close attention to legislative intent | |
16 | 根据各种实用目的,可使象“阿特拉斯”这样的弹道导弹导向其目标。 | For all practical purposes a ballistic missile such as atlas is guided to its target | |
17 | 国有经济在关系国家命脉的重要行业和关键领域占支配地位,支撑、引导和带动了整个社会经济的发展。 | The State-owned economy has taken a dominant place in major trades that have a close bearing on the country’s economic lifeline and key areas, and has propped up, guided and brought along the development of the entire socio-economy | |
18 | 果然不出所料,不久我就看到了一个小湾,潮水正直往里涌。于是我驾着木排,尽可能向急流的中心飘去。 | As I imagin’d, so it was, there appear’d before me a little opening of the land, and i found a strong current of the tide set into it, so i guided my raft as well as i could to keep in the middle of the stream. | |
19 | 海港的灯引导船只进入港口。 | The lights in the harbour guided the ship to port. | |
20 | 会长索恩牧师眼光很尖,谁要是一时激动,并非真正把自己奉献给基督,他一看便知。 | Reverend Thorn, the leader of the group is most adroit in uncovering young men who are guided by emotion and not by true dedication to Christ | |
21 | 假象绝不能迷住战士的眼睛,支配战土的行动的是信仰。 | His eyes will never be hoodwinked by false appearances. His actions are guided by faith | |
22 | 她被感情而非理智所支配。 | She was guided by feeling rather than thought. | |
23 | 她引导旅游者参观了这座城堡。 | She guided the tourists around the castle. | |
24 | 她抓住霍普太太的手,握了握,然后不知不觉地把她送到门口。 | Her hand enveloped Mrs. Hope’s, shook it, and imperceptibly guided her toward the door | |
25 | 借助于训练模拟装置,操作者能够培养成为一名高超的导弹控制手。 | With help from training simulators the human operator can develop into a highly efficient guided missile controller | |
26 | 据史料记载:336年(前秦建元二年),有乐尊和尚受佛祖指引,来到丝绸之路上的要冲敦煌,行至三危山中,时已黄昏,这位云游和尚还没有找到住宿的地方。 | According to historical literature, in A.D. 336, Monk Le Zun, inspired and guided by sakyamuni, came to Mount Sanwei in today’s Dunhuang, at that time a strategic outpost. It was already dusk but he had no idea where he could spend the night | |
27 | 据说古代众神曾亲自引导冰岛的第一个定居者,在雷克雅未克安家。 | Old accounts say the ancient gods themselves guided Icelands first settler to make his home in Reykiavk | |
28 | 拉伸变细的纱线向下方输送,并受到一个被称为钢丝圈的U型导纱件的控制。钢丝圈围绕卷装或筒管在钢领上回转,"环锭纺纱"的名字就是这样得来的。 | The attenuated yarn is fed down, guided through a U-shaped guide called a traveler, which moves around the take-up package or bobbin on a ring, hence we get the name "ring spinning". | |
29 | 拦截者;截击机拦截者,尤指设计来拦截敌机或快速爬升的,转动高度灵活的战斗机或设计来拦截敌方导弹或宇宙飞船的导弹 | One that intercepts,specifically a fast-climbing,highly maneuverable fighter plane designed to intercept enemy aircraft or a guided missile designed to intercept enemy missiles and spacecraft. | |
30 | 列宁亲自指导了这项工作。 | Lenin personally guided this work. |