属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-索尼 管理权重回日本人手里
1 | 他有很大的胆量。 | He has (a lot of)guts . | |
2 | 他有认错的勇气。 | He had the guts to admit that he was wrong. | |
3 | 他这个人不中用。 | He has no guts in him. | |
4 | 他真没骨气,给两句好话就又和别人好起来了 | He has no guts . He would be back and good to people when given a song and dance | |
5 | 他真是贪吃的大肚汉. | He’s a real greedy guts . | |
6 | 藤蔓摇动不已,成群的苍蝇从内脏嗡地一下飞开,发出邪恶的噪声,又一窝蜂地落回原处。 | When the creepers shook, the flies exploded from the guts with a vicious note and clamped back on again. | |
7 | 我不会为一天十美元去卖命的。 | I’m not going to sweat my guts out for only $10 a day. | |
8 | 我工作非常努力,但每星期只有100英镑的报酬。 | I slog my guts out and get paid only a hundred pounds a week. | |
9 | 我恨死他了。 | I hate his guts . | |
10 | 我谅你也不敢捣鬼。 | I dont think youd have the guts to pull a fast one | |
11 | 我相信事实上大多数女人都宁愿男人郁郁寡欢不言不语,而不喜欢男人就像竹筒倒豆子,什么都说。 | I believe, in fact, that most women would prefer a man to be glumly uncommunicative than to spill his guts at the drop of a hat | |
12 | 我想我没有胆量去找老板并告诉他我该说的话 | I am afraid I do not have the guts to go up to the boss and tell him what I ought to. | |
13 | 无精打采, 干劲不足。 | He has left half his guts behind him. | |
14 | 阉割精华,使化为乌有 | Tear the guts out of sth. | |
15 | 要是我们有些胆子(血肉),就可以离开这儿的嘛。--躺在医学实验室里的一副骷髅骨头跟另一副骷髅骨头讲。 | If we have any guts , we’d get out of here, as one skeleton say to another in the medical laboratory | |
16 | 要是我们有些胆子(血肉),就可以离开这儿的嘛--躺在医学实验室里的一副骷髅骨头跟另一副骨头讲。 | If we had any guts , we’d get out of here, as one skeleton said to another in the medical laboratory. | |
17 | 因为《巴比伦最富有的人》一书中所讲的一切,因为自律的力量和内在坚毅的力量,用通俗一点的话说,那就是"胆量"。 | "Because that’s what the story The Richest Man In Babylon was all about. The power of self-discipline and the power of internal fortitude. ""Guts ,"" in less elegant terms." | |
18 | 有胆量做某事. | Have the guts to do sth | |
19 | 有些人批评克林顿的做法是“对所有黑人的污辱。”另一些人说布什总统在支持托马斯争取最高法院提名时,表现了更大的魄力。 | Some criticized Clinton’s move asa slap in the face of the black community.Others said President Bush showed more guts when he stuck with Clarence Thomas during his Supreme Court nomination fight. | |
20 | 在校园之外的现实世界里,有许多比好分数更为重要的东西,我常常听到人们将这些东西称之为"魄力"、"勇气"、"毅力"、"大胆"、"气势"、"精明"、"勇敢"。"坚强"、"才华横溢"等等。 | "In the real world outside of academics, something more than just grades is required. I have heard it called ""guts ,"" ""chutzpah,"" ""balls,"" ""audacity,"" ""bravado,"" ""cunning,"" ""daring,"" ""tenacity"" and ""brilliance."" " | |
21 | 这本书真正的目的是要告诉你:有胆量不随大溜才能致富。 | That is what the book is really about. Having the guts to go against the tide and get rich. | |
22 | 这条汉子真有种。 | He is really a man with plenty of guts . | |
23 | 真没候到小高那么没骨气,竟然嫁给了坑害过她父亲的人。 | I’m surprised to learn that Xiao Gao had married the man who had once done her father in. She really has no guts . | |
24 | 真没想到小高那么没骨气,竟然嫁给了坑害过她父亲的人。 | I’m surprised to learn that XiaoGao had married the man who had once done her father in. She rally has no guts . | |
25 | ||1:然而,完全是巨大的勇气,使得她在德国纳粹紧跟其后的情况下,穿着她那破旧的帆布鞋,穿越了比利牛斯山。||2:而再往前,1943年在英国时,正是因为她的顽强的性格,而不是她的技术或身体素质,使她通过了扔手榴弹、无声杀人和跳伞训练。||3:她痛恨暴力,直到她变得无坚不摧。 | ||1:It was sheer guts , though, that got her over the Pyrenees in her espradilles when the Germans were at her heels.||2:And back in Britain in 1943 it was her character rather than her skills or physical abilities that got her through her training in grenade throwing, silent killing and parachute jumping.||3:As for violence, she hated it—until she became hardened. | |
26 | ||1:然而,完全是巨大的勇气,使得她在德国纳粹紧跟其后的情况下,穿着她那破旧的帆布鞋,穿越了比利牛斯山。||2:而再往前,1943年在英国时,正是因为她的顽强的性格,而不是她的技术或身体素质,使她通过了扔手榴弹、无声杀人和跳伞训练。||3:她痛恨暴力,直到她变得无坚不摧。 | ||1:It was sheer guts , though, that got her over the Pyrenees in her espradilles when the Germans were at her heels.||2:And back in Britain in 1943 it was her character rather than her skills or physical abilities that got her through her training in grenade throwing, silent killing and parachute jumping.||3:As for violence, she hated it—until she became hardened. | |
27 | ||1:研究者已经开始从事下一代疫苗的开发。||2:葛兰素史克公司希望使用RTS,S和另一家制药公司Crucell的一种疫苗的结合体来引起更强烈的免疫反应。||3:科学家也努力研制针对不同种类疟疾寄生虫和不同感染途径——比如,在蚊子的内脏里——的疫苗。||4:这些工作都需要继续投入资金,而现在正是全球医疗项目必须为资金激烈竞争的时候。||5:盖茨先生已经为推动研究进步做出贡献。||6:如何保持这种势头是下一个挑战。 | ||1:Researchers are already working on the next generation of vaccines.||2:GSK hopes to induce a stronger immune response by combining RTS,S with a vaccine from Crucell, another drug firm.||3:Scientists are also keen to develop vaccines that target different kinds of malaria parasites and in different ways-for example, in mosquitoes’ guts .||4:All of this work requires further investment at a time when global health programmes must compete fiercely for cash.||5:Mr Gates has helped to spur progress.||6:Sustaining it is the next challenge. | |
28 | ||1:研究者已经开始从事下一代疫苗的开发。||2:葛兰素史克公司希望使用RTS,S和另一家制药公司Crucell的一种疫苗的结合体来引起更强烈的免疫反应。||3:科学家也努力研制针对不同种类疟疾寄生虫和不同感染途径——比如,在蚊子的内脏里——的疫苗。||4:这些工作都需要继续投入资金,而现在正是全球医疗项目必须为资金激烈竞争的时候。||5:盖茨先生已经为推动研究进步做出贡献。||6:如何保持这种势头是下一个挑战。 | ||1:Researchers are already working on the next generation of vaccines.||2:GSK hopes to induce a stronger immune response by combining RTS,S with a vaccine from Crucell, another drug firm.||3:Scientists are also keen to develop vaccines that target different kinds of malaria parasites and in different ways—for example, in mosquitoes’ guts .||4:All of this work requires further investment at a time when global health programmes must compete fiercely for cash.||5:Mr Gates has helped to spur progress.||6:Sustaining it is the next challenge. | |
29 | 让电视机业务成为这些公司的一个沉重负担的原因是,没有一间公司有勇气完全退出此业务, | What makes televisions such a millstone for these firms is that none has the guts to exit the business completely; | |
30 | “她并不是那种要把非常隐私的东西抖落给整个国家看的人”,他说。 | "She’s just not that type of person where she’s going to spill her guts about intimate stuff for the whole country to see, " he said. |