属类:文学表达-外国名著-EUGENE ONEGIN
1 | (二)在澳门特别行政区成立以前或以后在澳门通常居住连续七年以上的中国公民及在其成为永久性居民后在澳门以外所生的中国籍子女; | (2)Chinese citizens who have habitually resided in Macao for a continuous period of not less than seven years before or after the establishment of the Macao Special Administrative Region and their children of Chinese nationality born outside Macao after they have become permanent residents; | |
2 | (四)在澳门特别行政区成立以前或以后在澳门通常居住连续七年以上并以澳门为永久居住地的葡萄牙人; | (4)The Portuguese who have habitually resided in Macao for a continuous period of not less than 7 years and have taken Macao as their place of permanent residence before or after the establishment of the Macao Special Administrative Region; | |
3 | (五)在澳门特别行政区成立以前或以后在澳门通常居住连续七年以上并以澳门为永久居住地的其他人; | (5)Other persons who have habitually resided in Macao for a continuous period of not less than 7 years and have taken Macao as their place of permanent residence before or after the establishment of the Macao Special Administrative Region; | |
4 | (指马)甩嚼子(尤指习惯地). | (of a horse)struggle against the bit,esp habitually | |
5 | 4、失眠症患者,这种病人在他想睡觉时经常特别清醒。 | The insomniac is habitually afflicted with wakefulness at times when he wishes to sleep | |
6 | 爱发牢骚的人经常抱怨或易被激怒的人 | A habitually complaining or irritable person. | |
7 | 澳门特别行政区立法会主席、副主席由在澳门通常居住连续满十五年的澳门特别行政区永久性居民中的中国公民担任。 | The President and Vice President of the Legislative Council shall be Chinese citizens who are permanent residents of the Region and have habitually resided in Macao for a continuous period of not less than 15 years. | |
8 | 壁炉的木框,描上了仿大理石的花纹,炉里通常是没有火的 | the chimney was of wood painted to represent marble, and habitually without fire | |
9 | 病痛使他习惯性地紧皱眉头。 | The pain of the disease caused him habitually to furrow his brow. | |
10 | 抽筋肌肉习惯性或过分活动引起的局部暂时性麻痹 | A temporary partial paralysis of habitually or excessively used muscles. | |
11 | 除了唯一真正的真主,此字不代表任何事物。阿拉伯字“安拉(Allah)”出现在古兰经中的次数超过2150次。安拉姆语是极为近似阿拉伯语的语言,它是耶稣的习惯用语 | This word cannot be used to designate anything other than the one true God. The Arabic word Allah occurs in the Quran about 2700 times. In Aramaic, a language related closely to Arabic and the language that Jesus habitually spoke | |
12 | 大量或习惯性地饮用酒精饮料 | To drink,especially alcoholic beverages,greedily or habitually . | |
13 | 当他进入青年时期,他已是一位老于世故的社交能手了。事实上,他曾在爱情方面是如此成功,对莫斯科的社交生活又如此习以为常,以至于他对生活经常感到极度厌倦。甚至到后来连芭蕾舞也引不起他的注意。 | He had become an accomplished man of the world by the time he reached young manhood. In fact, he had been so successful in love and so accustomed to the social life of Moscow that he habitually felt a supreme boredom with life. Even the ballet had lately failed to hold his attention. | |
14 | 第二条 税法第一条第一款所说的中国境内有住所的个人,是指因户籍、家庭、经济利益关系而在中国境内习惯性居住的个人。 | Article 2.For the Purposes of the first paragraph of Article 1 of the Tax Law, the term "individuals who have domicile in China " shall mean individuals who by reason of their permanent registered address, family or economic interests, habitually reside in the PRC . | |
15 | 第六十三条澳门特别行政区政府的主要官员由在澳门通常居住连续满十五年的澳门特别行政区永久性居民中的中国公民担任。 | Article 63 The principal officials of the Macao Special Administrative Region shall be Chinese citizens who are permanent residents of the Region and have habitually resided in Macao for a continuous period of not less than 15 years. | |
16 | 第四十六条澳门特别行政区行政长官由年满四十周岁,在澳门通常居住连续满二十年的澳门特别行政区永久性居民中的中国公民担任。 | Article 46 The Chief Executive of the Macao Special Administrative Region shall be a Chinese citizen of not less than 40 years of age who is a permanent resident of the Region and has habitually resided in Macao for a continuous period of not less than 20 years. | |
17 | 恶棍,暴徒:一个凶暴成性或专横的家伙,尤其是对那些比自己弱小的人。 | bully:a person who is habitually cruel or overbearing, especially to smaller or weaker people. | |
18 | 放荡者,纵欲者习惯性地沉湎于放荡淫逸的人;浪子 | A person who habitually indulges in debauchery or dissipation;a libertine. | |
19 | 惯于早起或晚起的人 | Person who habitually gets up early or late in the morning(as specified) | |
20 | 她身材瘦小,面色苍白,头发是浅黄色的。她惯常垂着眼睑,但当她抬眼看人的时候,眼睛显得特别大,而且非常动人。 | She was small and thin, pale, sandy-haired, and with eyes habitually cast down, though when they looked up they were very large, and attractive. | |
21 | 她向来对这个人的态度总是很不正常,一会儿对他冷淡矜持,一会儿对他温顺尊敬。 | She habitually bore herself with strange alternations of cool reserve and docile respect to the man | |
22 | 经常搬弄是非的人;捣乱分子 | Person who habitually causes trouble between other people | |
23 | 就连千百年来以牛羊肉为主食的藏北牧区,蔬菜和水果也越来越受到牧民的青睐。 | Even herdsmen in north Tibet who have habitually taken beef and mutton as their staple food for tens of hundreds of years now increasingly favor fresh fruit and vegetables | |
24 | 令素行以教其民,则民服﹔ | If in training soldiers commands are habitually enforced, the army will be well-disciplined; if not,its discipline will be bad. | |
25 | 墨守陈规者毫无抗议的或习惯性的遵循习俗、规则或某组织规范的人 | A person who uncritically or habitually conforms to the customs, rules, or styles of a group. | |
26 | 尼科尔觉得“来自大西洋彼岸的幽默…是一些经常严肃的人迸发出来的罕见的花朵,他们的见识清彻而不深奥。” | Nichol suggested that "transatlantic humouris the rare efflorescence of a people habitually grave, whose insight is more clear than deep." | |
27 | 清洁的,干净的习惯性地、仔细地整洁和干净的 | Habitually and carefully neat and clean. | |
28 | 人们见面后习惯性地为对方递上一枝烟,好像这样就拉近了彼此之间的距离。 | One party would offer a cigarette to the other habitually , as if this would shorten their distance. | |
29 | 上学惯于迟到. | be habitually late for school | |
30 | 他的脸上经常带着温和的、宽厚的、类乎歉意的表情。 | His face habitually held an expression which was mild and inoffensive, almost apologetic |