属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 中国敬业欲收购英钢 特斯拉柏林建厂 波音或明
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 特朗普解雇博尔顿 沙特石油设施遇袭 以色列大
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 范冰冰逃税被重罚 证监会副主席姚刚被判刑 中
1 | 一条跛腿和一个沉重的包袱使乔无法行动自如。 | A lame leg heavy bundle hampered Joe. | |
2 | 以往,由于交通不方便,这里的生产、经贸全靠驴、骡驮运 | In the past, production and trade were hampered in these areas because of poor communications, and people had to rely on donkeys and mules for the transport of goods. | |
3 | 因警方的记录而受阻 | Hampered By a police record. | |
4 | 在弯道处,他未能紧守内道,使得我有超越机会,但最终还是未能如愿。 | We had some problems with the clutch in both pit stops which hampered our chance of victory. | |
5 | 这种变化妨碍了“本征”性质的研究,因为总不能十分确信所观察到的效应不是由杂质引起的。 | This variation hampered the study of the "intrinsic" properties as one could never be quite sure that an observed effect was not due to impurities | |
6 | 制约粮食主产区农民增收因素分析 | What Factors Have Hampered the Farmers’ Income Growth in the Leading Grain Producing Regions? | |
7 | 自然资源的开发因缺少技术人员而受阻。 | The exploitation of natural resources was hampered by the lack of technicians. | |
8 | ||1:加州卡车运输协会发起了一项法律挑战,反对该州为独立承包商提供工资和福利保护的新法律。||2:这些规定针对的是零工经济中的工人,不过也适用于看护者、女佣、护工和其他许多职业。||3:卡车司机协会表示,司机自行设定时间表的能力将受到阻碍,州际贸易也将受到影响。||4:优步和其他公司希望明年向选民提出一项措施,让他们免受1月1日生效的法律的约束。 | ||1:The California Trucking Association launched a legal challenge against the state’s new law giving wage and benefit protections to independent contractors.||2:The rules are aimed at workers in the gig economy, though they will also apply to caretakers, maids, carers and many others.||3:The truckers’ group says its drivers’ ability to set their own timetables will be hampered and interstate commerce undermined.||4:Uber and others want a measure to be put before voters next year that would exempt them from the law, which comes into effect on January 1st. | |
9 | 大火在婆罗洲和苏门答腊岛的森林中肆虐,整个东南亚都被笼罩在浓烟中。印尼部署了9000多人参与灭火,但异常干燥的天气导致他们的救火行动一再受阻。 | Fires raging in the forests of Borneo and Sumatra blanketed South-East Asia in a thick haze. Indonesia deployed more than 9,000 people to fight them, but the unusually dry conditions hampered their efforts. | |
10 | ||射击该航班的导弹疑是由俄罗斯提供,因此俄罗斯承受了此事件的大多数怒火。欧盟对俄罗斯实施更为严厉制裁的努力受到法国的阻挠,因法国不顾英国和美国的劝阻执意向俄罗斯运送法国生产的军舰。|| | Most of the anger over the incident was vented at Russia, suspected of providing the missile that shot down the aircraft.|| The European Union’s efforts to impose tougher sanctions were hampered byFrance insisting that its delivery of a French-made warship toRussia would go ahead in spite of British and American calls to stop it.|| | |
11 | 一场地震和海啸袭击了印度尼西亚的苏拉威西岛,在帕鲁市内及其周边造成了广泛的破坏。遇难人数超过1400人,并且还在持续上升。受损的道路和桥梁阻碍了救援人员的搜救工作。一些受灾地区仍然与外界失去联系。 | An earthquake and tsunami struck the Indonesian island of Sulawesi, causing widespread destruction in and around the city of Palu. The death toll stands at more than 1,400 and rising. Damaged roads and bridges have hampered emergency crews. Some affected areas remain cut off. | |
12 | 在其中7种多肽前,两种细菌的生长被明显的限制;剩下的一种只对铜绿假单胞菌有抑制作用。 | The growth of both species of bacteria was severely hampered by seven of the eight; the remaining peptide was effective against only P. aeruginosa. | |
13 | “因为缺少北极地区的高质量数据,以前的研究无法得到有效的结论,”斯克林说。 | "Previous studies have been hampered by a lack of quality data for the Arctic, " Screen said. | |
14 | PS3价格偏高,且缺乏玩家非买不可的游戏,也不利PS3。 | The PS3 has also been hampered by its higher price and a lack of must-have game titles. | |
15 | 阿诺德先生被一个困难阻碍:他有用的工具没在手边;惟一的工具是把手工制作的铁锤。 | Mr. Arnold was hampered by a difficulty. He didn’t have his useful tools on hand expect a hammer made by hand. | |
16 | 澳大利亚州的煤炭采掘也深受影响。 | Coalmining operations in the Australian state were severely hampered . | |
17 | 报导称,必和必拓首席执行官高瑞思(MariusKloppers)表示,澳洲当局提议对矿业获利课征新税的提案,妨碍了合并计划完成。 | It reported BHP chief executive Marius Kloppers said the deal’s completion was hampered by a proposed new Australian tax on mining profits. | |
18 | 报告说,长期缺乏检查员妨碍了管道安全局开展工作。 | The report said the pipeline agency was hampered by a chronic inspector shortage. | |
19 | 被衣服妨碍的游泳者;被责任拴住了手脚; | The lack of electricity hampered communications a swimmer hampered by clothing; | |
20 | 不过就轿车而言,即便受限于节省燃料的紧凑车型(美国人现在突然青睐起这类车)供给不足,其销售也只下降了7. | But even car sales, hampered by supply shortages of the fuel-sipping compact models Americans now suddenly want, fell by 7. 4%. | |
21 | 持续累积的辐射强度使他们无法进入厂房,无法估量损失,控制危机。 | And mounting radiation levels hampered workers’ ability to enter the plant, gauge the damage and contain the crisis. | |
22 | 大约100名搜救队员在现场待命,可是火势阻碍了他们的行动,CCTV称。 | Nearly 100 rescuers were onsite but their work was hampered by the fire, CCTV said. | |
23 | 但既得利益集团一直在阻挠政府的改革。 | But interest groups with vested financial interests have hampered attempts at such change. | |
24 | 但科学家表示数据资料的缺失会妨碍文化基因组的工作。 | But scientists say culturomics has been hampered by a lack of quantitative data. | |
25 | 但美国内战还是阻碍了进一步有组织的探险,直到19世纪60年代后期才出现了有组织的探险。 | The American Civil War hampered further organized explorations until the late 1860s. [17] | |
26 | 但是Rivero试图给雷普索尔强加自己的意愿,却受到了公司附则的限制,即每个股东的投票权仅有10%。 | But his efforts to impose his will on Repsol have been hampered by a bylaw that limits the voting rights of any single shareholder to 10%. | |
27 | 但是毁坏的道路和桥梁,渗水的机场还有受到干扰的交通线都妨碍了救援行动。 | But relief efforts were hampered by destroyed roads and bridges, waterlogged airports and other disrupted lines of communication. | |
28 | 但政府表示,行动受到了大雨(今天才得以缓解)和基础设施损毁的阻碍。 | But the government said operations had been hampered by heavy rains, which eased only today, and infrastructure damage. | |
29 | 当时,灭火的云梯不能到达大楼中部略上的位置,救援的直升机也因大火的浓烟阻挡。 | Fire ladders were unable to reach the upper half of the building, and rescue helicopters were hampered by smoke. | |
30 | 第二位的水电占22%,远远排在后面,而且今年以来水电一直受干旱的困扰。 | Hydroelectric power, at 22 percent, is a distant second and has been hampered by droughts this year. |