属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN V I-ETS 300480-1996
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN V I-ETS 300380-1995
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 47464-1986
1 | 1)手机发出数据请求(可能是订阅信息或图片点播等),被源ISMG接收;2)源ISMG对接收到的信息返回响应; | The handset sends out a data request (that could be ordering a message or picture)that is received by the source ISMG; The source ISMG returns a response for the message received; | |
2 | 40万人的手机掉进了饮料中,还有20万人不慎将手机卷在衣服里塞进了洗衣机。 | 400,000 dropped their handset into a drink and 200,000 found they had accidentally bundled it into the washing machine | |
3 | OZIEXPLORER软件结合GPS手持机在野外断裂调查中的应用 | Application of the OZIEXPLORER Software Combined with GPS Handset to Fault Investigation | |
4 | 比如,SP向某一个手机发送一条短消息,是通过向本地SMG发送一条Submit命令实现的,随后,SP会从SMG接收到一条Submit_Resp应答。 | For example, SP sends a short message to a handset , which is realized by sending a Submit command to the local SMG. Then, SP will receive a Submit_Resp response from the SMG. | |
5 | 充电接口――与充电器连接进行耳机充电 | Charging Port-Accepts the plug for your handset battery charger. | |
6 | 但是,即使应答表示Submit命令已正确接收,也不表示Submit命令内的短消息已经发送到手机上了, | However, even the response means that the Submit command has been received correctly, it does not mean that the short message in the Submit command has been sent to the handset . | |
7 | 对于MT方向的命令(即接收方为用户手机),其路由根据命令中的付费号码和用户号码来综合判断。 | For a MT-direction command (i.e. the receiver is a user′s handset ), the route is determined comprehensively according to the payment number and user number in the command. | |
8 | 而仅仅表示该短消息已经传送到SMG,SMG将会作下一步处理,或者发送给SMSC,或者路由到另外的SMG,最终由目的SMSC发送到手机上。 | It only means that the short message has been delivered to the SMG, and the SMG will further process the message, either sending it to SMSC or routing it to another SMG. At the end the destination SMSC will send it to a handset . | |
9 | 否则根据付费号码所代表的手机号码来选择路由(这样做是考虑到了系统计费和用户鉴权的可行性, | otherwise the route is selected according to the handset number represented by the payment number (the reason for this is the consideration on the feasibility of system billing and user authentication. | |
10 | 公用电话交换网(PSTN).模拟型手持电话的试验规范 | Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN)-Testing specification for analogue handset telephony; English version I-ETS 300480:1996 | |
11 | 基于J2ME平台的手机地图查询系统研究 | A Handset Map Inquiry System Based on J2ME Platform | |
12 | 基于嵌入式系统的手机启动引导程序实现 | The Realization of the Bootloader in Embedded Handset System | |
13 | 基于手机的移动数据访问服务认证模型 | Research and Implementation of Secure Service Model for Data Access Based on Handset | |
14 | 即便是特定电话应用,用户也无需将手机拿到商店或者运营商那里接受服务。 | Even in the case of telephony-specific applications, there is no need to bring the handset into a store or operator location for servicing. | |
15 | 金属边框眼镜对手机辐射剂量的影响 | Effect of Wearing Metal-Frame Spectacles on Radiative Dosage Derived from Handset | |
16 | 拿起手机等内线拨号音,接着按一下键2。这时你能听到外线网的拨号音,然后再用通常方式拨外线号码,注意不要拨错号。 | You pick up the handset , wait for the internal dial-tone, then push button number 2, which will send you the dial-tone of the outside network. After that, you dial the outside number in the usual way, using the appropriate local, regional or international codes. | |
17 | 青少年手机病致手腕疼痛的诊断和综合治疗 | Analysis of Diagnosis and Complex Treatment on Wrist Numbness and Ache Cause by Adolescent Handset Sickness | |
18 | 全球个人电讯(UPT).连接装置.双音.手持电话扩音装置相连的声学耦合用多频发送器 | Universal Personal Telecommunication (UPT)-Access devices-Dual Tone Multi Frequency (DTMF)sender for acoustical coupling to the microphone of a handset telephone; English version I-ETS 300380:1995 | |
19 | 仍然是先拿起手机,等待内线拨号音,再按一下键8,你就会听到低音调的拨号音,然后你就拨你要去的那间办公室的分机号。 | Pick up the handset , wait for the internal dial-tone, push button 8, and you’ 11 receive another lower pitched dial-tone, after which you dial the number of the extension in the office you’ re going to. | |
20 | 如果需要,可将电话听筒插入系统背后的话筒插座中。 | If desire,a telephone handset can be plugged into the tel. | |
21 | 如果运营商希望在一款手机上同时采用J2ME以及BREW技术,仅需一台VM,过一段时间他们即可利用多种VM功能选项。 | Carriers who wish to have both J2ME and BREW on a handset will only need one VM, and over time they will have access to multiple VM options. | |
22 | 试论“第五媒体”-手机短信与体育产业的发展 | On "The Fifth Media"-The Handset Short Note and the Sports Industry Development | |
23 | 手机近场辐射及屏蔽的数值模拟 | Numerical Simulation of EM Radiation and Shielding Effectiveness of Handset | |
24 | 首先分别内线与外线电话。如果是内线电话,首先拿起手机,等待拨号音。 | Of course. First you must make a clear distinction between internal and external calls. For internal calls, pick up the handset , wait for the dial-tone. | |
25 | 通信设备用绕线话筒4 芯软线 | Coiled handset cord for telecommunication devices; 4 wire | |
26 | 新的调查显示,英国的手机盗窃事件正在飞速增长,而差不多同样多的人把手机掉进了厕所里、饮料中,或是不小心把它塞到了要洗的衣服里。 | Mobile phone thefts are soaring in Britain but nearly as many people drop their handset into the toilet or a drink or accidentally put it in with their laundry, a new survey showed | |
27 | 用户可以下载所有能够提高工作效率的应用,实现手机的个性化,与此同时,他们也可以下载各种娱乐应用以及个性化铃声。 | One customer might personalize his or her handset by downloading all business productivity applications, while another might download entertainment applications and a personalized ring tone. | |
28 | 在2001年,你的GPRS手机将使你能始终与网络连接着,并且可以按“每比特”(而不是如今的每分钟)来收取费用--这就意味着用户将自动地接收电子邮件和其他信息,但只需支付所传送数据的费用。 | In 2001 your GPRS handset will enable a permanent connection to the network and allow "per bit" rather than today’s per minute charging--meaning a user will automatically receive e-mail and other information, but pay only for data sent | |
29 | 这是这一秒内收到的第327条短消息,短消息是由号码为8613001125453的手机发送的,SP的接入号码为168,且短消息的内容为ABCD 1234,返回短消息内容为EFGH 5678): | and the message, being the 327th message received in the second, was sent by a handset with the number 8613001125453; the access number of SP is 168, the content of the message is ABCD 1234, and the content of the returned message is EFGH 5678): | |
30 | 这套设备除了一般的电话送话器以外,还包括一个小萤光屏和一个电视摄像机。 | In addition to the usual telephone handset the equipment includes a small television screen and, combined with the screen, a television camera |