1 | ||1:如果穷人被视为确保经济发展的工具,这就解释为什么在当时几乎没有人愿意制定实行帮助穷人脱离贫困的政策了。||2:为消除贫困而采取的任何行动在当时看来根本就是治标不治本的。||3:18世纪,修订《济贫法》的目的便是避免那些业已陷入贫困的人们遭受更悲惨的打击,比如说农作物歉收或遭受丧亲之痛,以免他们的生活更加艰辛。||4:制定此类政策的目的是保护穷人免于陷入彻底的赤贫,而不是帮助他们脱离贫困。 | ||1:If poor people were regarded as instrumental in ensuring economic development, that explains why there was little appetite for policies to help them leave poverty behind.||2:What action there was tended to be palliative in nature.||3:In the 18th century changes to the Poor Laws were designed to stop adverse shocks like failed harvests or bereavements from making life even harder for already poor people.||4:Such policies were designed to protect the poor from the worst deprivations, not to raise them up. | |
2 | 大丰收将咖啡豆价格压低1.2美元每镑,迫使农民亏本售卖。贸易商也挣扎着弥补成本。 | Bumper harvests have pushed bean prices below $1.20 a pound, forcing farmers to sell at a loss. Traders are also struggling to cover costs. | |
3 | 酿酒葡萄对天气变化极为敏感,两名科学家汇整了过去400年间葡萄收成记录,随着气温和降雨量变化,葡萄收成出现变化,两名科学家隶属于美航天局,哥伦比亚大学地球科研中心,以及哈弗大学。 | Wine grapes are very sensitive to their climate, and two scientists affiliated with NASA, Columbia’s Earth sciences center, and Harvard have assembled records of grape harvests for the past 400 years to show trends produced by changes in temperature and precipitation. | |
4 | 与此同时,截止今年,玉米和大豆大丰收,美国玉米和大豆价格也受此影响而低迷。 | American corn and soyabean prices, meanwhile, continue a long streak of weakness caused mainly by harvests that get more bountiful by the year. | |
5 | “2011年至2012年食品价格面临的威胁十分重大,但可能会在8月消失(届时北半球将迎来收获季节)。” | "The food price threat for 2011-12 is very significant, but may disappear in August [when northern hemisphere harvests come in]. " | |
6 | 不过,由于2010年俄罗斯、乌克兰等地区的收成不佳,另一个重要主食小麦的价格正飙升。 | But the cost of the other critical staple, wheat, is rising fast on the back of poor harvests in 2010 in Russia, Ukraine and elsewhere. | |
7 | 朝鲜的粮食收成不足以养活所有民众,近些年,每年的食品短缺都在100万吨左右。 | North Korea’s harvests cannot feed all its people and in recent years the annual food deficit was about 1m tonnes. | |
8 | 此外,一些发展中国家喜获丰收,且主要用于国内消费。 | In addition, some developing countries had good harvests of products that are mainly consumed domestically. | |
9 | 大丰收将反过来缓解粮价的上涨,给那些身陷困境的消费者带来迟到的救济。 | Bigger harvests will, in turn, moderate the price rises, giving belated relief to hard-pressed consumers. | |
10 | 大宇物流计划将收获的玉米和棕榈油运回韩国,但该公司没有披露此项交易的条款。 | It plans to ship the maize and palm oil harvests back to South Korea. Terms of the deal were not disclosed. | |
11 | 但最近如此大范围、长时间的价格上升,已经难以用大雾或者收成不好来恰当解释。 | But recent price rises have been too broad-based and long-lasting to be adequately explained by frost or bad harvests . | |
12 | 动物园在园内及本地其他几个地方种有竹子,但不知怎么的,这些竹最近没有像往常那样正常生长了。 | The zoo harvests bamboo on its premises and at other locations in the area, but for unknown reasons, the stands aren’t regrowing normally. | |
13 | 对俄罗斯、乌克兰和西欧一些地区产量预期的下调是导火索。 | The reduced expectations for harvests in Russia, Ukraine and a few areas in western Europe are the trigger. | |
14 | 对他们的大丰收而表达谢意 | give thanks for their harvests | |
15 | 高回报将吸引资金流向农业,导致丰收高产以及粮价稳定或下滑。 | Higher returns would suck money into farming, leading to higher yields, bigger harvests and stable or falling food prices. | |
16 | 供给限制也是一个重要因素:收成欠佳,投资不足,成本上升。 | Also important have been constraints on supply: bad harvests , inadequate investment and higher costs. | |
17 | 过去数年来的丰收已经帮助中国满足了本国超过95%的粮食需求。 | Bumper harvests for the last few years have helped China supply more than 95 percent of its domestic needs. | |
18 | 很多农民使用上个收获季节保留下来的劣质种子。 | Many use poor-quality seed kept from previous harvests . | |
19 | 怀纳卡帕克总是拥有无尽的收成和充足的玉米酒,可以在库斯科一年一度的节日庆典上奖赏忠诚的子民。 | These provided Huayna Capac with bountiful harvests and enough corn beer to entertain his subjects royally during Cusco’s annual festivals. | |
20 | 获得更大更好的丰收 | have bigger and better harvests | |
21 | 简单的符号是最早的原型文字,似乎是在帮助人类记录下庄稼与牲畜的数量。 | Plain tokens, the earliest kind ofproto-writing, seem to have helped people keep track of harvests andherds. | |
22 | 她们还必须知道恰当的收割时机,以及某块收割的田地何时再次丰收。 | They also must time harvests and know when a certain depleted patch will regenerate and yield good harvest again. | |
23 | 尽管有北美连续两年的大丰收,自2000年起,世界粮食储存量从可供4个月消耗降到了2.6个月。 | The world’s grain stocks have dropped from four to 2. 6 months cover since 2000, despite two bumper harvests in North America. | |
24 | 据新华社报道,赤峰市的农民不得不延迟收获以避免损失。 | Farmers in Chifeng city have had to delay harvests to avoid injury, the state-run Xinhua news agency reported. | |
25 | 卡廷的农民在收获后还得到传统谷仓的帮助,以保收获成果不损失。 | Katine farmers are also receiving post-harvest help through traditional granaries so that their harvests are not lost. | |
26 | 科学家研制出了这种产量更高的高产作物,这后来被称为“绿色革命”。 | Scientists created high-yielding crops that produced bigger harvests in what became known as the Green Revolution. | |
27 | 粮食丰收普遍更好,全球粮食储备更加充足。 | Harvests are generally better, global food stocks are better. | |
28 | 没人知道这些图案的确切意义,但莫希人深信这些动物能带来大丰收。 | No one knows for sure what these creatures mean, but the Moche may have believed the animals would bring healthy harvests . | |
29 | 美国农业部表示,由于6月份遭受洪水袭击,8月份天气炎热,降低了玉米收获率,预计今年玉米产量将比去年减少3. | Corn harvests will fall 3. 4 percent from a year earlier after floods in June and dry weather in August cut yields, the USDA said. | |
30 | 棉花是中国第二重要的传统作物(排在谷类植物之后),1978-1984年间的产量几乎增长了一倍。 | In the case of cotton, traditionally China’s second most important crop (after cereals), harvests almost tripled between 1978 and 1984. |