属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-前苏联的末途 The end of the Sovie
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-年轻与焦躁 The young and the res
1 | ||1:奥利弗·布洛写过一本描述前苏联晚年的著作,阅读之后令人过目难忘,不过其中“停滞部分”却让人不愿直视。||2:关于斯大林和戈尔巴乔夫的传记汗牛充栋,勃列日涅夫却鲜有人问津,即便他眼睁睁地看着前苏联陷入混沌恍惚的泥潭。||3:关于叙述北高加索伤痕累累历史的著作,布洛的《让我们名声大噪》无疑是最好的一本,也就是说,对于俄罗斯过去的创伤如何影响当今时代——布洛的嗅觉像狗一样灵敏。||4:布洛的这本新书集游记和传记于一体,主线以东正教传教士德米特里·杜德科神父的一生为轴。德米特里·杜德科神父代表了一类人,首先反对苏联制度,之后却臣服于它。 | ||1: Stagnation, writes Oliver Bullough in his haunting account of the late Soviet Union, is not sexy. ||2: Biographies of Stalin and Mikhail Gorbachev abound, but nobody has written seriously about Leonid Brezhnev, on whose watch the Soviet Union sank into drunken decay. ||3: The author of a definitive book about the tortured history of the north Caucasus (“Let our Fame be Great”), Mr Bullough has a good sense of how the traumas of Russia’s past affect its present. ||4: His new book is a mixture of travelogue and biography, as he traces the life of Father Dmitry Dudko, an Orthodox priest who exemplified both resistance to Soviet rule and defeat at its hands. | |
2 | ||1:她喜欢讽刺、崇尚个人主义的精神与“人民波兰”的死气沉沉和整齐划一格格不入:诺贝尔评委会说,她的诗有着莫扎特的恬然与贝多芬的愤怒。||2:富有趣味、难以捉摸又耐人寻味,她的诗永远也无法与国家文化部政委指示要求的那种社会主义式的现实风格和平相处。||3:她在一首关于色情文学的诗中嘲讽了波兰当局的党同伐异。 | ||1: Her ironic and individualistic spirit was ill fitted to the grey conformity of “people’s Poland”: the Nobel citation said she wrote with the ease of Mozart and the fury of Beethoven. ||2: Playful, subtle and haunting , her poetry could never be in harmony with the socialist realist style dictated by the country’s cultural commissars. ||3: She mocked their intolerance of dissent in a poem on pornography: | |
3 | ||1:所有的医生都束手无策。||2:缇姆的灵魂独自留在他失控的身体里,思考着是否他的大脑真的出了问题;读者们也在思考。||3:在这里作者费里斯先生很高明的设置了两个难以抉择的判断:缇姆的行为是怪异的,但当一个人失去了他所能理解的生活时这不又是正常的吗?小说中有一个关于一起谋杀案的审判的次要情节,在审判过程中,缇姆在一个晚上同本案的嫌疑犯在一座桥上进行了一场令他难忘的交易,这也使他的精神状况越发不稳定。||4:而此时简在经过她的更年期后也不再猜测丈夫可能患上了精神病。||5:她能想象的到如果医生坚持说她的潮红症状都是她想出来的那将会是一件多么令人恼怒的事情。 | ||1:Doctors around the world have no idea what the problem is.||2:Tim, alone in his mutinous body, is left wondering whether the trouble is in his head.||3:Readers wonder about this too.||4:Here Mr Ferris achieves a clever balance: Tim behaves strangely, but isn’t that natural for anyone who loses the life he understood? Isn’t madness inevitable when suffering from something no one can explain? A subplot about a murder trial, which yields a haunting exchange between Tim and a possible suspect on a bridge at night, raises more questions about his mental stability.||5:Yet Jane stops speculating that her husband might be crazy after she goes through the menopause. | |
4 | “芙蓉姐姐”和她标志性的“S形Pose”,令人印象深刻。 | "Sister Furong" and her iconic "S" pose. Haunting . | |
5 | “贫血”星系NGC4921属于这样一类星系,在这类星系中几乎不存在恒星形成,它只是一个萦绕的半透明物。 | "Anemic" galaxy NGC 4921 belongs to a class of galaxies in which star formation is nearly absent, giving it a haunting translucency. | |
6 | “我有个旅行箱在柏林”是首萦绕在心头的德国歌曲。 | "Ich hab’ noch einen Koffer in Berlin" (I’ve still got a suitcase in Berlin) is a haunting Marlene Dietrich song. | |
7 | “早在[第一个哥斯拉]时,这种挽歌的气质已经就此埋下了”。 | "Already in [the first Godzilla], the elegiac quality is being established" -- as in the haunting score by Akira Ifukube. | |
8 | 5年之内,一座新地标将划过曼哈顿天际,而不再只是心头那挥之不去的缺憾。 | In five years’ time, there will be a new landmark on the Manhattan skyline, and not merely the haunting presence of an absence. | |
9 | LennartNilsson的美妙照片1965年第一次发表的时候,引起了不小的轰动。 | When Lennart Nilsson’s haunting photographs were first published in 1965, they caused a sensation. | |
10 | 把我的头脑都是英语 | The English is haunting in my mind | |
11 | 不过,最著名的鬼魂纠缠是1817年的一场多重谋杀悲剧导致的。 | The most famous haunting , although, resulted from a multi-murder tragedy in 1817. | |
12 | 朝鲜并不是困扰东北亚安全问题上的唯一因素 | North Korea is not the only spectre haunting north-east Asian security | |
13 | 陈寅恪听曲文的文化解读 | Cultural Explanation of Chen Yinque’s Haunting Opera | |
14 | 出现在那条小路上的似乎只有两个实体,就是悲伤的十月和更加悲伤的她自己。 | Sad October and her sadder self seemed the only two existences haunting that lane. | |
15 | 除了牵挂下落不明的妻子和儿子,拜伦·亨利倒是挺喜欢这场和日本进行的新战争。 | Except for the haunting uncertainty about his wife and baby, Byron Henry was enjoying the new war with Japan. | |
16 | 穿着橙色长袍的僧侣向神像敬供鲜花和食物,海螺吹出追人的音调。 | Monks in orange robes offer flowers and food to the gods and produce haunting sounds on conch shells. | |
17 | 从我个人的阅历中我明白这是一件很困扰的事情。 | I know from personal experience that this can be a haunting thing. | |
18 | 但当令人难以忘怀的绞刑视频在互联网上流传,从而招致人权组织的抱怨时,潘基文似乎有些退却。 | But when human rights groups complained, as a haunting video of the hanging was circulated on the internet, he appeared to backpedal. | |
19 | 但是,印象最深的,久久萦绕的鸟叫声是人工的。 | But the most memorable, and haunting , bird-sound was man-made. | |
20 | 地球是一个宏伟的对照,它是一个悬在完全黑暗中的珠宝,繁华混沌的蔓延,在萦绕不断深不可测空性的生命。 | Earth was a magnificent contrast, a jewel hung in utter darkness, an exuberant riot of chaos and life in a haunting , abyssal emptiness. | |
21 | 第三,这些项目有可能使得中国内陆河流出现的退化问题,在那些国际性河流身上再现。 | Third, the projects threaten to replicate in international rivers the degradation haunting China’s internal rivers. | |
22 | 动物被缚塑料可乐环里,还记得这个震慑人心的画面吗? | Remember those haunting images of animals stuck in plastic soda rings? | |
23 | 肥胖问题目前正困扰着英国。 | The problem of obesity is haunting the UK. | |
24 | 鬼魂出没的鬼魂出没的?闹鬼的房子? | a haunted house ? Haunting adj | |
25 | 很多个夜晚,西尔维娅仿佛又听见他的口哨声在树林里回荡。 | Many a night Sylvia heard the echo of his whistle haunting the forest. | |
26 | 接近尾声时,台上一片漆黑,我最喜欢的尚健在的次中音萨克斯管演奏家伊戈尔·布特曼吹奏的曲子萦绕四周。 | The finale began on a dark stage, a haunting series of tunes by my favorite living tenor saxophonist, Igor Butman. | |
27 | 宽恕…提起宽恕,你能否听到那萦绕在心头的琴乐? | Forgiveness. . . can you hear the haunting organ music when forgiveness is mentioned? | |
28 | 困扰之处在于虚无和基本信任的严重缺乏。 | Its nihilism and its unbalanced lack of basic trust are haunting . | |
29 | 离奇的动画形象令人难忘,MV曾在爱丁堡国际电影节上捧得大奖。 | A haunting track with a creepy animation, which won an award at the Edinburgh International Film Festival. | |
30 | 另一个汉代故事则说明,头发丢失给作祟妖魔的人接着会失去他的魂魄,然后死去。 | Another Han story explains that people who lose hair to the haunting demon subsequently lose their spirits and die. 2 |